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- Ask Ellie

Q: Once she was establishe­d, he moved back home to be closer with family and friends.

During that time, she suffered personal traumas — a break-up, a mutual friend’s death, and she also had to have surgery.

She decided to not return home and has since married and had two children.

We try to visit her once or twice annually.

Her house is always filthy, her kids run amok, while the adults sit drinking till wee hours (which I dislike).

My kids follow hers because it’s her house and her rules. When we question it or disagree, there’s eye-rolling and anger.

My husband has to watch what he says or be prepared to argue withhissis­ter.

During our recent trip my mother-in-law (MIL) came along, and since there was no spare room, we decided to stay with my husband’s best friend.

This friend’s wife is close with my sister-in-law (SIL), and this upset her. We usually divide our time between them.

Our last trip, my MIL said her daughter was upset because she made accommodat­ions for us to sleep at her house (with no private room and no rules).

My MIL says her daughter still blames my husband for leaving her in the city 19 years ago.

She also said we choose her friend over my SIL, and that I took my husband away from her.

I told my MIL her daughter should seek counsellin­g to overcome her issues. The problem is that she needs to grow up and realize that both her best friend and brother have families and lives that don’t revolve around her.

Also, she’d had equal opportunit­y to move back home as her brother did.

My husband agrees with me and let his mom know this. But she insists that her daughter doesn’t need profession­al help to deal with her past traumatic issues.

Are we being insensitiv­e? She’s not come to my husband about the issue, it’s all his mom being in the middle.

How do we make his mother realize that the blame shouldn’t be placed on my husband’s shoulders and his sister should get profession­al help?


A: Your husband isn’t responsibl­e for the traumas that happened to his sister when he moved away. However, he can be sensitive to them.

He should speak to her privately about it, since it’s obvious that she’s still troubled, angry, and hurt.

Even an apology should be considered (despite that he’s not to blame), if it can help encourage her to get needed counsellin­g.

Her “filthy” house, lax parenting, and the couple’s drinking habits indicate possible depression.

BUT talking through your mother-in-law is a non-starter to helping his sister, or to finding a potential solution to the continuing rift and resentment.

Tell your MIL that you both understand that she feels badly for her daughter. Her son should also tell her directly that he’s going to talk to his sister and try to help her.

After that, keep her from being “in the middle” by not discussing it further with her. When she criticizes or carries gossip, change the topic.

Tell her you’re doing the best you can under the circumstan­ces of distance and busy lives.

Then, DO the best you can and know you at least tried.

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