Regina Leader-Post


- By Holiday

SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2020 Liberation Leo Moon

Rejection is a pretty substantia­l fear in the human psyche, right up there with the biggest baddies. And yet, now that 5,000 years from our prehistori­c lifestyle, rejection seldom ends fatally. We have to teach ourselves that it’s really OK not to have everyone’s acceptance all the time. In that teaching: liberation, Leo moon style.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). There is warm affection around you, and you won’t mind if small surprises are part of the fun, although it doesn’t take much to get to a level of excitement you’d deem disconcert­ingly spontaneou­s.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). All of life is a rhythm. Finding yours can be quite natural, though you shouldn’t let nature dictate every move. Don’t underestim­ate your power to change one that’s not working for you either.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Entrances and exits have power you can use. Decide how you want to show up. Visualize what it will look like, who will pay attention and what feeling you want to create by stepping into the room -- and by leaving it.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Are the earth, sun, moon and stars in selfless service to you? Probably not, but would it really hurt to move forward as though that were the truth? Certainly, the heavens have no agenda to oppose you.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). To like and accept yourself is only the first level of being at peace in the world. True effectiven­ess comes with moving up the scale. What if you were crazy about yourself? Work on it. The success that rolls in with this is spectacula­r.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). To check your ethics will be prudent, conscienti­ous and more than most people will do. Most assume they’re right without giving a thought to the bigger picture and far-reaching consequenc­es.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Maybe you don’t need to feel guilty, especially if someone is trying to make you feel this way in order to forward their own agenda. Relatedly, don’t be tricked into taking responsibi­lity for someone else’s problems.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Games of chance will favor you. That doesn’t mean you should run to the casino and throw the dice, but if you have a little to risk on the whimsy of the fates you might enjoy the outcome.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Ever feel like you’re doing a bad impression of yourself? That’s social tension for you. To get comfortabl­e, find the cause of discomfort. Probably, it’s a story you’re telling yourself. Or it’s your shoes.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It’s good to be royal! Your approval makes plans roll into motion. This isn’t the case in many areas of your life. Even blood-born monarchs aren’t the kings and queens of everything. So celebrate what you rule when you do.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You’ll do instead of worrying about what to do. This is where mistakes get made -- excellent. Mistakes are the proof of life. Mistakes are the foliage around the roses of success.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). They say that the truth hurts. Though, to be fair, maybe it’s the artless way truth is often delivered that really causes the pain. You’ll have a message. Think about it, practice it, try and make it land as softly as possible.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 8). There’s a first time for everything -- or at least there ought to be. Fill your year with firsts, as bursts of newness will be the secret to invigorati­ng your experience. Caring for others will, in an unexpected way, provide you with the opportunit­y to advance private interests. Your family will grow. Sagittariu­s and Virgo adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 4, 44, 42 and 18.

ASTROLOGIC­AL QUESTION: “I am a Cancer, born July 12, 1963. I seem to have remarkable luck as far as my profession­al life goes, but I have not been able to settle down and get married. I meet many men and have had several serious boyfriends, but my fear of commitment is really holding me back. At the moment, there are two guys I am interested in, a Pisces (2/21/63) and a Leo (8/17/63). I think the Leo is more of a player even though he has tried to say otherwise. I have decided to hedge my bets on the Pisces, but I don’t want to make a mistake. Can you give me any advice?”

You’re right, the Pisces man will make a stellar lifelong mate. You want a man who will take care of business at home, and Mr. Leo wants to let the good times roll. The trick is getting your Pisces to feel safe enough to let his love flow; he has more intense feelings for you than he lets on. Be not afraid: Once you attach yourself to this man, your relationsh­ip will satisfy you on so many levels that you’ll forget why you stayed single for so long.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Few celebritie­s achieve undying relevance at the level of Aquarius actor James Dean from the iconic “Rebel Without a Cause.” Mercury, Venus and Saturn in cool Capricorn indicate great wells of self-control and emotional restraint as well as lofty ambitions and the talent to get there. Mars, the passion planet, in Leo, the sign of entertainm­ent indicates a strong need for attention. Dean’s Scorpio moon brought the brooding intensity to this natal chart.

Write Holiday Mathis at Holidaymat­


SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2019 Modeling Moon

The witty conceptual artist John Baldessari had a popular piece called “Teaching a Plant the Alphabet,” in which he held up flashcards to unimpresse­d foliage. The master suggested: “When I think I’m teaching, I’m probably not. When I don’t think I’m teaching, I probably am.” Under the instructiv­e Virgo moon, model the behavior you want to impart.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You are a rescuer. By needling and kidding your love ones, and by laughing at yourself, you will save the world from the deadly disease of self-seriousnes­s.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Settle yourself down and suddenly you’re headed toward a sort of wise passivity -- a state of mind in which you will be able to observe what’s going on with very little interferen­ce from your own preference­s or fears.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Ambiguity doesn’t have to cause stress. Yes, there are a few different ways to read the day, but they are compliment­ary interpreta­tions, the trajectori­es will be similar, whichever you believe.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Giving feels right to you. Most of the day will be spent caring, helping and doing. However, when presented with the opportunit­y to relax, don’t miss out on some well-deserved enjoyment.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You are not a tram on the road of life -- an engine that moves in predestine­d grooves. You are free to make the turns, merge to the onramp, leave the town or country and know new lands.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). When things get a little tense, it might help to think of this as an adventure, or the movie you’re starring in. If you take a moment to sense it, you’ll get the feeling there’s an invisible audience out there rooting for you.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Many gifts are impossible to repay, though there’s some nobility in trying. And so you’ll go about it today in a way you know is not enough, though you can rest assured, most people don’t even attempt this at all.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). The joys of reuniting are not possible if you never part ways. So while you can’t be with your loved ones at all times, you’ll hold in your heart the wonderful anticipati­on of being together again soon.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). It takes many years to know yourself well enough to pace yourself. Of course, this is different depending on the particular endeavor and your time of life. When you overdo it, just know that it’s part of learning.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Plato suggested the measure of a man is what he does with power. Sometimes you don’t feel like you have enough of it to tell really, though you have more than you exercise.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). The dance of your daily life involves a fair amount of diplomacy. Want to know how people really are? Play a game. In a game, dynamics will surface and be worked out under the premise of playing around.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). How many times have you seen a winged bug crawl around? So many. Just because wings are an option doesn’t mean that flying is always the best way. Often what’s needed is found by covering ground step by step.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 9). Your dreams swirl into a desire to be of service, producing some of your best ideas yet. The practical help and mentorship you seek in the next 10 weeks land at the intersecti­on of usefulness, creativity and commerce. A thriving relationsh­ip will spread joy all over your life. See new places in May and August. Aries and Virgo adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 5, 40, 7, 33 and 28.

FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: Once upon a Valentine’s Day, the entire village threw a party in the name of love, and the party featured a lottery, and singles were paired up by chance, their names being drawn together, which made about as much sense as any method concocted since. Well, maybe the day wasn’t exactly named Valentine’s Day, it was called Lupercalia. But it happened midfebruar­y, and romance, such as it was, remained a theme, just as it is a theme this week, hundreds of years later. Love is a hard theme to beat.

The days leading up to this Valentine’s Day include a companiona­te and artistic Libra moon. Libra is the sign associated with partnershi­ps of all kinds and is represente­d by The Lovers card in the tarot, so there isn’t a more positive moon to lead into the festivitie­s that will be officiated in turn by the Scorpio moon which is as sizzling, tantalizin­g and soulful a lunar influence as could be wished for.

Things change after this week. Mars changes. Mercury goes retrograde. And whatever spells were cast, for better or worse, during the week of Valentine’s, it won’t be long before they dissipate or break. Such is the intoxicati­on of romance!

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Carole King is one of the great treasures of American pop music. This prolific singer/songwriter has had seven top 10 albums, including the iconic “Tapestry,” which spent nearly six years on the Billboard Top 200 chart. Her sun, Mercury and Venus in musical Aquarius is accented nicely with three major Taurus influences in her natal chart. Taurus rules the voice.

Write Holiday Mathis at Holidaymat­


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