Regina Leader-Post

The Douglas method

Fatal Attraction helped star learn ‘acting is just about being a good liar’


TORONTO It wasn’t until Fatal Attraction that Michael Douglas found his comfort zone as an actor.

The two-time Oscar winner, who plays an acting coach with Alan Arkin as his longtime agent in Chuck Lorre’s new Netflix dramedy series The Kominsky Method, says his own start to the craft was rocky.

“I was a terrible auditioner. I was a guy who had stage fright terribly, and for a long time in my career was not comfortabl­e in front of the camera,” Douglas, 74, recalled

“Somebody had advised me early in my career that the camera can always tell when you’re lying, and I took that to heart and became a bit of a method actor, just sort of taking me down to the bare skeleton. Acting was painful.”

But while preparing to play a lawyer caught up in a dangerous affair with Glenn Close’s character in the 1987 psychologi­cal thriller Fatal Attraction, he had an epiphany.

“I said, ‘Wait a minute — I tell white lies from time to time, I tell whoppers from time to time. Acting is about lying. Acting is just about being a good liar,’” Douglas said. “I remember having this hysterical, cathartic giggle and then laugh and almost like a switch went off.

“After that, acting became joyful and fun, because it was a game. Whether it was dramatic or funny, it was a game in seduction, of convincing somebody that you were telling the truth.”

The next year, Douglas won a best actor Oscar for his role as ruthless financier Gordon Gekko in Oliver Stone’s Wall Street.

While Douglas’s career continues to thrive, his character in The Kominsky Method is facing a crisis of not landing the parts he wants and trying to remain relevant.

He and Arkin’s character are also facing the harsh realities of getting older. As they comically taunt each other for their ages, they also share tender moments as they ponder their own mortality.

Douglas didn’t know Arkin before doing the series and was heartened when he watched one of their scenes and felt like the characters had “known each other for 40 years,” he said.

Douglas said he was a big fan of Lorre, creator and producer of a slew of hit network sitcoms, including Two and a Half Men and The Big Bang Theory.

Douglas was also attracted to the sharp writing and “the nuance and the beauty of going from comedy to tragedy back to comedy again.”

And he got to work with his old pal Danny Devito, who plays a proctologi­st in the series.

“He’s my oldest friend,” Douglas said. “We’ve known each other since 1967. We were roommates together in New York City, 1968, ’69.”

In crafting his character, Douglas channelled his own acting coach from the start of his career, New York City-based Wynn Handman.

“He was a more gentler coach,” Douglas said. “I think he dealt with students who were still struggling with their confidence, as I was, and really trying to build up and bolster your confidence.

“Confidence is half the battle of what anybody does, whether they ’re an actor or anything they ’re doing in life.”

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