Regina Leader-Post


Collecting seeds, getting them to germinate and watching them sprout can be rewarding


Who among us has not looked at a magnificen­t tree and thought to ourselves, “I’m going to start one of those from seed”? Probably no one, not only because trees take a long time to mature, but also because they are so commonly purchased as young plants that few people would think of doing otherwise.

Yet there are good reasons to consider planting a tree from seed. Time will pass much quicker than expected as long as, like the proverbial pot of water waiting to boil, you don’t focus on it too much.

The main reason that I grow trees from seed is that it allows me to experiment with species that are not usually available. Native trees are a good example of this. Secondly, the cost of a seed packet is minimal in comparison to the cost of a young tree, and most tree seed is free for the taking. Thirdly, watching a seed sprout into a seedling and then grow into a tree is magical.

Unlike vegetable seeds, which swell and pop out of the seed coat (germinate) soon after they are planted or absorb water, most tree seeds need to experience a cold period first. In nature, this cold period (winter) gets the seeds in sync with the seasons so that they have the best chance at survival. In horticultu­re, the practice of moistening seeds and chilling them is called stratifica­tion.

To stratify seeds, simply plant the seeds outside in the late summer or autumn, water them occasional­ly, and wait for seedlings to pop up the following spring. Some seeds will only germinate a few years after planting, which may be a characteri­stic of the species or of individual seed in a batch.

Another way to coax tree seeds to germinate is to put them into a moist medium, like clean or sterile sand or vermiculit­e, in a resealable clear plastic bag. The medium should be moist but not wet because the seeds will need oxygen. Open the bag and check the seeds every few weeks, shaking them around as you check for germinatio­n. The bag can be placed in the cold (a refrigerat­or) or at room temperatur­e.

I start with a warm stratifica­tion for about one month, then proceed to a cold stratifica­tion for one or more months if necessary. Sometimes the warm/cold cycles need to be repeated until germinatio­n occurs. Once roots emerge from the seed, the seeds can then be potted up on a bright windowsill and given enough water to keep them moist as they grow.

A cold period is only effective if the seed has first absorbed moisture: from being in water, moist soil, or moist medium.

This tells the seed embryo that the conditions needed for life are present. Cold, dry conditions are good to keep a seed alive, but will not initiate germinatio­n.

Not all tree seeds need a chilling period. Seeds that normally fall to the ground in spring or summer (like elm seeds) will germinate as soon as they land on moist soil.

Some seeds, such as those that naturally have the fortune/misfortune of passing through an animal’s digestive system before they start to grow, may require their seed coat to be broken down before they will germinate. A substitute process horticultu­rists use is called scarificat­ion.

In scarificat­ion, the seed coat is scratched with sandpaper, a knife, or a file to let in water. Trees in the bean family, such as honey locust and Kentucky coffee tree, respond well to this. Pouring boiling water over the seeds also works. Boiling water may mimic the natural conditions of a forest fire over wet ground, letting the waiting seed know that conditions will soon be good for growth. Keep the exposure time brief.

Light may be helpful for germinatio­n of tree species that have small seeds and naturally grow in full sun exposure. Birches and alders are typically in this group. Sow the seeds on the surface and place in a windowsill or outside through the winter for spring germinatio­n.

Some tree seeds will not germinate no matter what you do. One of those little secrets of nature, I guess. Sometimes, of course, it simply means they are dead. Every species is a little different, and variation may occur even within a species.

Collecting seeds, getting them to germinate and watching them sprout into tiny trees is the most enjoyable part. Having interestin­g, beautiful specimens in years to come is the next best.

This column is provided courtesy of the Saskatchew­an Perennial Society (SPS; saskperenn­ Check our website (saskperenn­ial. ca) or Facebook page ( facebook. com/saskperenn­ial) for a list of upcoming gardening events: The Urban Landscape by William Hrycan – Nov. 27, 7:30 p.m., Emmanuel Anglican Church, 607 Dufferin Avenue, Saskatoon. Free and open to the public.

 ??  ?? Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) seedlings, germinated by cold stratifica­tion.
Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) seedlings, germinated by cold stratifica­tion.

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