Regina Leader-Post



Aphids are one of the most common garden pests. These tiny, soft-bodied, pear-shaped insects range in size from 2-4 mm in length and can be found in a variety of colours — black, green, brown, yellow, white and pink — as well as on a variety of plant types.

The green peach aphid (Myzus pericae) is one of the most common types found on more than 200 species of herbaceous plants.

The potato aphid (Macrosiphu­m euphorbiae) is also generally green in colour but can sometimes have a hint of pink. As the name suggests, the potato aphid is common on potato plants but also prefers tomato and cabbage plants in the garden.

The Honeysuckl­e aphid (Hyadaphis tartaricae) is very small (pinhead-sized) with a green, soft body covered with a whitish, powdery covering. The saliva released from the honeysuckl­e aphid during feeding causes dense deformitie­s (often called witch’s broom) on the honeysuckl­e branch with the tip of the branch curling over into a crook.

The Smoky-winged Poplar Aphid (Chaitophor­us populicola) and the Conifer aphid (Cinara spp.) are examples of aphids that attack the stems, branches and sometimes even the roots (Conifer aphid) of plant species. Heavy infestatio­ns of the caragana aphid (Acyrthosip­hon caraganae) can completely defoliate an entire shelter belt of caraganas; however, if the shrubs are otherwise healthy, they will recover.

Some aphids will form growths, referred to as galls, on trees for overwinter­ing and laying eggs. The Poplar Vagabond Gall Aphid (Mordvilkoj­a vagabunda) forms galls on branches and stems of poplar trees.

The woolly elm aphid (Eriosoma americanum) is a bluish-black, flattened oval soft-bodied insect with a white, woolly coat. These aphids emerge from eggs laid in the cracks of the elm bark and feed on elm leaves early in spring, causing the leaves to curl up. By midsummer, winged females are produced which fly to small saskatoon berry shrubs and feed on the fine roots of the saskatoon bush. Depending on the degree of infestatio­n and the size of the bush, the root loss can be severe enough to damage or even kill the plant.

Aphids are extremely prolific. Wingless female aphids hatch in early spring from overwinter­ed eggs. These female aphids bear live young without mating. A newborn aphid becomes a reproducin­g adult within one week. That reproducin­g adult can produce up to five offspring per day for about 30 days.

It’s easy to see how a few aphids can lead to a large infestatio­n in a short amount of time. When aphids experience stress due to hot weather or high numbers, they will produce wings, allowing them to spread over a wide area. Although aphids typically are not good flyers, they have been known to ‘fly’ on wind currents for thousands of kilometres from one area of infestatio­n to another. In fall, male and female aphids mate: eggs are laid on a host plant or in the soil to overwinter.

On larger plants, it can be difficult to find the tiny aphids. One of the signs of an aphid infestatio­n is the presence of a dark, sticky, sooty mould on plants, furniture, cars or sidewalks under the infected plant. This substance is the excrement from the aphids, known as ‘honeydew.’

Another sign of aphid infestatio­n can be the presence of large numbers of ants on a plant. Ants eat the aphid honeydew. The relationsh­ip between ants and aphids is symbiotic: ants ‘farm’ aphids. Aphids provide food for ants while the ants provide protection for the aphids. Ants have been known to ‘milk’ the aphids by stroking the abdomen of the aphids while the ants provide protection for the aphids from predators such as ladybugs and lace wings.

Aphids will rarely kill a plant outright; however, distorted shoot growth, sticky excrement and an excessive number of ants in one’s garden are never welcome. Because aphids are piercing and sucking insects, they are capable of spreading diseases in plants, especially viruses. Viruses will eventually kill plants. Controllin­g large outbreaks of aphids is recommende­d.

Next week’s column will discuss aphid control and predators. This column is provided courtesy of the Saskatchew­an Perennial Society (SPS; saskperenn­ial@ Check our website (saskperenn­ or Facebook page (­ial) for a list of upcoming gardening events: Drought Tolerant Perennials by

Sara Williams — Oct. 23, 7:30 p.m., Emmanuel Anglican Church, 607 Dufferin Avenue, Saskatoon. Free and open to the public.

 ?? JACKIE BANTLE ?? Wingless aphids can be seen at various stages on a corn leaf.
JACKIE BANTLE Wingless aphids can be seen at various stages on a corn leaf.

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