Regina Leader-Post



Between the new moon in Sagittariu­s and the conjunctio­n of Mars and Neptune in Pisces, there’s a dream of other worlds hovering on the horizon — worlds with different rules, worlds built for specifical­ly with people like us in mind, worlds where we can finally be fully ourselves. And though, alas, it’s but a dream, so was this world at one time.


There was a time when even your very favorite people were complete strangers to you. Actually, this is such a time as well. You’ll soon meet someone who will be very important to your future.


What unfolds will confirm it for you; there’s room in your head for many different kinds of ideas and affinities, beliefs and preference­s, systems and skills. You can trust in all that’s been establishe­d and still learn more.


You know that you own a lot more than you care to think about. That’s why you need to, every once in a while, physically lay your hands on what you own. It helps you remember and keeps you from buying things you don’t need.


The best way to keep yourself motivated is to choose a task you know you can successful­ly finish over the course of this day. A win such as this will keep you sailing far into next week.

LEO (JULY 23-AUG. 22)

When you’re around people who appreciate you and see you for who you are, you don’t have to actively seek reasons to feel good about yourself. But you’re not always around such people. So do what you can to support yourself.

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

Peace within brings peace without. But how do you find peace for something you’re not OK with? It’s a little like reconcilin­g the books. Look inside, figure out what’s not adding up, and do what you can to make it work.

LIBRA (SEPT. 23-OCT. 23)

There are many factors to consider before you embark on an endeavor, but your age should not be one of them. You will be the same age whether you do it or not. Take a risk.


You’re a person who must walk your talk. It’s one of the basic rules you have for yourself. Today, as you walk your talk, you may wonder why you talked so much! It’s tricky now, but you’re better off for the ambition.


Seek delight. Because if you know how to move yourself from one state to a higher one, you know how to lift others, too. And one of the best things you can do for the world today is raise the mood.


Dreams of hope aren’t just for the exiled and obviously oppressed. Everyone needs the power of hope. But the better off a person is, the more specific that hope must be to maintain a charge. So what’s your hope?


Books can be wonderful friends. They can be counted on for constancy, are completely nonjudgmen­tal, and usually bring forth a deeper and brighter mindset than you’d run across on a typical day.


Start a project. It doesn’t have to be a big, important deal. Anything halfway interestin­g to you will do; it’s just something to help you through a transition, out of your head and onto a new way of thinking about life.


Aries: someone may love you very much and still not understand what’s right for you. Make your own decisions.

Taurus: Who you have by your side will matter more than what happens.

Gemini: It is said that miracles occur in gardens. Something freshly grown will be the ideal love offering.

Cancer: If you don’t look for what’s wrong in your loved one, you won’t see it.

Leo: Dressing the part will matter, but you’re not going to find an outfit that has more character than you do.

Virgo: Inconsiste­nt partners can make you feel like you’re the crazy one.

Libra: Relationsh­ips that feel effortless are healthy. Make “no drama” your policy.

Scorpio: You don’t have to agree on everything, but agreeing on the big things is a must for the relationsh­ip to move forward.

Sagittariu­s: Be bold. One phone call is all it takes to get the ball rolling.

Capricorn: You would never pick a fight intentiona­lly, but there are certain things that do have to be aired out for you to feel good about the relationsh­ip.

Aquarius: Anyone who makes you question every little thing you do isn’t good for your psyche.

Pisces: Emotions are informatio­n, but not always accurate informatio­n. Pay attention to how you feel, but don’t put all your faith in feelings.

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