Regina Leader-Post

Kavanaugh accuser may testify, lawyer says

- Alan Fram And lisa mascaro

WASHINGTON • Christine Blasey Ford may testify against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh after all, her attorney said Thursday, breathing new life into the prospect of a dramatic Senate showdown next week over Ford’s accusation that he assaulted her when both were in high school.

Ford will tell her story to the Judiciary Committee, whose senators will vote on Kavanaugh’s confirmati­on — but only if agreement can be reached on “terms that are fair and which ensure her safety,” the attorney said.

The positive tone of the lawyer’s email revived the possibilit­y that the panel would hold an electrifyi­ng campaign-season hearing at which both Ford and President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee could give their versions of what did or didn’t happen at a party in the 1980s. Kavanaugh, now a judge on the powerful District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals, has repeatedly denied her allegation.

The accusation has jarred the 53-year-old conservati­ve jurist’s prospects for winning confirmati­on, which until Ford’s emergence last week had seemed all but certain. It has also bloomed into a broader clash over whether women alleging abuse are taken seriously by men and how both political parties address such claims with the advent of the #Metoo movement.

In one obstacle that must be overcome, attorney Debra Katz’s email said a hearing Monday is “not possible” and that scheduling it that day “is arbitrary in any event.” Judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley, R-iowa, has scheduled the hearing for that morning, and he and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY., have indicated it would be Ford’s only chance to make her case. Republican­s are anxious to move ahead to a vote by the committee, where they hold an 11-10 majority, and then by the full Senate, which they control, 51-49.

Taylor Foy, spokesman for Republican­s on the panel, made no commitment but said in a written statement, “We are happy that Dr. Ford’s attorneys are now engaging with the Committee.”

Katz said Ford, 51, a psychology professor in California, has received death threats and for safety reasons has relocated her family.

“She wishes to testify, provided that we can agree on terms that are fair and which ensure her safety,” Katz wrote in the email.

 ??  ?? Brett Kavanaugh
Brett Kavanaugh

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