Regina Leader-Post

‘You put your body on the line’

Byrne shifts from riding bulls to fighting them


SASKATOON When Friday night rolls around, PBR bullfighte­r Tanner Byrne will pace under the stands at Sasktel Centre, outfitting his body to scrap with beasts.

Pads are important. Nothing big or bulky that will hinder him from running, but enough to dampen the pain when a bull gives him a shot. There’s the protective vest, hard-shelled, and knee braces to prop up his wonky knees.

Then the cleats. Good, reliable cleats, because he knows they could mean the difference between life and death. A wrong move, a slip, a stumble, an 1,800-pound animal “that’s going to run the length of you” ... so yes — those shoes are not a casual purchase.

And then?

“Then,” Byrne says, “just hunker that cowboy hat down, and go to it.”

Byrne, from Prince Albert, was one of Canada’s elite bull riders until this summer, when he switched career paths and moved into the protection side of the sport. He comes from a long line of high-end bullfighte­rs — dad, brothers, cousins — and as a kid, he watched more fighting videos than he did riding.

In the six months he’s been doing it profession­ally, he’s gained a reputation for fearlessne­ss and a willingnes­s to mix it up with the bulls — and, by extension, to protect riders facing otherwise helpless situations. Canada’s top 35 riders voted for him (and two others) to fight their bulls at this weekend’s PBR Monster Energy Canadian Finals in Saskatoon, which is a remarkably quick trajectory.

He’s won those same Finals as a rider. Now, he’s working the other side.

“I’ve seen the highest level of bulls,” he says. “I’ve watched so much bull riding over the years that I can read the play a little bit; see what kind of shape that guy is in on the back of that bull, and have the timing of when to go and when to stay back.”

His is the biggest protection racket in all of sports. It hit him, in real time, just how important that role is during his June profession­al bullfighti­ng debut in Falher, Alta. Byrne saved his friend and former foe, Dakota Buttar, that weekend.

A bull, named Chiseled in Stone, had Buttar lined up. Something bad was going to happen unless Byrne did his job, and fast. He tapped the bull to get its attention, made a couple of quick moves to switch its focus, and gave Buttar time to crawl away.

“If the (rider’s) going to get hurt, or the bullfighte­r’s going to get hurt, it’s always got to be that bullfighte­r,” says the 27-year-old Byrne. “That’s the situation me and Dakota were in. I was fortunate enough to step in, take the bull’s attention away. If I hadn’t been there, Dakota probably would have gotten hooked, and who knows what would have happened to him?”

Both sides of the sport have their own dangers, he says.

The rider has that blank space when the world is tumbling and rolling, then the fall, then hoofs and horns. Fighters have more control, greater perspectiv­e, but he didn’t get into it to save himself from danger.

“There’s some cool videos on the internet you can check out,” he says when asked if he’s been beaten up by many bulls this summer. “Some good little wrecks, some hooks, some different things. There’s times when guys land right under the bull’s head, or their hand gets hung up in the rope. And that’s your job to get them out of there. You put your body on the line and take the shot, take the hit, or jump up on the side and get his hand free from the rope. It’s not the safest thing to be doing as my next career, but it’s something that I like to do.”

Something else rolls through his brain while he’s preparing himself to fight bulls, and that’s an old friend, Ty Pozzobon, an elite rider who committed suicide in January 2017. Pozzobon’s brain went to the University of Washington, where it was determined that he had chronic traumatic encephalop­athy (CTE), likely related to the many concussion­s he suffered while riding bulls.

Byrne helped start the Ty Pozzobon Foundation, which works to support health and well-being — both mental and physical — inside and outside the arena.

“After Ty passed away, it was a gut-check for everybody, that we needed to do some more,” he says. “If it could happen to Ty, it could happen to anybody in our sport. He was the Sidney Crosby, or the (Connor) Mcdavid, of us — a Canadian champ, went to the world stage. He wasn’t just another bull rider. He was the best we’d seen from up here. It was a gut-check, and everybody started working together and taking the well-being of our athletes, mentally and physically, more serious.

“Now, with my bullfighti­ng, it’s a way for me to do that inside the arena. I’ve done it outside with the foundation, and now I can be in the arena, right at the front door, on hand to do what it takes to make sure my buddies are safe in the arena.”

So Friday and Saturday in Saskatoon, with his buddies in the chutes and a sturdy pair of cleats on his feet, he’ll try to mix it up early with the bulls.

He likes to put his hands on the first few as they’re leaping and bucking, to get his timing and momentum just right.

“You’ve got to be aggressive,” he says, “and not be timid, just hanging out there. You’ve got to get yourself right in the trenches and get to it. There’s always some bumps and hits and roll-arounds out there, but it’s all part of the gig.”

He knows what riders put into their game: long hours, physical pain, busted bones, hard work.

“I can step in, make a save, and take that bull away from them so they can keep following their dream,” he says.

If Byrne had quit bull riding cold turkey, he says he would have missed it greatly. He loved it, and that showed in his results — fourtime PBR World Finals qualifier, including a third-place finish in 2015, Canadian champion, and much more. The only thing he didn’t do, he figures, was to win the

It’s not the safest thing to be doing ... but it’s something that I like to do.

world championsh­ip, but now he has a new goal to shoot for: He’d like to be the first man to both ride, and fight, bulls at the PBR World Finals.

As of this weekend, he’ll be the first to do it in the Canadian finals, and he says his body feels good — unnaturall­y so — as he gets himself ready.

“My body feels the best it ever has at this point of the season,” he says.

“Every time you get on (a bull), you’re getting beat up. You’re getting smashed around. I was always the guy where either I stayed on, or I was getting in a wreck. I wasn’t letting go, or quitting the shift at an early time, and that obviously took a bigger toll on my body. But now, I feel great. I put myself out there and got some wrecks fighting bulls, and those injuries are going to come. But as of right now, it feels great. I’m happy to feel 100 per cent.”

 ?? LIAM RICHARDS ?? Retired rider Tanner Byrne is now working as a bullfighte­r and will be on the job at the PBR Finals in Saskatoon. His approach is simple. ‘You’ve got to be aggressive and not be timid, just hanging out there. You’ve got to get yourself right in the trenches and get to it.’
LIAM RICHARDS Retired rider Tanner Byrne is now working as a bullfighte­r and will be on the job at the PBR Finals in Saskatoon. His approach is simple. ‘You’ve got to be aggressive and not be timid, just hanging out there. You’ve got to get yourself right in the trenches and get to it.’

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