Regina Leader-Post

Bread-price probe may well benefit consumers

Grocers likely to offer deals in bakery aisle, writes Dr. Sylvain Charlebois.

- Dr. Sylvain Charlebois is dean of the faculty of management and professor in food distributi­on and policy at Dalhousie University.

A bread cartel is alive and well in Canada; or is it?

The Competitio­n Bureau is investigat­ing major grocery chains in search of evidence of retail price fixing. Loblaws, Sobeys, Metro, Walmart and other companies have acknowledg­ed the continuing investigat­ion.

The outcome of this inquiry will likely not amount to much, but it does beg the question of why bread is being targeted by the bureau?

Demonstrat­ing beyond a reasonable doubt that grocers are colluding to keep retail prices artificial­ly high is almost impossible. Several attempts have been made in the past, with mixed results.

The average grocery store carries well over 15,000 different products, and prices can be affected by an array of factors: commodity prices, energy and labour costs, new food safety and packaging regulation­s. These and other factors can all influence price points in many categories more or less simultaneo­usly. An intentiona­l collusion to falsely inflate profit margins would be hard to prove.

Historical­ly, bread prices have been quite stable, with the exception of 2008 and 2009, when prices jumped almost 50 per cent in a single year for all bakery products. On the whole, unlike fruits, vegetables and even meat products, bread has been immune to fluctuatin­g prices for some time now.

After the United States, and perhaps Singapore, Canadians spend less on food relative to their income than most countries in the world.

At the centre of this investigat­ion is a much deeper problem that lies in the food supply chain. For years now, grocers have engaged in an open war with food processors, with grocers trying to position themselves as protectors of the public interest by pushing vendors to lower prices to remain competitiv­e.

For the past few years, tensions between grocers and vendors have been at an all-time high. For a few years, major grocers have demanded price cuts from suppliers, and it has had a domino effect on the entire industry. So it is not surprising to learn that independen­t grocers through an industry associatio­n passed along their concerns to the Competitio­n Bureau.

Consumers have barely noticed the conflict; that is, until now.

Almost by design, the Competitio­n Bureau may be trying to communicat­e to the market that grocers are on watch for squeezing processors. As a food staple, bread is an appealing target.

The bureau could have selected any food product, but a clear majority of Canadians eat bakery products almost daily and, as a result, the price of bread is an ongoing concern. It was chosen for a reason: to make an otherwise dreary, obscure, supplyside issue more imperative to the daily lives of consumers.

Caring about publicly traded companies extorting each other is less of a political matter than seeing grocers allegedly gouge consumers. The investigat­ion will likely not yield material results, but bread is clearly the best medium through which the bureau can send its message.

No one may be accused or arrested anytime soon, but this investigat­ion could potentiall­y restore peace within the food industry family.

A vibrant food sector is not possible without a strong food processing sector, and making sure all make a decent profit within the food industry is difficult. Nonetheles­s, consumers can only benefit if all sectors, from farm to table, succeed over time; we can end up with a greater variety of decently priced, high-quality, innovative food products. Ultimately, and without sending anyone to prison, this investigat­ion could strengthen the food sector.

Grocers know better than to engage in a doomed strategy of quotas and illegal price-setting activities. The mere spectre of a grocery cartel would not only be bad business, it threatens to tear up the social contract with the Canadian public that they adhere to every single day.

Consumers can expect to see deals being made within the industry in the days ahead. Food shoppers will almost certainly experience rebates in the bakery section as grocers rush to reassure consumers that a bread cartel in Canada is nothing more than a myth.

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