Regina Leader-Post

Pipeline purchase decision is Trudeau’s folly

Prime minister’s attempt to play two sides will come back to haunt him

- JOHN GORMLEY John Gormley is a broadcaste­r, lawyer, author and former Progressiv­e Conservati­ve MP whose radio talk show is heard weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on 650 CKOM Saskatoon and 980 CJME Regina.

Ottawa will buy a struggling oil pipeline project for $4.5 billion in a bid to save it. The politics are even more bizarre than the economics.

After personally killing the Northern Gateway pipeline and arbitraril­y changing the rules, which caused the cancellati­on of Energy East, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau naively thought that he could do two things at once, repeatedly chanting “the economy and the environmen­t go hand-in-hand.”

As he encouraged virulent anti-oil activists who heard him muse on “phasing out the oilsands,” at the same time Trudeau promised the energy sector to “get our resources to market and, yes, that includes our oilsands fossil fuels, in a responsibl­e, sustainabl­e way.”

Trudeau’s quid pro quo was always to build Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline extension, a 1,150-kilometre, $7.4 billion project from Edmonton to Burnaby, following the same route as the original 60-yearold Trans Mountain line.

For Trudeau, it would be so easy — play both sides, take some selfies, do a bit of virtue signalling, even impose 157 new conditions on Kinder Morgan (making it look like he was being more rigorous with Big Oil) and then everything would come together.

Trudeau’s calculus was that eco-activists, mollified by his carbon taxes and the death of two pipelines, would give the PM a pass on Trans Mountain. On the business side, a weary and pummelled energy industry would at least be thankful for one remaining pipeline and the vital access to tidewater it would bring for oil exports.

But life doesn’t work that way. Activists don’t take yes for an answer. And they don’t settle for partial victories. For the crazy carbon-free crowd it’s all or nothing.

Trans Mountain has been in serious trouble for months, stalled by obdurate anti-oil activists who ignore regulatory decisions and the rule of law. And they’ve found a home in B.C.’s new NDPGreen provincial government and certain municipali­ties and Indigenous groups.

For any sensible investor the completion risk was too great.

In the past few months, rather than assert federal constituti­onal jurisdicti­on over the pipeline by passing legislatio­n setting out Ottawa’s paramountc­y, Trudeau did not want to alienate his green left wing base of Lower Mainland voters in B.C. So, the strategy was to keep talking and hoping the zealots would climb down.

Every completion risk that faced Kinder Morgan still exists today with Trudeau’s pending Crown corporatio­n pipeline company — frivolous and delay-motivated litigation, dogmatic provincial and local politician­s and activists prepared to do anything to stop the pipeline.

Whether a Crown corporatio­n can buy assets for $4.5 billion and then construct a pipeline with an all-in price of $7.4 billion will remain to be seen. But who cares? It’s only our money. The same thought resonates on how taxpayers will emerge under Trudeau’s exit sale strategy.

At a retail political level, Trudeau’s pipeline gambit is stupefying. At the outset, this pipeline nationaliz­ation is the policy equivalent of “you broke it, you buy it.” There’s no big win and even in the heart of the oilpatch this will not gain Trudeau one single vote.

But on the left wing, antioil flank, Trudeau’s friends he was so afraid of offending are now seeing their tax dollars being used to buy the very thing that defines their activism: an oil pipeline. You can hear the rage from here.

Radical leftist and Greenpeace­r Tzeporah Berman tweeted “those of us who knocked on doors for Justin Trudeau will not forget.” And, she ominously added, “all hell is about to break loose in British Columbia.”

Initial thought for a 2019 election slogan: “Harper was right: Trudeau really wasn’t ready.”

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