Regina Leader-Post



Curiosity Moon

Some things are interestin­g because you were already interested in them: Your life has made you curious, for one reason or another, about certain topics -- a celebrity’s backstory, perhaps, or a work-related issue. And then some things are inherently interestin­g, but most people don’t care. Be the exception and you’re golden under this Sagittariu­s moon.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). In David Eggers’ fine art exhibit “Ungrateful Mammals,” one sketched boar suggests, “Let’s love each other as if we loved each other.” This about sums up one of your relationsh­ips today, dear boar.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20).

School children aren’t the only ones challenged with finding the right friends. Life changes as company does. You’ll become like the people you’re around the most. Considerin­g this, much thought will go into social decisions. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). The stupid little things will turn out to be neither stupid nor little. In fact, today they will be the details that make or break a relationsh­ip, a deal or a first impression. CANCER (June 22-July 22).

While the support of peers, colleagues and friends would be pretty nice about now, everyone is so busy today that you’re unlikely to get much attention, let alone help. Good news, though: You don’t really need it.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’re going after a dream, not a person. One person is never the only route to happiness and/or success. Keep reminding yourself there are over 7 billion people in the world, many of whom would be terrific for your life.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ve taken the time explore, understand and accept yourself, so now you get to have a lot of fun with the result. You’ll enjoy your own company, as well you should. You’re a delight.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Your best outcome will be a product of either working to make the inside as beautiful as the outside or the outside as beautiful as the inside -- or to raise the overall attractive­ness of both. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Certain thinking patterns are about as obvious and natural to you as the way you hold a fork. That doesn’t make them helpful, correct or unchangeab­le. Don’t let your thoughts go unexamined today. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). To be extraordin­ary, you have to think big. You have to believe that improving is not only possible but also the natural outcome for people who want to learn and grow. Continue on. You’re headed toward greatness. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It took time to understand your situation and the people in it, but now you do. Celebrate the fact that the people who once bothered you are no longer a problem. There’s no cause for worry. You know what’s likely to happen.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18).

The people in your life don’t seem to appreciate you nearly as much as the outsiders who praise and admire you today. Get a few tricks up your sleeve to combat the unfortunat­e byproducts of familiarit­y.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your loyalty will one day be rewarded and your optimism will prove wellplaced. Just don’t expect that to happen today, or anytime soon. Let the care you give others be its own reward.


You’re a free spirit. You’re so willing to try life in new ways that there is no “normal” for the next few weeks. Friends and romance are the happy byproduct of your adventures. A lot of money runs through your hands in July and August; the wheeling and dealing will put you ahead. Your talent will be celebrated in September. Leo and Cancer adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 10, 7, 39, 48 and 1.


“I am a passionate person, which has gotten me into trouble before. Do you have any advice or insights about someone with Venus in Leo like me?”

You understand flirting and are a master at all aspects of attraction. You can probably turn your magnetic power on and off, like a switch. So staying out of so-called “trouble” is about being judicious. Know when to turn it off. You have excellent style and might spend way too much on maintainin­g it, but somehow you figure it works out in the end. You would do well in a business related to theatrical­ity and glamour. The bad part about this aspect is that you have a tendency toward drama in relationsh­ips, and will find yourself in situations that could only have been constructe­d by soap opera writers. You are a fantastic partner and are so generous (with money, emotions and affection) that you give more than you can afford. But you never come out a loser because of this habit: In the end, your experience enriches you. You see relationsh­ips as a stage supporting you in your best performanc­e as your most evolved self. When you fall short, try not to let your ego get too bruised. Remember, the show must go on!

CELEBRITY PROFILES: It’s not too difficult to see Alec Baldwin as an Aries: His feisty charm gives him away, as does the way his gentlemanl­y wit is occasional­ly punctuated by a passionate outburst, usually in the name of protecting a loved one. Baldwin’s moon and Jupiter, both in Libra, reveal Baldwin to be a generous partner. Venus and Mars in Aquarius show that he’s happiest when doing charity.

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