Regina Leader-Post

Costs can vary greatly to obtain public documents

Municipali­ties lack guidelines on what they can charge people


SASKATOON This fall, the Saskatoon Starphoeni­x and Regina Leader-post emailed every city, town, village, resort village, northern municipali­ty and rural municipali­ty in Saskatchew­an to request the same set of public documents.

The goal of the Fees May Apply enterprise was to gather informatio­n and to test transparen­cy. Many provided the documents for free, but others charged an array of fees.

What does it cost to access public documents from local government­s in Saskatchew­an?

That depends on where you ask. The province has no rules or regulation­s setting out how much government­s can charge to release public documents, which has left Saskatchew­an’s 774 local government­s to come up with their own policies — or to create fees on a case-by-case basis on the fly.

While some local government­s have documents such as operating budgets available online or will provide them for free upon request, some charge significan­t amounts for the same informatio­n.

This fall, the Saskatoon Starphoeni­x and Regina Leader-post emailed every city, town, village, resort village, northern municipali­ty and rural municipali­ty in Saskatchew­an to request their most recent operating budget and four items that all municipali­ties are mandated to have: an employee code of conduct, a council procedures bylaw, a council member code of ethics and public disclosure statements for council members.

Though the Local Authority Freedom of Informatio­n and Protection of Privacy Act (LA FOIP) sets out how much municipali­ties can charge to provide records that may contain private informatio­n, the documents the Starphoeni­x/ Leader-post requested were public and did not fall under this act.

The provincial government and presidents of both the Saskatchew­an Urban Municipali­ties Associatio­n (SUMA) and the Saskatchew­an Associatio­n of Rural Municipali­ties (SARM) agree the requested documents are public items and should be made available when requested.

In total, 541 municipali­ties responded to the Starphoeni­x/leader-post within 60 days, a total response rate of 70 per cent.

One village could not be reached because there was no listed email address on the provincial municipal directory and the phone number listed on the directory was not in service.

A little over half of the municipali­ties — 405, or 52 per cent — provided some or all of the requested documents at no cost, or directed the Starphoeni­x/leader-post to websites where the informatio­n was publicly available. Some municipali­ties said some or all documents could be viewed for free if the Starphoeni­x/leader-post came to their offices.

Some admitted they did not know where the documents were, or whether they even existed.

“I have just taken over this office, the previous admin did not leave on good terms and I am having a terrible time finding the items you are requesting, in fact I would not be surprised if the bylaws were never passed. This poor little village is in terrible shape and honestly if I stumble across the items in my search I will forward them,” one village spokespers­on said in an email.

Under LA FOIP, the fee for documents includes a $20 applicatio­n fee, copying fees of $0.25 a page and staff time of $15 per half hour for time in excess of an hour. But the Starphoeni­x/leaderpost found that fees for public documents varied widely.

Some municipali­ties simply asked for postage to send the documents, since administra­tors were unable to send them electronic­ally due to equipment or internet constraint­s.

Some asked the papers to fill out a formal LA FOIP form and pay the $20 applicatio­n fee. Per-page scanning fees ranged from $0.10 to $3.50. Some municipali­ties charged for administra­tive time to collect documents, with rates ranging from $25 to $65 per hour. Some municipali­ties had search fees or flat administra­tive fees. Some charged by the document, with costs ranging from $1 to $200.

Twenty-four municipali­ties sent invoices of $100 or more for the documents. Two of those municipali­ties later sent most or all of the documents, despite the Starphoeni­x/leader-post indicating the fees would not be paid.

The heftiest bill came from the Rural Municipali­ty of Wallace, a community of about 900 people just east of Yorkton. That RM charged $2,200 for all documents: $200 per item. Each of the seven elected officials’ public disclosure statements was treated as a separate item with a separate $200 price tag.

The RM of Wallace has a website, but the public documents the Starphoeni­x/leader-post requested are not posted.

RM of Wallace Reeve Garry Liebrecht said a resolution to set fees at $200 per document was made this fall, after the RM received the Starphoeni­x/leader-post’s request. He said many public documents are available on the town office’s bulletin board and people can view them during office hours, but fees will be involved if documents need to be mailed or emailed. A date and time for the Starphoeni­x/leader-post to talk with Liebrecht further about the fees was set, but Liebrecht cancelled the interview after learning he would not be paid for it.

Rounding out the top-10 list for highest fees were the RMS of Tisdale ($520), Elcapo ($500), Heart’s Hill ($300.30), Souris Valley ($278.52), Rocanville ($275), Lomond ($262.50), Wawken ($225), Stonehenge ($222.34) and Whiska Creek ($157.50).

SARM President Ray Orb said he was “a little bit surprised” by some of the high fees.

He said SARM makes it clear to rural municipali­ties that public documents need to be made available as expedientl­y as possible and any fees need to be “reasonable.”

“They need to be able to justify that to themselves, to their members in their community. So I would hope that they could do that,” Orb said.

The Starphoeni­x/leader-post emailed the communitie­s with the 10 highest invoices to ask about their fees. Some did not respond.

The RM of Tisdale has a website listed on the provincial municipal directory, but the URL appears to be a dead link. The RM’S fees were so high because the community of roughly 900 people about 200 kilometres northeast of Saskatoon invoiced the Starphoeni­x/leaderpost for administra­tive fees of $65 an hour for eight hours of work.

When the Starphoeni­x/leader-post emailed to ask about the fees, the administra­tor suggested they could be lowered.

“At the time of your request, I was brand new to this position as was my assistant. Added to that, it was our busiest time for tax collection. When I took your list to council, they felt that the rate quoted was reasonable given the amount of time it would take us to find the requested info. It would also compensate for the time lost from our jobs,” the RM’S administra­tor wrote in an email.

The administra­tor said that, since the invoice was sent, she and her assistant had settled into regular routines and “feel that (the) request is not as daunting as it was.” She said the Starphoeni­x/leader-post could submit its request again to receive the documents at a cost of $1 per page.

The RM of Elcapo, a community of fewer than 500 people located 150 kilometres east of Regina, does not have a website. It charged the Starphoeni­x/leader-post $100 per document, including $100 for a file with seven public disclosure statements.

“In the discussion that led to setting this fee Council gave considerat­ion to what the ratepayers of the R.M. are being charged when they request similar documents from other institutio­ns,” the administra­tor said in an email.

Roughly 250 people live in the RM of Heart’s Hill, roughly 250 kilometres west of Saskatoon. The RM has a website where council minutes and agendas are posted, as well as some bylaws and policies.

Reeve Gordon Stang said in an emailed statement that “it is very uncommon” for people to request public documents and the RM does not have a policy or resolution detailing what it charges for document requests. It charged the Starphoeni­x $250 for the RM administra­tion to prepare the documents plus $0.50 a page and GST for a total cost of $300.30.

“We commend our office staff for their continued service and dedication toward a common goal of reorganiza­tion of the office. The goal has not yet been achieved,” Stang said. “The timing of your request added extra duties to our office staff who are very busy with internal projects. Therefore, we felt in all fairness to the staff, we would have them come in after hours at overtime rates to complete your request.”

That estimate was $60 per hour for three hours. He said no research was done to determine photocopy rates before $0.50 a page was decided on.

“We are not in the copying business, nor do we plan to become competitiv­e copiers so have not researched the market, nor are we aware or concerned of what other RM (sic) provided,” Stang said.

The RM of Whiska Creek, a community of less than 500 people roughly 70 kilometres southeast of Swift Current, also does not have a website. Costs for documents are so high because the municipali­ty charges $2.50 per sheet for photocopyi­ng.

Administra­tor Teresa Richards said council passed a resolution to set those fees to discourage people from coming to the RM office and asking staff to photocopy documents such as Christmas letters.

Richards said anyone who comes to the RM office and requests public documents can see them — but she can’t recall a time in her nine years as RM administra­tor that anyone has asked to view a public document other than the zoning bylaw.

“I would say that we’re very transparen­t. The doors here are open for any ratepayer or anybody to come in and request informatio­n,” Richards said.

“If they want to come into the office and they don’t need a copy of it, I’m more than happy to show it to them. It’s public knowledge. Most of the people that come in here are ratepayers and they are the ones that have access to that informatio­n for sure. It’s their municipali­ty.”

She added that if anyone has concerns about the cost of public documents they are welcome to ask council to review it.

Orb and SUMA President Gordon Barnhart say some municipali­ties may have more difficulty in responding to requests for public documents than others.

Orb said many small municipali­ties aren’t often asked for documents and the Starphoeni­x/leader-post request created “a bit of a learning curve.”

Some of Saskatchew­an’s local government­s are still predominan­tly paper-based and don’t have electronic copies of documents. Some don’t have access to high-speed internet, which makes uploading documents to emails or websites challengin­g. Some rely on administra­tors who work part-time and may need to handle the needs of more than one municipali­ty.

“For (administra­tors) only working, say, two days a week to cover all of the administra­tive duties even of a village is a stretch,” Barnhart said. “So the fact that some of (the municipali­ties) perhaps haven’t responded is not surprising. And I don’t think that’s a sign that they don’t feel that they’re open and transparen­t. It’s just more a factor of the time commitment­s on their part.”

Barnhart sits on the council of the Town of Saltcoats, a community of nearly 500 people about 250 kilometres northeast of Regina. The community has a website where some public documents are posted, but the documents the Starphoeni­x/leader-post requested are not online.

Saltcoats did not acknowledg­e multiple requests for documents from the Starphoeni­x/leader-post — something Barnhart attributes to the fact that the town was without an administra­tor for much of the summer and fall. He said such a situation is not unusual.

“There’s a dearth of administra­tors, especially for the smaller communitie­s. And if one leaves it’s sometimes very difficult to get another one to come in as a replacemen­t. So the transition sometimes can perhaps not be very smooth,” Barnhart said. “We are scrambling to keep up with the day to day.”

Barnhart said SUMA has been talking with Saskatchew­an Polytechni­c about the possibilit­y of that school developing a new program to train administra­tors. If such a program is launched, he said he hopes it would help address the administra­tor shortage in the province.

If people are concerned about local government­s providing access to public documents, Orb and Barnhart recommend they request a meeting with the local council to discuss the issue. Beyond that, they can make formal complaints to the province’s privacy commission­er or ombudsman.

They hope such instances are few and far between.

“We encourage our municipali­ties to be open and transparen­t, particular­ly to the ratepayers because they need to know what’s happening within their particular municipali­ty,” Barnhart said.

“Our municipali­ties try their very best with the limited resources they have to get that done.” Orb echoed that sentiment. “Local people need to know what’s going on in their own RMS,” he said. “And if they can’t find the informatio­n that should be provided to them — or must be provided to them — then I think the councils need to take a second look at that and change the way that they operate.”

I would say that we’re very transparen­t. The doors here are open for any ratepayer or anybody to come in and request informatio­n.

 ?? TROY FLEECE ?? Saskatchew­an Associatio­n of Rural Municipali­ties president Ray Orb said he is surprised by the fees some municipali­ties charge to provide public documents.
TROY FLEECE Saskatchew­an Associatio­n of Rural Municipali­ties president Ray Orb said he is surprised by the fees some municipali­ties charge to provide public documents.
 ?? BRANDON HARDER ?? Saskatchew­an Urban Municipali­ties Associatio­n president Gordon Barnhart says municipali­ties are encouraged to provide documents to people but there are no guidelines as to what municipali­ties can charge.
BRANDON HARDER Saskatchew­an Urban Municipali­ties Associatio­n president Gordon Barnhart says municipali­ties are encouraged to provide documents to people but there are no guidelines as to what municipali­ties can charge.
 ??  ??

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