Regina Leader-Post


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THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2018 Sun and Mars Social Trine

It is practicall­y impossible to perceive yourself accurately from the inside out. The view from the inside will always be distorted. We need other people to act as our mirrors. All things being equal, why not tend toward those friends whose reflection of you will be flattering? They won’t be hard to find as the sun and Mars form a social trine.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Curiosity is a genuine part of friendline­ss that can get forgotten, especially amongst people who are overly concerned with fitting in or outdoing each other. Relax and lead with your curiosity and you’ll be a hit.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You might have the sneaking suspicion that the tasks of the day don’t mean much on their own, but that’s only because there’s a larger result that matters. Yours is a key contributi­on to the winning results of your team.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). What meaningful things have you learned from the people around you lately? Either the answer to this question will make you smile and feel grateful, or it will make you go find people who have something to teach you.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Your encouragem­ent keeps everyone going. Judicious use of energy will be key. If you give all of your attention to the needy ones, you’ll have nothing left for the superstars who could use some love, too.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There may be some confusion about what really matters. You can clear it up by going back to your purpose. Focus on why you’re doing a thing instead of how you’re doing it. (SET ITAL) HOW(END ITAL) gets complicate­d. (SET ITAL)WHY(END ITAL) makes things simple.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). The plan is one thing. Then there’s an entirely different situation on the ground, which is to say that real life is always different from theory, and can change in ways that are beyond your control. You’ll improvise and be brilliant.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You don’t have to be the best at something to be the leader. The talent of leading has to do with focusing on, encouragin­g and bringing out the best in others. It’s a separate skill from actually doing the thing, and no less important.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You’ll get to do what you want to do with people who care about the same things you care about. What could be better? There’s lots of work to be done that won’t even feel like work at all.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). It’s the moment to sprint -- to test the upper limit of the work you can do. Don’t even bother pacing yourself. By definition it’s a short exercise. You’ll push it hard, go as fast as you can, and then call it a day.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Once you figure out that something is a bad fit, make a change right away. There’s no use in trying to make things fit that don’t. It only wastes time that people could be using to find a better fit.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). It will be tempting to spend the bulk of your time on a problem, but that’s not advised. While you spend the best of your time with the people who feed your soul, problems will work themselves out.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). One way that you’ll support your group is to demand the best results from them. It’s easier to listen and agree, but it’s not doing anybody any favors if what you’re agreeing to is a lesser version of what a person is capable of.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Sept. 27). Dream, think and go bigger. You can handle it this year and anyway it will land you in a much better sport than were you to reduce your vision to what was “doable” for yesterday-you. You’ll learn you’re capable of the extraordin­ary. An October hunch will prove to be extremely lucrative. Romance arises in June. Capricorn and Aquarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 4, 11, 30 and 49.

ASTROLOGIC­AL QUESTION: “I was born Oct. 16, 1950 and am currently having financial problems. Do you believe in a family curse? I’ve been working hard since age 13 but I still feel financiall­y enslaved. I take all work that comes and sell things on the side for extra employment, but I am still burdened by debt.”

I absolutely believe in a family curse. And as a Libra, you carry the responsibi­lities, joys and illnesses your family and your other partners in life as if they were your own. The good news about a curse is that it’s merely an agreement. A person cannot curse you without your agreement, on some level, to take on the curse. Therefore every curse is reversible. You lack serenity in your life -- something more valuable than money. You are so caught up in trying to make ends meet that you’ve not taken the time to plan, or to step away from the picture long enough to see how you could be smarter and more effective in your approach. Rest and a meditative practice will help you remove yourself from the hamster wheel. You absolutely can break the curse and get ahead, which will start with a better perspectiv­e.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Whether sharing the details of her fabulous life on or playing Pepper Potts in the next “Avengers” movie, Gwyneth Paltrow approaches with typical Libran elegance and style. Sun, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto in Libra indicate a strong visual sense and artistic talent. These Libran influences also emphasize a high value on human bonding, partnershi­p and teamwork.

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