Regina Leader-Post

Expert shares tips to get all members on same page

Expert dishes on how to keep your book club meetings fresh and lively


A love of reading is what usually brings people together to form a book club. But, like any kind of group, each book club develops its own culture, structure, personalit­y and rules.

“The book clubs that are successful are the ones that know their purpose,” says Priya Parker, an expert on conflict resolution and author of The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters. And different people want different things, says Parker, who calls herself a “slightly delinquent” member of a Brooklyn women’s book club. “Often there’s a lack of clarity and a range of expectatio­ns.”

There is no one definition of a book club or right way to run it. Like long-term marriages, a monthly group that has been getting together for years can fall into a bit of a rut, or some members’ priorities may change. It’s worth checking in every once in a while and taking cues from some other inventive groups.

So, I surveyed some bibliophil­es for ideas.


Doug Erickson, a university relations specialist at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, has been in a coed seven-person book group for 12 years. The most important part of a book club for him is the members. “You need to approach the membership of your book club with the precision, pragmatism and ruthlessne­ss of the NFL draft. You can’t be sentimenta­l. Be extremely wary of the overtalker and the mansplaine­r,” he says. “One blowhard can ruin the whole thing.” In his club, members take turns hosting, but no meal is served; it’s Sunday night drinks, light snacks and “a chocolate element.”

He says if you’re thinking of adding to your group, look for people who have an open mind, people who love reading so much that they will enjoy discussing a lousy book as much as a good one and people who are self-aware enough to know when to stop talking and relinquish the floor to someone else.


Connor Massei loves to read, and so do some of his friends, so two years ago, they formed a book club.

“None of us had any idea of what we were doing, and we didn’t even Google how we should run this,” says Massei, who lives in Arlington, Va., and is an account manager at a security company. The members, in their late 20s and early 30s, meet in one of the member’s homes.

“The food isn’t fancy,” Massei says. “Members show up with something, whether a bag of chips or a charcuteri­e board and some beer.”

He says they like to get into the spirit of a book. When they read The Sun Also Rises, they toasted Ernest Hemingway with rum. “Sometimes we ask Alexa to play some tunes, like we asked for some Spanish music for Hemingway night,” he says.

They Facetime with members who are on the road so they can stay engaged.


Some clubs invite local authors to make guest appearance­s or have an annual quiz to see how much members recall about the books they read that year.

Michiel Perry, who runs the Black Southern Belle blog, thinks a creative table setting can add fun, but it shouldn’t create stress. She used to be in a book club, but with a newborn and a toddler, she’s taking a break. She thinks the food should be based on how much time the group has to commit to prep. That can change as people’s lives do, but that doesn’t mean you can’t come up with a few literary decor touches. She recalls one book club meeting at which someone wrote out meaningful quotes from the book and arranged them around the table.

Although she loves entertaini­ng, Kaitlin Moss of the Every Hostess blog thinks book clubs should “feel cosy and relaxed, take the pressure off the hostess.”

She says the vibe should reflect the feelings of the members. “It’s an engaging way to get people together, but there shouldn’t be any pressure,” she says. “Lighting candles and dimming the lights a bit makes people feel more comfortabl­e.”


In 1997, Janet Douglas, now retired from the Smithsonia­n, was part of a monthly potluck mother-daughter book club. The girls were about seven years old, and the moms were baby boomers. Back then, she says, there weren’t really any hard-and-fast rules.

“We had many iterations,” Douglas says. They would talk about the book and do an activity or craft related to it. Later, girls acted out scenes and were filmed using video cameras.

When the girls were in high school, moms and daughters alternated choosing the reads.

The club is still going, minus the daughters, who went on to college and their own book groups.

Today, Douglas says she has some new suggestion­s in mind for her club — perhaps predetermi­ned discussion questions or new methods of choosing books that spark a good exchange of ideas.

“I’m thinking having some rules is good,” Douglas says.


“The danger of a book club is that people assume they know what it is,” Parker says.

The reality is that sometimes you need to change it up based on the members and their lives. “I think a lot of people get a lot out of their book club, but many are also frustrated by them,” she says.

Davina Morgan-witts says adaptabili­ty is key for a long-lasting club. She’s the founder of Book Browse, a website that recommends books and is a source for all things book clubs. The site suggests an annual check-in with members, an open discussion to see whether everyone is still on the same page about the length of the discussion­s, book choices and new members.

In her site’s Book Club Health Check, you’ll find sample questions. “It’s really good to figure out what is working and what is not,” Morgan-witts says. “Defining the rules of your group is important. Some people may be getting fed up of hearing only Brenda’s views every month.”

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? A book club? Wine not! Since not every book club is run exactly the same way, some literary gatherings end up being about the Pinot more than the novel.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O A book club? Wine not! Since not every book club is run exactly the same way, some literary gatherings end up being about the Pinot more than the novel.

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