Regina Leader-Post

Mounties are still looking into land sales

Meanwhile, Sask. RCMP continue to investigat­e land transactio­n matter


Manitoba’s Justice department has finished its review of an RCMP investigat­ion into land transactio­ns involving the Global Transporta­tion Hub (GTH) — but the police investigat­ion continues.

According to the RCMP, on April 5 it received the results of the Manitoba prosecutio­ns review; but it is unclear if Manitoba prosecutor­s recommende­d charges be laid or not.

“While Manitoba Prosecutio­n Service was reviewing the file, RCMP investigat­ors determined there was further investigat­ion required, therefore, we continue to actively investigat­e this matter,” said an RCMP statement issued Friday.

“As our investigat­ion is continuing we cannot speak to any informatio­n related to the investigat­ion. However, we are committed to advising the public of the results of the investigat­ion once it is complete,” it added.

An RCMP investigat­ion into the GTH deals — which saw two businessme­n connected to the Saskatchew­an Party profit off land purchases made by the government at inflated prices — has taken place since at least April 2016.

In September 2017, the LeaderPost confirmed the RCMP investigat­ion was close to concluding and that the matter would be forwarded to prosecutor­s in Manitoba for review.

In November, the RCMP confirmed its investigat­ion was being reviewed by Manitoba prosecutor­s.

“We are not in a position to provide a timeline at this time as to when that process might be completed, but the RCMP is committed to advising the public as to the results when it is appropriat­e to do so,” said an RCMP spokesman at the time, adding “we are working with the Manitoba Crown attorney’s office on this file.”

According to the RCMP, members of the federal policing section were tasked with conducting the investigat­ion, because they have expertise in financial crimes investigat­ions.

The decision to lay charges or not ultimately rests with the RCMP.

A group opposing the province’s Regina bypass project provided to the Leader-Post a letter it had received from Manitoba’s assistant deputy attorney general.

“Manitoba Justice’s involvemen­t in this matter has concluded and any questions or concerns you may have regarding the investigat­ion should be addressed to the Saskatchew­an RCMP,” wrote Michael Mahon, in a letter dated June 1.

When contacted, the Manitoba prosecutio­ns branch refused to provide any details and said in a statement the RCMP in Saskatchew­an would be best positioned to respond to questions.

In September last year, the premier’s office issued a statement indicating, “When the RCMP conclude their work, they provide the informatio­n to the Justice Ministry. At that point it is up to prosecutio­ns whether they send it out of province to be reviewed or not. Prosecutio­ns is completely independen­t from government, therefore government does not ‘ask’ or ‘order’ them to handle cases in a specific way.”

Premier Scott Moe, elected in January, said he would decide what next steps to take regarding the GTH and the potential need for a forensic audit or public inquiry after the RCMP completes its investigat­ions and the findings are made public.

While Manitoba Prosecutio­n Service was reviewing the file, RCMP investigat­ors determined there was further investigat­ion required.

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