Regina Leader-Post

Legislatur­e wraps up contentiou­s session


Premier Scott Moe’s Saskatchew­an Party government stuck to its agenda throughout the now-concluded legislativ­e session, but was also haunted by issues dogging the third-term government.

During the 25 sitting days that began in October, Moe continued to oppose a carbon tax while paying close attention to issues important to the Sask. Party’s rural base.

The province took steps to outline its plan to fight climate change, and controvers­ial new trespassin­g laws aimed at reducing rural crime rates were introduced. Longcalled for laws supporting victims of domestic violence and firefighte­rs diagnosed with cancer, as well as more stringent requiremen­ts for semi-truck training were also brought forward.

Moe said this week there is a theme emerging between his party and the NDP, claiming his government is “continuall­y engaging” Saskatchew­an people and “committing to stand up for them” while continuing to invest in communitie­s.

Although it was seen as a possibilit­y, the degree to which Moe aligned himself with Ontario Premier Doug Ford over the carbon tax issue was a surprise to many, as some within the Saskatchew­an Party government privately raised concerns over getting too close to the oft-controvers­ial eastern politician.

Across the legislativ­e assembly floor, Moe said there is “an opposition that is very much the same opposition that they have been for a number of leaders now” focusing on “gotcha questions” and “continuing to ask for every investment across the board, and then asking in the same breath for us to quit spending more money and balance the budget, and it just quite simply doesn’t work that way.”

NDP Leader Ryan Meili contended the “big difference” this session was his party maintainin­g a clear focus on the economy, cuts to health, education and social services and the “numerous scandals that have plagued this government.”

The NDP also made what appeared to be a concerted effort to link such issues to real people by bringing families to the legislativ­e assembly to reflect their issues of the day.

He said he was “really pleased with how it went” and referenced his party starting to talk more about its own ideas, which is a significan­t change from previous NDP performanc­es.

The NDP continued to press the province over unanswered questions surroundin­g the Global Transporta­tion Hub and Regina bypass, while seeking transparen­cy from government over vendor-sponsored travel and accountabi­lity regarding a man with a violent criminal past being named to a provincial board.

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