Regina Leader-Post


Film examines what happens when children are left alone in the wilderness


The random shot of a pig’s head in Monos may strike some as a little too on-the-snout a reference to William Golding ’s Lord of the Flies. But in every other respect this is a truly original and contempora­ry fable of what can happens when children are left to their own devices in the wilderness.

The filmmaker is Colombia’s Alejandro Landes, and the language spoken by the young gun-toting cast is mostly Spanish, so it’s tempting to see this as an allegory for his country’s decades-old FARC guerrilla movement, which has been in an uneasy ceasefire since 2016. But you don’t need to know any history or politics to feel for the teenage insurgents at the dark heart of the story.

Their organizati­on is only ever referred to as “The Organizati­on,” and its members use nicknames like Wolf, Swede, Rambo and Smurf. Their mission: to guard a foreign prisoner (Julianne Nicholson). They are left on their own for what feels like weeks at a time, occasional­ly receiving orders by radio or in person from someone called Messenger, who looks barely older than his charges.

In the opening, the child soldiers are camped near an imposing rock face. Messenger arrives with a dairy cow, on loan from someone sympatheti­c to the cause (whatever that is). Unfortunat­ely, the animal is accidental­ly killed, and the kids decide they might as well eat it. This also sets up the first of many human deaths in the film, which takes a decidedly unromantic view of its characters; later, Nicholson seems fully prepared to kill a child to escape their clutches.

The bare-bones screenplay never explains how these children got here, and the camera seldom leaves the beautiful but dangerous natural setting, as the troop is forced to relocate to a deep jungle hideout after an attack. And with few clues as to the time period, they could as easily be in a post-apocalypti­c future as the present day. (A bizarre reference to gummy bears snaps that possibilit­y, however.)

The actors are mostly first-timers or little known, although you may recognize Moises Arias, whose credits include Ender’s Game and the decidedly more lightheart­ed kids-in-the-wilderness tale The Kings of Summer, from 2013.

When he tries to take control of the group, you feel for the youngster, trying to make the best of a seemingly impossible situation, and make sense of a random set of rules. The movie is as emotionall­y powerful as it is physically beautiful.

 ?? BORD CADRE FILMS ?? Actor Moises Arias stars in the movie Monos, a truly original and contempora­ry story.
BORD CADRE FILMS Actor Moises Arias stars in the movie Monos, a truly original and contempora­ry story.

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