Regina Leader-Post

Safe space for people gathering in Saskatoon


SASKATOON Families who address the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls (MMIWG) at this week in Saskatoon will have a safe and welcoming space to gather, away from the hearing rooms.

The Indian and Metis Friendship Centre will suspend its regular programs from Tuesday through Thursday and Friday morning, so family members can use the space to smudge, meet with elders and counsellor­s, listen to music, make art or just visit with each other and those who wish to support them over coffee or a light meal.

Participan­t Danielle Ewenin said local organizers began planning the service weeks ago, after she told them her family felt unsupporte­d after speaking to national inquiry staff in pre-interviews last summer.

Ewenin and members of her extended family intend to come to Saskatoon this week to tell the story of her sister, Eleanor “Laney” Theresa Ewenin, who died from cold exposure in a field outside Calgary in February 1982, after being ejected from a vehicle.

Recalling the pain of their sister’s unsolved murder at the pre-interview was traumatizi­ng to her family members, one of whom “went into a crisis,” afterwards. There were no profession­al counsellor­s available to help, Ewenin said.

“I don’t think they care,” she said of the commission­ers.

Over the past year, a coalition of families has contacted Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett, Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould and spoke out in the media about the national inquiry’s failure to adequately respect and support all families, she said

“They say they’re listening and doing this and this and they’re doing their PR, but this is what’s happening on the ground,” Ewenin said.

Staff of the Friendship Centre and other local organizers began planning the service several weeks ago but it took until Friday afternoon to receive confirmati­on of funding to host the event. Neverthele­ss, volunteers are stepping in to help, including United Church members who will shuttle participan­ts to the Friendship Centre and fill “comfort bags” of hand-knit prayer squares and other small items, to give to family members.

“The good news is people will gather,” said Rev. David Moore of the United Church.

“People will show up and they’ll get some love and they’ll have their truth heard and hopefully that will do something for our world.”

Stories of disarray and confusion within the national inquiry organizati­on have been apparent in the lead up to the Saskatoon event, where local organizers still didn’t have the week’s schedule by mid-afternoon Friday.

Informatio­n about media accreditat­ion and a mandatory Monday technical briefing was finally posted to the website Friday afternoon.

The recent firing of three national inquiry staff, especially that of Morene Gabriel, also caused concern among families and communitie­s for whom she was the compassion­ate, reliable connection, Ewenin said.

Members of Kawacatoos­e First Nation had requested a hearing and Gabriel had worked to get them on the Saskatoon schedule but by the end of last week, they hadn’t heard back from whoever is doing her job now, Ewenin said.

While the national inquiry has disappoint­ed Ewenin, she will participat­e to put Laney’s story on the record and in hope of closure.

“They’re going ahead with it regardless of how they conduct it. This is the only chance for our family,” she said.

Three hearing days will be preceded by traditiona­l events on Monday, beginning with a morning pipe ceremony and ending with a community feast.

Some of the stories will be told in a public forum, while some families will make their presentati­ons to the commission­ers in private.

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