Regina Leader-Post


Social worker helps people better deal with mental health


Cara Taylor wants people to be curious about mental health.

As a registered social worker and the owner of Cara Taylor Mental Health Education, Taylor works to educate and equip people with practical strategies for navigating mental health.

“I often say to be curious. If we have a genuine curiosity that’s unassuming, we can learn so much about mental health, be it our own or someone else’s,” she said. “If someone says they have depression, you don’t necessaril­y know what that means. It can be so different from one person to the next. Getting curious means setting down your assumption­s and genuinely asking someone what their experience is like.”

Originally from Saskatoon, Taylor

has a passion for social justice and studied social work through the University of Regina. While she was in school, she suffered a major depressive episode and experience­d delusions and suicidal thoughts.

“I spent hours crying every day, had multiple panic attacks, and I had to stop volunteeri­ng, working and going to school,” Taylor said. “It wasn’t until I experience­d my own episode of mental illness that I realized I wanted to help reduce stigma, because I didn’t even realize what mental illness was until it happened to me.”

After this experience Taylor was inspired to raise awareness, and created a non-profit called Project Oaks, an online platform for sharing stories about mental health in the prairie provinces.

“Through Project Oaks I told personal stories of mental illness with the goal of reducing stigma. When you humanize people who live with mental health issues, you reduce negative misconcept­ions. Stigma comes from assumption­s we make about people based on our preconceiv­ed ideas of mental health conditions, for example, thinking someone is overdramat­ic, lazy, too sensitive. When you actually hear someone’s story, though, it’s hard to continue those narratives.”

Taylor continued with Project Oaks until 2016. That year, her mom died by suicide and she dissolved the platform in order to take time to deal with her grief.

After living and working in Alberta for a few years, Taylor moved back to Saskatoon to start a master’s degree in social work. At the same time, she started Cara Taylor Mental Health Education in May 2018, which is lovingly dedicated to her mom.

Through Mental Health Education she offers a series of pre-set and customizab­le courses across the prairie provinces for organizati­ons, businesses, non-profits and other groups. Some of the courses are standardiz­ed, like Mental Health First Aid through the Mental Health Commission of Canada, while others she researched and developed herself. Topics include suicide interventi­on, body image, and a course for helping profession­als that addresses compassion fatigue, trauma and burnout.

Having taught more than 500 people in the province already, Taylor says her overall goal is to make practical knowledge more accessible to everyone.

“The health-care system is very overburden­ed, especially mental health services. But there are everyday people who want to help others with mental health conditions. It doesn’t mean don’t go to profession­als, but it’s about having knowledge accessible for what to do in the meantime if you need to wait 12 months to see a psychiatri­st. When you look online for how to help someone, many websites say, ‘Buy them a candle; send them to a counsellor.’ It’s not really specific or practical, so this is about building capacity in the community.”

A key piece woven into everything is her personal story, which Taylor says is invaluable for connecting with others.

“In social work we’re often taught that people who have lived experience are experts on the topic, more so than just learning something from a book. There’s something to be said for the value of lived experience because it means I can see things through a different perspectiv­e, and I can be more sensitive and aware of other people’s experience­s.”

Liam Mooney, a vice-president at Cameco Corporatio­n, has brought Taylor in for Mental Health First Aid training with his team. He says Taylor’s personal story is what makes her relatable.

“Cara is very knowledgea­ble and she shares a lot of first-hand experience,” Mooney said. “The training is deeply impactful because she makes it very personal for people who take it.”

Mooney says his team is stronger due to the sharing that took place while learning about mental health.

“I think that sort of training creates deeper empathy for the people who take it together, and they see each other in more vulnerable ways,” he said.

“I think that teams perform better when there’s a deeper understand­ing of what motivates and affects people. It’s that classic axiom of walking a mile in someone else’s shoes. There are times where people will be stronger and there’s times where they might not be, and there needs to be understand­ing that the reason for that might not always be visible.”

Mental health training in the workplace is becoming more widespread as awareness increases. Subsequent­ly, Taylor has focused her master’s research on psychologi­cal health and safety in the workplace, specifical­ly with Saskatoon’s Brief and Social Detox unit, where people can go to have a medically supervised substance detox. Taylor is researchin­g how the work itself affects the mental health of the unit’s employees.

“Psychologi­cal health and safety is really about looking at workplace conditions and workplace factors known to influence employee mental health, and then strengthen­ing those things,” she said. “In every organizati­on, there’s always mental health to consider, be it for the employees or the clients that you’re serving.”

Cara is very knowledgea­ble and she shares a lot of first-hand experience. The training is deeply impactful because she makes it very personal for people who take it.”

Taylor has also been working with the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre on improving the psychologi­cal health and safety of its workplace. Deborah Hamp, director of operations and engagement, says the experience has led to deeper reflection.

“It’s been beneficial in the sense that we can all do some reflection on the type of workplace that we want to build, by creating transparen­cy and normalizin­g mental health as an issue that’s just as important as physical health,” Hamp said.

Normalizin­g discussion­s on mental health is key to a thriving workplace, Hamp says.

“When people feel supported and when we remove the stigma of mental health, we can bring some of those issues to light and create healthier, happier and stronger workplaces. It’s important to think deeply about how employers can have a really positive impact on the lives of our employees,” she said, adding that Taylor is “not afraid to tackle the tough stuff.”

Taylor says she welcomes this type of discussion as an opportunit­y to educate.

“I really believe in the power of education and especially of education that we seek out ourselves. We need meaningful, innovative and engaging education. I always say, ‘Ask me hard questions.’ Not that I’ll always have the answer, but it means we’re actually engaging with the material. I appreciate when people are honest and ask me questions like ‘What if someone feels like a burden?’ or ‘Is this person just seeking attention?’ Ask me that! We need to talk about that because where else do we get to ask meaningful, livedthrou­gh questions about what it’s like to help someone with a mental health issue or what it means to live with one?”

Taylor says that one of the most important aspects of dealing with mental health is listening and believing someone’s experience.

“If the only thing you can do is validate another person’s experience and believe them, that’s actually huge. So many people struggle with a sense of being invalidate­d, whether it’s by a medical profession­al, a family member, a counsellor. I experience­d all of the above when I was sick and it just distresses you even more when you feel a burden of disbelief from other people.”

Taylor says it’s the affirmativ­e feedback she gets that drives her to continue.

“I love when people tell me that it’s really helped them — it’s why I do what I do. When someone tells me they feel better equipped to deal with mental health or they don’t feel lonely anymore, I know it’s having an impact and I simply can’t imagine not doing this work.”

She wants people to have a solid base of practical, usable knowledge on mental health, she says.

“I’m really humbled that people are willing to step into this stuff with me and actually ask hard questions. I appreciate the vulnerabil­ity that I receive on that end as well. You can’t give a formula for any of these things, but you can give a framework. That framework can help us walk through a situation with a lot more confidence, sensitivit­y, compassion and effectiven­ess in what we’re doing.”

 ?? MATT SMITH ?? Cara Taylor is a mental health educator, offering workshops on mental health topics like mental health first aid, mental health in the workplace, body image, and more.
MATT SMITH Cara Taylor is a mental health educator, offering workshops on mental health topics like mental health first aid, mental health in the workplace, body image, and more.
 ?? MATT SMITH ?? Cara Taylor has a passion for social justice and studied social work through the University of Regina.
MATT SMITH Cara Taylor has a passion for social justice and studied social work through the University of Regina.

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