Regina Leader-Post

Cheeky chocolatie­r becomes a hit in the U.K.


- Danielle Edwards

The United Kingdom can’t get enough of a Canadian master chocolatie­r with a cheeky sense of humour. Kevin Richards’ protein-packed chocolate bark gained internatio­nal attention when Roy Isserlis tweeted a picture of the Barrie, Ont., man standing next to his SHYTE product.

“Oh my f----- God, I am dying,” he wrote. “Surely this guy has one Scottish friend who should have told him?”

The tweet has more than 14,000 likes and has been shared almost 6,000 times. U.K. papers pointed out that “SHYTE” sounds just like how many Scottish and Irish people pronounce the slang term for excrement, and The Daily Mail gleefully suggested the company “may want to re-brand after Scots were sent into hysterics by its very rude name.”

But Richards couldn’t be happier with his branding success. In an interview, he confirmed that he is definitely in on the joke. He also spoke about his love affair with chocolate and what his plans are now that so many people want to get their hands on his SHYTE.

Q You’re famous in the U.K. now. How has your life changed?

A I actually had to turn the ringer off my phone on Thursday night. My phone was ringing every five minutes with everything from orders to inquiries. I got asked to sponsor a soccer team in Northern Scotland. I’ve had people ask me if this is a real product.

Q Why did you choose SHYTE?

A I was talking to this woman who was doing some marketing stuff for other companies and I said, “I’m having a hard time. I want to call it C4.” We both agreed C4 was too scientific sounding and I said “I really should just name it SHYTE.” And she laughed. I said, “If we can figure out an acronym for this, I can make this work.” And she said, “Oh my god, you’re serious.” So her eyes lit up and she goes, "Let’s make this work." So I came up with ”Seriously Helps You To Energize" — because it does. And I just started thinking, "Eat SHYTE." How fun is that?

It went from “Eat SHYTE” to I’m going to have a show and it’s going to be called a SHYTE show where SHYTE hits the fan. I was doing a show and handing out chocolate and I said, “Here you go, have a SHYTEeatin­g grin." Everything was so SHYTE-oriented to the point it was almost obnoxious, but it was also fun.

Q Did you expect this level of attention?

A If you were to ask my sister she would say that I love attention (laughs).

It was one of those things where you kind of hope. I always thought it was kind of a brilliant and fun thing and I was like “How does this get out there?" And this is it. This is where it really suddenly takes off.

It’s nice to be able to tell people “Eat SHYTE” and they’re like “What?” And I’m like, “Here’s my card.”

Q When did you fall in love with chocolate?

A When I was a little kid, I would eat my mom’s bakers chocolate because I wanted chocolate so badly. I could shovel a bag of chocolate chips (into my mouth) in 10 minutes and not have enough chocolate. My mom’s baseball team used to pay me to be the bat boy with Mars Bars. My nickname as a kid was “Mars Bars.”

I’ve always had an interest in chocolate. I always sort of delved in it and made funny little peanut butter cups or whatever else. Then, about eight or nine years ago, a friend of mine said “Kevin, you make some really great stuff with your chocolate. Why don’t you try doing something with it?”

So I took a chocolatie­r course, graduated with honours from that, with an A+ average. And in 2012, I got accepted into the Belgian Chocolate Academy and studied there.

Q What’s next?

A I’m going to ramp it up. I’ve always wanted to have chocolate be my full income and my main go-to and this is giving me the opportunit­y to do something I’ve always dreamt of. Q Is there anything else you’d like to say about SHYTE? A Well, I’d love to tell you to, “Eat SHYTE,” but I’d mean it in a good way.

 ?? SHYTE PROTEIN CHOCOLATE / FACEBOOK ?? Kevin Richards has struck PR gold with his SHYTE chocolate.
SHYTE PROTEIN CHOCOLATE / FACEBOOK Kevin Richards has struck PR gold with his SHYTE chocolate.

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