Regina Leader-Post

Once puck drops, it’s ‘go-time’ for Broncos

Coach wants players to focus on game despite the multiple distractio­ns


HUMBOLDT Once the puck drops, Humboldt Broncos coach Nathan Oystrick says it’s game on.

While it’s hard to ignore the many distractio­ns going on with Wednesday’s Saskatchew­an Junior Hockey League seasonopen­er here between the Broncos and defending league champion Nipawin Hawks, it’s another hockey game.

Sure, there will be a lot of raw emotion surroundin­g the contest. A nationally televised game on TSN will draw a lot more attention than these young players are used to, but hockey is hockey.

“At the end of the day, it is a game,” Oystrick said here Tuesday. “We have to go out and have fun.”

Oystrick wants his players to take ownership and make it their own game.

“We told them the same thing since Day 1: There’s going to be media, there’s going to be distractio­ns, but the game is about you guys, too. It’s the start of the regular season. It’s a regular game. It counts (in the standings). So we’ve got to prepare as best as we can and try and win a hockey game.”

While Oystrick doesn’t know if any of his players have played before a TV audience, he can share from his own personal experience of playing in the NHL.

“When the puck dropped, I knew I had a job to do,” he explained. “That’s kind of the message, again, that we’re trying to tell the players: Yes, the start of the game will be difficult and there’s going to be a lot of stuff happening.

“But, once the puck drops, it’s go time. We’ve got to figure out what we need to do and do it quick because we want to try and win the hockey game.”

Oystrick says he doesn’t think it matters too much who the Broncos would be playing in the seasonopen­er. There would be emotion and distractio­ns no matter the opponent.

“Either way, it was going to be a tough game,” admitted Oystrick.

“We know they (Hawks) are a good hockey team and it’s going to be a good test for our guys. We’ve just got to go out there and do what we can.”

Newcomer Michael Clarke, who has junior A experience with the Grande Prairie Storm, Calgary Canucks and Chilliwack Chiefs, is one of three assistant captains named on the team.

“It’s a tremendous honour and I kind of put pressure on myself to be a leader this year when I was selected to come here and traded for,” Clarke said Tuesday.

Clarke, who is entering his final season of junior hockey, has played junior hockey since age 16. .

“So I do have a lot of experience,” he said. “I’ve been through a lot.”

Both Oystrick and Clarke have been particular­ly impressed at how quickly the Broncos have gelled and bonded as a team.

“Actually, it kind of blew my mind how quickly guys were comfortabl­e,” said Clarke, adding “Guys learned about each other quick. It’s been impressive. I’m proud of this team.”

Added Oystrick: “This is a very tight-knit group, which is obviously a bonus.”

Broncos newcomer Kyle Sargent will play against his former team Wednesday. The D -man played 14 games with the Hawks.

“It’ll be pretty cool,” said Sargent, a former Tisdale Trojan. “I enjoyed my time in Nipawin. To be able to play against them, especially a game like this, will be pretty special, for sure.”

Former Broncos assistant coach and board member Ed Perry — a longtime Broncos season-ticket holder since the 1970s who coached the Broncos for a number of years during the 1990s — was on hand to watch the Broncos’ practice Tuesday.

Perry says he has been impressed by Oystrick and the coaching staff.

“I’m very impressed with the coaches, with their teaching and the drills they ’ve done,” said Perry.

“They were doing drills that I’ve never see done before. They’ve got a lot of playing experience — both were in the NHL — so they ’re teachers.

“That’s what you need to do with these young guys is teach. That, in itself, is a plus for the kids and the community. You’re going to get a lot of emotions coming to the rink, myself included. Gradually, after we get into the regular season, it will drop off and we’ll be back to Bronco hockey.”

 ?? LIAM RICHARDS ?? Broncos head coach Nathan Oystrick during practice at Elgar Petersen Arena in Humboldt on Tuesday. Oystrick wants his players to take ownership and win the first regular season game.
LIAM RICHARDS Broncos head coach Nathan Oystrick during practice at Elgar Petersen Arena in Humboldt on Tuesday. Oystrick wants his players to take ownership and win the first regular season game.

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