Regina Leader-Post




Listening Moon

One way to ensure that you’re always right is to speak strictly on topics you know everything about. You can also employ this strategy when your aim is to be an insufferab­le bore. No? Then, forget about right and be attractive instead. That’s mostly accomplish­ed through good listening. The Libra moon helps with these kinds of graces. ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your leisure is another person’s work, and your work is another person’s leisure. From this frame, it’s really not what you do, but the quality of relaxation you bring to it that puts it in the category of enjoyment. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The biggest winners have failed the most times. The great people have failed greatly. Failure is the best teacher, though a reviled one. Is that really fair? Befriend it instead. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It’s said that fate doesn’t like to be tempted, although you’re not one to live your life by the preference­s of others, not even fate. You’re curious about what will happen if you hang a temptation in the air, and you’ll find out. CANCER (June 22-July 22). The confident move is to let people take as much space as they need without interjecti­ng your own feelings on the matter. However, it should be noted that sometimes the most confident move doesn’t accomplish your aims. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your instinct will be to make quick decisions. Often they will be fast, sometimes not -- and that’s fine, too. Wrong choices lead to right choices for those committed to learning from them. on it: VIRGO This (Aug. is not 23-Sept. going 22). to unfold Count in unfold the way in the you way expect, it’s supposed but it will to. Interrupti­ons lovely. Extras and will additions be lucky will and be better LIBRA than the (Sept. main 23-Oct. event. 23). There are many ways to expand your creative potential, but the one that will most appeal is the same one you employed so often as a child: copying the older kids as you played and managed the challenges of life together. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. A conversati­on is only as strong as its most sensitive topic. And a relationsh­ip is only as strong as its most vulnerable aspects. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).

Because learning comes with its own payoff (complete with a wonderful change in brain chemistry at that “I’ve got it!” moment), it can be very seductive to stay in the education bubble. Take courage. Step out and apply it. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).

You’ll be around physical beauty and intellectu­al beauty, both equally attractive at first. However, over time, intellectu­al beauty may grow as quickly as physical beauty fades. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).

You’d rather solve your own problem than appear needy. But people want to help. That’s a need, too, and one that would be easy for you to serve. Just ask for the help they need to give. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).

Plato suggested to his young student, “Time will change and even reverse many of your present opinions” -- a fine reason to steer clear of the big topics. The same will apply to you today. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March

3). This year you’ll have the sort of people in your life who will grow and change right along with you, celebratin­g all of your incarnatio­ns -- what an astounding treasure! Also it will get easier and easier to see and take the steps leading to your own happiness -- simple, yes, but people are generally not so good at this. Libra and Sagittariu­s adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 4, 27, 6, 10 and 22.

COSMICALLY CURIOUS ABOUT... SELF-PARENTING (PART TEN): The road to maturity involves becoming an increasing­ly adept parent to oneself. In the new parenting book “Achtung Baby,” American author Sara Zaske explores the more permissive style of German parenting. When it comes to self-parenting, Sagittariu­s is all about a similarly permissive style that includes plenty of “free play.” Sagittariu­s feels best when letting the inner child come up with his or her own games and rules without too much direction and coaching. Growing up, after all, is mainly accomplish­ed through experiment­ation and mistakes -lots of mistakes. It is therefore an impediment to growth to prevent them from happening.

All of this occurs under the umbrella of what’s “within reason.” Of course, what’s reasonable to a Sagittariu­s is probably risky to most other signs. That’s part of the charm of Sagittariu­s, and also part of the Sagittaria­n reputation for being tremendous­ly lucky.

This luck is augmented further by an ounce of precaution. Or if an ounce is too much, how about a tablespoon, Sagittariu­s? At the very least, make sure your friend group is stocked with a Virgo and a very nurturing Cancer. These signs will help you see when you are unnecessar­ily taking Evel Knievelsiz­ed risks. CELEBRITY PROFILES: “This American Life” host and producer Ira Glass mixes the true stories of everyday people with an eclectic array of artistry to intrigue and inform his millions of listeners and fans. Pisces natives like Glass have the superpower of deep empathy, which helps them relate to a wide range of personalit­ies. Glass uses his gifts to bridge gaps, increase understand­ing and bring people together.


Sun and Neptune Perspectiv­e Shift

You only know what you’ve learned. You only see what you can from where you are. Greater awareness is the key to solving the problem -- to solving all of the problems. So how do you change your point of view? Do you need an airplane? Do you need a microscope? These are the questions as the sun and Neptune come together today.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). One scientific tweet claiming that men are six times likelier to be struck by lightning than women spurred a long stream of questions. A claim you make today will do the same. TAURUS (April 20-May 20).

Often what’s needed is just to act. Sometimes thinking is more important. And then there are the times when it gets “meta.” Thinking into the thinking will be necessary. Observe the thoughts. Open them for inquiry. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ve strong feelings about something others don’t seem fazed by. It doesn’t mean that your feelings are incorrect or that no one would share them. You’re in one situation with a few people. Get a larger sample. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Some of the best speakers in the world had terrible nervousnes­s about it, including Mark Twain, Winston Churchill and even Abraham Lincoln. So you’re in good company when the nerves hit and you go on and do it anyway. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).

Magicians, politician­s, filmmakers and entertaine­rs of all kinds learn to control the perspectiv­e of others, drawing attention to what they want others to experience. You’ll be called on to do this to some extent today. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Read your surroundin­gs with attention so you can capitalize on opportunit­ies that others don’t notice. However decent your plan may be, you also need that backup plan. It wouldn’t hurt to reverse-engineer the situation, either. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It’s nicer to have supportive people around you. It helps. Sometimes it makes all the difference. But when they’re not around or they’re not acting right, just remember that it’s not their job to believe in you; it’s yours.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Someone disappoint­ed you, but instead of condemning the person, you tried to understand the situation, and that got you over your disappoint­ment. The maturity you gained back there will help you with today’s situation. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You might detach from others slightly today, but it’s not because you don’t care. It’s about giving others the room they need to handle what matters without getting in the way of the lesson. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19).

Some say the people around you are a random matter, and others believe that fate has a hand in it and that you cross paths with people for a reason. Whichever way you believe, it will prove so very true today. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The way to learn anger management is to get angry and then manage it. If you don’t often get angry, you have less practice. Though you can’t always choose how to feel, sometimes you can. It’s the crux of today’s challenge. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20).

Those who don’t like confrontat­ion may not understand the euphoria some get from being in the heat of the battle. They’ll keep fighting for the sake of it, even after all has been technicall­y resolved. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 4).

This solar return gives you guts and glory. As you become increasing­ly independen­t of the good opinion of others, you’re able to go places and experience things you wouldn’t have considered before. Your sphere of influence expands, and resources open up to you. You’ll give half away to those who need it more. Libra and Virgo adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 1, 33, 28, 49 and 6. FORECAST FOR THE WEEK

AHEAD: You can do things in dreams that you almost never get the chance to do in life -- for instance, fly, fight the bad creatures, get endlessly lost in strange towns while realizing that you also can’t find your clothes. Many people are relieved to wake up and discover that the current adventure is only a dream. Some wish they could wake up from their waking lives in a similar fashion. The annual conjunctio­n of the sun -- the planet that rules identity -- and Neptune, the sign of dreams, will bring a sort of awakening, or at the very least a much-needed perspectiv­e shift. Whether you need to see the bigger picture or the smaller one, Neptune helps you mentally fit into the required space for an enlighteni­ng point of view.

Mercury and Venus both get reborn in Aries this week. Aries is the sign of the ram, the firstborn child of the zodiac and the cosmic warrior. Mercury will energize our mundane lives with this shift, adding ambition to ordinary pursuits and a sprinkle of competitio­n for good measure. Venus in Aries favors young love, meet-cutes and the kind of adversaria­l love one might find in the opening minutes of a romantic comedy.

Jupiter turns retrograde on Thursday, mixing up our notions of good luck and bad as though there were no difference. CELEBRITY PROFILES:

Former Victoria’s Secret angel Erin Heatherton bridged the career gap between model and actress with roles in the movie “Grown Ups 2” and the television series “The League.” There’s more to come for the Pisces born with three planets in ambitious, business-minded Capricorn. With Mars and Jupiter in the fiscally oriented Taurus, Heatherton has the natal chart of a mogul.

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