Regina Leader-Post

Spot reduction is not the best deduction

As much as we may wish, experts say it’s impossible to reduce area-specific fat


Though swimsuit season may be a couple months away, you might be looking in the mirror at any number of eyesores — beer belly, thigh rub, bra bulge, love handles, saddlebags — and asking: Can I get rid of that through exercise and diet? In other words, spot reduction. “No, it doesn’t work that way,” says Todd Miller, professor of nutrition and exercise sciences at George Washington University. “Fat in your body is like gas in your gas tank. Thinking you can reduce fat from your stomach alone is like saying you want to use gas only from the right side of your gas tank.”

Fat, just like gas in your car, is stored energy. It gets recruited equally from all over your body and sent to the muscles to be burned, Miller says.

But why then do we carry more of it in certain areas?

“Genetics is the most important determinan­t for where fat is stored,” says Scott Kahan, director of the U.S. National Center for Weight and Wellness. “Often we have relatively similar shapes as our parents.”

Gender and age are also part of the equation, Kahan says. Men tend to carry more fat in the midsection, and women tend to have more around thighs and hips.

A toned look requires not only low body fat but also a genetic predisposi­tion to have a fairly equal distributi­on of fat all over the body. (Low body fat means roughly 15 per cent for a woman and less than that for a man. In comparison, the American Council on Exercise lists 25 to 31 per cent body fat as average for women; for men, 18 to 24 per cent is average.)

In other words, Miller says, if you had two men standing side by side, both with 15 per cent body fat, but one carries it evenly and the other doesn’t, the former would be more likely to have six-pack abs.

The best way to achieve 15 per cent body fat?

“Total body movements, highintens­ity drills, adequate rest and a boring diet,” says personal trainer Gabe Free.

When he was trying to trim fat, that meant a diet consisting of lean proteins and vegetables with a few cheat meals. His breakfast every day was kale and eggs, and his favourite cheat meal was hamburgers. He kept up his usual workout routine, including dead lifts and squats.

“I didn’t lose weight, but I leaned out,” he says. In other words, his body fat percentage — fat-to-muscle ratio — went down.

The reason total body movements (planks, squats, lunges, etc.) are more effective for weight loss and overall fitness than, say, crunches, is that using more large muscle groups requires more energy and builds more muscle, Free says. More muscle means a higher resting metabolic rate.

But that has nothing to do with spot reduction. As Kahan puts it, “You can’t do more squats and expect to lose weight around your thighs.”

This is why the ever-present ads for various “ab busters” are misleading. The abdominals are a relatively small muscle group and don’t require a lot of energy to be engaged, Free says.

“Ads manipulate you with that image — the lean model,” he says. “But the ab wheel or whatever it is didn’t make the model look like that.”

In fact, being overly focused on one muscle group can do more harm than good, Kahan says. It can create muscle imbalances. If the front of the body, including the abs, is too strong and the back is too weak, we get the hunched-over “caveman look.” Aside from being unattracti­ve, that can also cause back pain.

Age is important, too, when it comes to body fat. As we get older, our lean body mass (muscle) tends to decrease, especially in men whose testostero­ne levels start dropping in their 40s, while fat increases. In aging women, inactivity seems to be more instrument­al in fat gain than hormonal changes, Miller says.

The one thing that truly works for spot reduction, at least from an esthetic standpoint, is liposuctio­n and other medical procedures that remove fat and fat cells, Kahan says. But he doesn’t promote liposuctio­n because the procedure doesn’t promote overall health benefits the way healthy nutrition and exercise does, he says.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? Genetics, age, diet and muscle mass all affect where and how our bodies carry fat.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O Genetics, age, diet and muscle mass all affect where and how our bodies carry fat.

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