Regina Leader-Post

Incumbent or lone wolf? NDP has choice to make

- D.C. FRASER @dcfraser

After 692 days, Saskatchew­an New Democrats are removing the ‘interim’ qualifier from in front of their leader’s title on Saturday.

Despite the extensive time afforded people to contemplat­e running, only two were interested enough in the job to apply. Both have run and lost out on it before.

Ryan Meili lost bids for the leadership in 2009 and 2013, but that was before the 42-year-old was a sitting MLA. Having won a byelection for the Saskatoon Meewassin seat last year, the soft-spoken family physician is hoping his dues have been paid and the third time will be the charm.

He was able to attract more money from more people than his opponent, doing so without any support from unions or corporatio­ns. It is clear he knows how to gain support and inspire people at the grassroots level.

Like Meili, longtime Regina Rosemont MLA Trent Wotherspoo­n — first elected in 2007 — is hoping for a much better showing this time around. He also ran in 2013, placing third; but since then he has been afforded the opportunit­y to serve as the party ’s interim leader. When he was named to the job he was adamant that seeking the permanent role was not on his to-do list, but that changed over the course of 2017.

Wotherspoo­n’s experience in that role is an advantage. It gave him the opportunit­y to speak directly to Saskatchew­an people — and NDP voters — for several months. It also helped him win over the support of his caucus colleagues; most of the NDP caucus is supporting him.

But who will win remains a mystery going into Saturday. Both candidates are cautiously optimistic, but neither of them is measuring the drapes in the office of the Official Opposition leader just yet.

Party members are equally unsure of the outcome, well aware of the reasons why the race is so close. On policy, Meili and Wotherspoo­n are largely in agreement (although both would argue why their specifics should give them the edge.)

They are close enough that many voters are weighing the personalit­y of the candidate over the politics of the candidate.

Wotherspoo­n is a proven leader, described by many as a “team player” who has the benefit of support from enough longtime, dyed-in-the-wool members that an argument could be made he is the “establishm­ent” candidate.

His incumbency in Regina Rosemont helps solidify that narrative — and it doesn’t hurt it is a riding claiming more NDP members than all but one other. It also doesn’t hurt the constituen­cy with the most NDP members, Regina Pasqua, is right next door.

But NDP members are cognizant another candidate who is perceived as close to the centre, as Wotherspoo­n often is, may not be the best way to defeat a powerful Saskatchew­an Party. The thinking goes: That hasn’t worked in the four previous elections, perhaps its time for a change.

Meili’s leadership abilities are less of a known entity, but could bring about such a change. He is perceived by some colleagues and party members as more of a lone wolf. Some evidence of that was provided on the day he announced his leadership intentions: His caucus colleagues and NDP staffers were not made aware it was happening until moments before.

A new approach to politics is what Meili has been pitching for several months. He is no retail politician, and has been criticized for being too far left. Whether that is a fair assessment will come into focus if his leadership bid is successful, but it is a narrative that will to nag him if he is leading the NDP into a general election.

Ballots for NDP members were largely submitted online and a winner will be named Saturday at a leadership convention in Regina.

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