Regina Leader-Post


‘Hawkeye’ known for keeping a sharp watch on traffic


For four years, Const. Mike Seel put his workday on display.

In early January, the officer known by the nickname Hawkeye worked his final shift with the Regina Police Service’s traffic section before turning over the reins on his popular Twitter account to settle back into his old job in patrol.

Having taken over the Twitter account from an outgoing traffic unit member, Seel helped to build a following of approximat­ely 9,000 followers, giving them a glimpse of his day-to-day duties — some amusing, some astounding, some exasperati­ng, some outright maddening — by posting about the various traffic stops and calls he attended.

“I’ll miss it,” he says of his stint in the traffic unit. “I’m not going to miss the people arguing on roadside and going to court and stuff like that, but I’ll miss the Twitter part. I’ll miss doing road safety, but I’m excited to go back to patrol.”

Now in his 12th year of policing, Seel spent seven years in patrol before starting with the traffic section.

He chuckles about his moniker Hawkeye, explaining it came about when a fellow traffic officer described him to someone as “a hawk eye for catching people on their cellphone.” The name stuck.

“I get a lot of gears for it but I’d rather have a nickname for doing something that I’m good at than something else,” he quips.

With a reputation for spotting illicit cellphone use, Seel’s former Twitter account was littered with tales of such traffic stops. He detailed failed attempts at hiding wrongdoing, unsuccessf­ul excuses and repeat offending — often multiple times per shift. He’s posted about the frustratio­ns of some drivers just not grasping the dangers of driving while using mobile devices or while intoxicate­d. All in all, he’s accrued a backlog of stories from his days on the traffic beat, ranging from the hilarious to the tragic.

When asked for some of his more amusing anecdotes, Seel recounts the story of a man he pulled over after observing him watching adult videos while stopped at a red light.

“I’ve caught a lot of people on their cellphones, and usually at the most they’re watching Youtube or texting or stuff like that, but that caught me off guard,” Seel says. “I did a double take when I stopped beside him doing that.”

The man initially denied having been on his cellphone, but was forced to fess up when Seel described what had been displayed on the man’s screen. It turned out he was also a suspended driver.

Another stop involved a driver Seel spotted in mid-december on his cellphone — the third or fourth time Seel caught him in the act within 18 months. The man got a ticket and a seven-day vehicle impoundmen­t. Given the man also had outstandin­g warrants, Seel arrested him and took him to police cells.

“He was telling me how he can’t seem to catch a break because earlier that day, he got a speeding ticket for doing like 50 over the speed limit, so he had another vehicle impounded that day and a $900 ticket issued already,” Seel says. “He had two cars impounded in one day and over $1,000 in tickets issued. So I kind of said, ‘It’s not about catching a break; it’s about driving better.’ ”

It isn’t at all unusual for drivers Seel has pulled over to try to pull a fast one or to cast blame on someone or something other than themselves. Seel estimates a solid half of the drivers he has dealt with have tried to convince him he was wrong about having seen them on their cellphones.

“That’s where I get really frustrated, because some people that I actually will look at, I’ll chirp my lights, they’ll be holding their phone, they’ll look at me and they’ll say, ‘No, that wasn’t my phone. It was my wallet or it was a drink,’ ” he says. “I know the difference ... Your wallet doesn’t have a reflective screen on it with the lights on with an illuminate­d screen and a home button. I can’t believe the stuff that people try and say they’re holding.”

Seel is also rather adept at reading lips. Most often driving an unmarked truck, he has seen many a curse word pass people’s lips as they’ve looked up from their cellphones to catch sight of a man in uniform next to them.

To try to cut down on the roadside arguments, Seel will often chirp his lights and siren upon spotting a driving infraction, showing the offending driver their actions did not go unnoticed. Even then, arguments occur.

He recalls one woman who, clearly yelling at her phone, proceeded to give Seel the finger once he caught her attention. Needless to say, she was pulled over.

Seel says he has had to bite his tongue — and avoid firing off angry tweets — more than once due to various situations and people he’s encountere­d. He also sees Twitter as something of a psychologi­cal saviour, providing an outlet to share his workday challenges with a public he sees as having gotten better at calling others out for their bad driving behaviours.

The social media site has done more than that, though. It’s also provided another means for him to communicat­e with the public about the dangers and realities of distracted, dangerous and impaired driving.

“I think it’s a great education tool ...,” he says. “On the one hand, I want to do it to show we’re not all like ticket robots. We actually care, we have a sense of humour, we care about our jobs, we’re not just heartless people that are doing this to kind of go out there and make a buck ... My thought was I can write someone a ticket and (keep) them from being in an accident, and then now with Twitter, I can share that saying, ‘This is what this person did and this is why you can’t do it.’ ”

For those who were following Seel in traffic, he can now be found at @Rpspatrol1. Given the subject matter of patrol, it’s unlikely he will be as quick with a quirky tale or humorous gif, but he’s looking forward to continuing his social media presence nonetheles­s.

“There’s different parts of the Criminal Code that we haven’t dealt with very often, that private members of the public haven’t seen, and we can share that, saying, ‘Listen, this person got charged with this. This is why you can’t do something like that,’ ” he says. “So I think it’s a great tool to use for stuff like that.”

 ?? BRANDON HARDER ?? Const. Mike “Hawkeye” Seel of the Regina Police Service stands next to his unmarked police truck in front of police headquarte­rs on Osler Street in Regina on Jan. 3, 2020.
BRANDON HARDER Const. Mike “Hawkeye” Seel of the Regina Police Service stands next to his unmarked police truck in front of police headquarte­rs on Osler Street in Regina on Jan. 3, 2020.
 ?? TROY FLEECE ?? Minister Responsibl­e for SGI Joe Hargrave, left, along with Const. Seel speak about the upcoming changes to distracted driving penalties coming into effect Feb. 1, 2020.
TROY FLEECE Minister Responsibl­e for SGI Joe Hargrave, left, along with Const. Seel speak about the upcoming changes to distracted driving penalties coming into effect Feb. 1, 2020.

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