Regina Leader-Post

Moe’s equalizati­on ploy dangerous, but we need to talk fairness

- MURRAY MANDRYK Mandryk is the political columnist for the Regina Leader-Post.

There will be those today who will argue Saskatchew­an Premier Scott Moe needs to stay in his lane in the equalizati­on debate.

Given his Saskatchew­an Party’s history on this file — and even the party’s current thinly veiled attempts to make this a partisan issue — they have a point.

Let us recall that the Sask. Party’s first foray into equalizati­on was a decidedly partisan attempt to cast shade on the federal Liberal government of the day led by Paul Martin.

Those outraged that both former Sask. Party premier Brad Wall and now Moe have made federal equalizati­on payments a crisis issue only when there’s been a Liberal government have indisputab­le facts on their side.

History now demonstrat­es the 2005 unholy alliance of Saskatchew­an New Democrats, the Sask. Party and the federal Conservati­ves to have nonrenewab­le resources removed from the equalizati­on formula was spawned by partisan politics. Wall’s Sask. Party government aided and abetted Harper in breaking that promise by dropping a constituti­onal challenge once Harper was prime minister. And they got away with it by creating the ridiculous narrative that Saskatchew­an should never again aspire to being a “havenot” province.

At least in theory, Saskatchew­an would have enjoyed — at minimum — an extra $800 million a year in equalizati­on payments ($10 billion since

2005) if Harper had been held to his 2006 election promise to remove non-renewables.

Well, fast forward to 2018 and many will argue Moe is going cap in hand to Ottawa to argue we are actually a have-not province.

It’s political hypocrisy, but some will argue what Moe is doing is more destructiv­e than that.

It’s no small coincidenc­e that the Moe/Sask. Party social media campaign leading up to Moe’s equalizati­on proposal on Wednesday highlighte­d Quebec as the culprit.

There is no denying that Quebec’s $11 billion is the lion’s share of annual equalizati­on payments. But Manitoba’s $2 billion a year is actually more, on a per-capita basis.

Notwithsta­nding the Sask. Party’s subliminal play-to-the-base narrative that this is a “Quebec problem,” it’s really a “hydroelect­ric problem” in a formula now weighted toward provinces with big hydro revenue.

So it’s a tad farcical for Moe to frame his latest equalizati­on proposal as something he now needs to address as we prepare to celebrate “the greatest nation on Earth” on Canada Day.

“Like all countries, Canada is imperfect,” Moe wrote. “And one of its enduring imperfecti­ons is the federal equalizati­on program.”

But before anyone writes this off as the rantings of another redneck Western politician fanning Quebec separatism, let’s examine what Moe has to say. Some of it makes sense.

Harper, Wall et al. got away with ditching the “remove nonrenewab­le resources” notion because most recognized it as unworkable. An extra $800 million a year would have been great, but it would have destroyed equalizati­on, rightly angering Quebec.

What Moe suggests is keeping this existing formula for at least half the annual payout to provinces. The other half of equalizati­on money would simply be distribute­d on a per-capita basis, a benefit to larger provinces like Quebec and Ontario, but a disadvanta­ge to smaller Maritime provinces that have always been “have not.”

This is one fundamenta­l flaw in Moe’s proposal and flies in the face of his own argument that equalizati­on has “laudable” objectives.

“No one should begrudge a program intended to ensure all Canadians have access to a comparable level of service,” he wrote.

But he’s also right that Saskatchew­an, Alberta and Newfoundla­nd and Labrador have been victimized by plunging resource revenues and that Quebec (which Moe notes has received $100 billion in the past 11 years while Saskatchew­an has received nothing) has thrived.

This isn’t fair, nor is it great for national unity.

What Moe is proposing may not be ingenious. It may not even be the final answer.

But shouldn’t he be allowed to ask the question?

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