Regina Leader-Post


Slain leader’s son calls for ‘blood’ to be avenged


SANAA, YEMEN • Heavy airstrikes by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition rocked Yemen’s capital on Tuesday, striking Sanaa’s densely populated neighbourh­oods in apparent retaliatio­n for the killing of former president Ali Abdullah Saleh by the Shiite rebels who control the city.

Residents reported heavy bombing, and a United Nations official said at least 25 airstrikes hit the capital over the past 24 hours. The Saudiled coalition battling the rebels had thrown its support behind Saleh just hours before his death, as the longtime strongman’s alliance with the rebels unravelled.

Saleh’s body, which had appeared in a video by the militias with a gaping head wound, was taken to a rebelcontr­olled military hospital. A rebel leader, speaking to a mass rally in Sanaa, said Saleh’s wounded sons had been hospitaliz­ed, without providing further details.

The gruesome images from the previous day sent shock waves among Saleh’s followers. The grisly end recalled that of his contempora­ry, Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi, in 2011.

Saleh’s son Salah said on Facebook Tuesday that he won’t receive condolence­s for his father’s death until “after avenging the blood” of the former leader. Salah also urged his father’s followers to fight their former allies, the Shiite rebels known as Houthis.

Meanwhile, Arab League chief Ahmed Aboul-Gheit denounced Saleh’s “assassinat­ion” at the hands of “criminal militias,” and warned of a further escalation of the war and Yemen’s humanitari­an crisis. A spokesman quoted Aboul-Gheit as saying the internatio­nal community should label the Houthis a “terrorist” organizati­on.

“All means should be tackled for the Yemeni people to get rid of this black nightmare,” he said.

Iran, which supports the Houthis but denies arming them, welcomed Saleh’s killing, saying it had put an end to a Saudi conspiracy. “He got what he deserved,” Ali Akbar Velayati, an aide to Iran’s supreme leader, was quoted as saying by the semioffici­al Tasnim news agency.

Saleh’s slaying likely gives the rebels the upper hand in the clashes in Sanaa, which ended after his death, while also dashing the hopes of Yemen’s Saudi-backed government that the former president’s recent split with the Iranian-allied Houthis would have weakened them.

Mohamed Ali al-Houthi, a rebel leader, said Tuesday that “some sons” of Saleh have been hospitaliz­ed, without providing details. Speaking before the large rally, al-Houthi said “we hadn’t hoped for what happened.”

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