Regina Leader-Post

I quite like the idea of tying myself into knots and then having to find a way out of it. That challenges me — to see if I can really do it.

C.J. Tudor, author of the new thriller The Other People


The Other People C.J. Tudor Doubleday Canada

LONDON His name is Gabe and he’s rolling down this busy highway in England when he suddenly spots the face of his five-year-old daughter peering through the rear window of a battered old car.

Gabe gives chase but can’t catch up. When he anxiously calls home, the police answer and inform him that the youngster and her mother have been shot dead by an intruder. But have they really? The bodies have purportedl­y been identified, but what is Gabe supposed to do with the conflictin­g evidence of his own eyes? He knows he has seen his own child being snatched away from him on the motorway.

That’s how C.J. Tudor begins her new thriller, The Other People. Her intent is to grab the reader immediatel­y — and she succeeds. But what’s intriguing about Tudor, a bright new light on the crime-writing horizon, is her cheerful admission that when she sat down at her desk to create this opening scene, she had no idea where she was going with it.

“Oh yes, I’m definitely a seat-ofthe-pants writer,” she giggles. “I don’t care if I don’t know the ending when I start a new book.”

But doesn’t she at least sketch out a storyline? There’s another laugh over the phone from the author cited as Britain’s answer to Stephen King.

“There are writers who do like to plot,” she concedes. “They have charts and posties all around them and plan the book scene by scene. And I think, ‘Oh god, I’d be so bored.’ How can anyone sit down and do that? I’d be bored even before I started.”

Still, there was a real-life trigger for The Other People, published in Canada by Doubleday.

“It was that scene with the car that started it all,” Tudor says. “I was driving home on the motorway and was stuck behind some slow-moving traffic. There was this rusty old car with stickers all over it. I’d been staring at the back of it for some time, and my mind started to wander. My mind said to me, ‘What if it the rear window showed the face of someone who had been taken against their will? What would I do?’ And then I started going down the rabbit hole because I have a little girl myself. What if this was my own child in front of me in this strange car?

“It seemed a good starting point for a book, so I went home and wrote my first chapter.”

She sounds so matter-of-fact about it that it’s hard to believe that she’s a recent newcomer to the crime-fiction scene. It’s only two years since she hit the bestseller lists with her debut novel, The Chalk Man, a creepy thriller about childhood horrors that start repeating themselves 30 years later.

After reading it, King took to his

Twitter account. “Want to read something good?” he tweeted. “If you like my stuff you’ll like this.”

Tudor couldn’t believe her eyes when she first saw these words.

“Stephen King was a huge part of my teens,” she says by phone from her Sussex home. “There are other authors I love, but he is my constant. When I wrote The Chalk Man, it was a homage to the King books.”

But what about those critics who have labelled her the English Stephen King?

“That’s pretty awesome, but hopefully, as the books go on, people will see that I have my own voice and style,” she says cautiously.

King ’s expertise with full-blown horror is well-known, but Tudor doesn’t belong at that end of his spectrum. “A lot of his books don’t really have a huge amount of horror or the supernatur­al in them,” she says. Her own books reveal an author who walks a tricky tightrope with novels that are naturalist­ic, provide a convincing portrait of contempora­ry society and feature carefully drawn characters. This new novel, her third, can also be seen as a cautionary tale about the perils of the internet and the consequenc­es of vigilante justice, while also leading the reader into strange and inexplicab­le places — offering in her words, “a slight weirdness.”

The latter is certainly true when it comes to the turbulent world of Gabe, the central figure in The Other People. Three years after the loss of his family, he’s still in denial, spending his days prowling that blighted highway in search of his daughter and the rusty vehicle that took her away. As he dreams of retributio­n, the car of his nightmares is discovered abandoned in a lake with a body inside. And, as Gabe comes under police suspicion, a mysterious online support group known as The Other People makes an eerie entrance into his life.

“We like to think we’re more civilized,” Tudor says, conceding that she found herself taking the story into a grey moral area. “But if you lose a child, someone you’ve loved so much, the idea that you could get retributio­n against whoever caused it — I think that would be tempting to many people. If somebody hurt my daughter I would want to kill them ... the emotion would be there. We’re all capable of doing bad things.”

Yet, as these emotions began simmering through her narrative, she still wasn’t sure how it would end.

“I quite like the idea of tying myself into knots and then having to find a way out of it,” she says. “That challenges me — to see if I can really do it.”

Tudor, an only child, loved making up stories as a youngster. “I wrote all the time into my teens. Then, in my 20s, I stopped. It was a time when I was being irresponsi­ble and couldn’t really knuckle down to it.”

So she worked as an ad writer for radio. She earned money doing voice-overs. She ran a dog-walking business. But the urge to write remained, and she finally she gave herself a stern lecture.

“I told myself that if I seriously want to do this I have to finish something I’ve started. I had to prove I could get to the end of something ... and then eventually came The Chalk Man.”

Tudor’s first name is Caroline, but her friends call her Caz. So what’s with this C.J. thing? “I thought Caroline sounded a bit flowery for a crime novelist,” she says mischievou­sly. “Don’t you agree?”

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 ?? PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE ?? British author C.J. Tudor, who just released her third novel, The Other People, calls herself “a seat-of-the-pants writer.”
PENGUIN RANDOM HOUSE British author C.J. Tudor, who just released her third novel, The Other People, calls herself “a seat-of-the-pants writer.”
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