Regina Leader-Post



It’s as if Justin Trudeau is being preyed upon by an incubus that takes the form of robust, right-wing populists with a fondness for provocativ­e statements and self-tanning products.

It has not been a good week for the prime minister.

A quick scan of Friday’s headlines revealed a feud crystalliz­ing with U.S. President Donald Trump; the election of potential nemesis Doug Ford as Ontario premier; and a May employment report that one economist described as “a bit of a stinker.”

Clearly the bad news is arbitrary, but the cumulative impact will be so worrying for the Liberals the temptation may be to join Trump in an Old Testament-style, eye-for-an-eye Twitter war as a popular diversion.

The president arrived in Charlevoix, Que., for the G7 Friday lunchtime and was greeted with an embarrasse­d handshake by the prime minister, as if Trump were the mad uncle who needs to be kept away from the wedding guests.

The problem with that is that Trudeau really needs to secure a deal with Trump on the North American Free Trade Agreement to keep those jobs numbers on track and head off the kind of electoral insurrecti­on just witnessed in Ontario.

Trump upped the ante Thursday night with a tweet that accused Trudeau of being “indignant” about U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum but omitting that “they charge us up to 300 per cent on dairy that is hurting our farmers and killing our agricultur­e.”

That was typical hyperbole — Canada remains the largest market for American farm exports at around US$20 billion, according to the U.S. Department of Agricultur­e. The Americans have their own trade-distorting farm tariffs — 350 per cent on tobacco; 132 per cent on peanuts — and an overall trade surplus with Canada, once services are included.

But Trump is right that Canada has been hypocritic­al when it chides him for protection­ism but shelters its own dairy industry behind tariff walls. He is now fixated on the issue and it seems there will be no deal without major concession­s on market access. Promisingl­y, Trudeau said on U.S. television last week that there was “flexibilit­y” on farm access.

But he has since painted himself into a corner — and as former prime minister Jean Chrétien used to tell his cabinet, when you paint yourself into a corner, you walk on the paint.

While in the Quebec’s Saguenay region this week he addressed a protest against concession­s on dairy and poultry in NAFTA, jumping on the tailgate of a pickup truck and saying he wouldn’t sign a deal that didn’t include supply management. “That is a promise,” he said, to cheers from the farmers.

But when asked whether that meant supply management would remain untouched, he equivocate­d. “I hear you, I understand your concerns. But I don’t want to start detailing all the ways that we are trying to talk to the Americans,” he said — a fudge that deflated the euphoria.

Trudeau is reaching that part of his mandate where he can no longer please all of the people all of the time. Tough decisions are being forced upon him and one of them should be to grant the U.S. market access on dairy, if that is what is required to strike a new NAFTA deal and forestall the 25-per-cent import tariff on autos Trump has threatened.

At the same time Trump is stalking Trudeau’s nightmares, Ford’s sweeping victory in Ontario ridings that voted Liberal in the 2015 federal election will only add to the torment.

The most striking thing about the premier-designate’s win was how convincing­ly he won seats in Etobicoke, Mississaug­a, Oakville, Vaughan, Markham, Newmarket, Pickering, Whitby and Ajax — the arc of suburban cities around Toronto that voted solidly Liberal in the federal election less than three years ago.

The question the parties will now be seeking to answer is: was this pent-up desire for change specific to provincial politics? Was Kathleen Wynne’s well-deserved trouncing because of an accumulati­on of scandals, cost overruns, hypocrisy, accounting tricks and tendency to place the interests of the Liberal party over the province?

Or, could it be voters are getting fed up with the incessant identity politics also engaged in by the federal Liberal party? If that is the case, the canary is bereft of life in its cage and the Trudeau Liberals had best take a leaf out of the populist Ford playbook.

Loonie-a-litre milk, anyone?

 ?? FRANK GUNN/ THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Was Kathleen Wynne’s well-deserved trouncing because of an accumulati­on of scandals, cost overruns, hypocrisy and accounting tricks, John Ivison asks.
FRANK GUNN/ THE CANADIAN PRESS Was Kathleen Wynne’s well-deserved trouncing because of an accumulati­on of scandals, cost overruns, hypocrisy and accounting tricks, John Ivison asks.
 ??  ??

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