Regina Leader-Post

Doctor raises transparen­cy doubts as province’s pandemic tally hits 66


Health officials are holding back detailed data on COVID-19 cases in Saskatchew­an, as the province reported a new total of 66 cases on Monday.

A public health doctor argued that greater transparen­cy would inspire public confidence, and could encourage people in at-risk communitie­s to take stronger precaution­s.

“I do believe the province can do a better job at providing some of these data,” said Dr. Anne Huang, a former deputy medical health officer who worked for both the Saskatchew­an Health Authority and Health Canada.

“Without that level of detail, I don’t think the public can be reassured, and at the same time I don’t think the public can take some of these preventive measures.”

Huang spoke to the Leader-post immediatel­y before Saskatchew­an’s chief medical health officer, Dr. Saqib Shahab, announced 14 new confirmed cases in the province. The announceme­nt came with no informatio­n on where the patients were tested, and little detail on their age or travel history.

A release simply said that 61 per cent are men and all but one are adults. Shahab said “almost all” are connected to travel. The province said “additional demographi­c informatio­n on these cases is not available at this time as public health officials are continuing their contact investigat­ion.”

Cases reported over the weekend also lacked the detailed informatio­n provided for the first 26 cases. Patients are now only been grouped into broad geographic categories that leave out any specific cities or towns, apart from Regina and Saskatoon.

Shahab resisted the idea of providing more precise informatio­n about individual cases, and notably on where they were tested. He said doing anything more could “potentiall­y identify an individual.”

“On the other hand, we don’t want to give this impression that it’s just a risk in that community,” said Shahab.

But Huang pointed to the example of Taiwan, which has safeguarde­d personal informatio­n by assigning numbers to cases and reporting detailed informatio­n for each one.

NDP Leader Ryan Meili said Saskatchew­an should do the same.

“We need to know where the cases are. We need to know the ages. We need to know the profession­s,” said Meili, specifical­ly referring to health-care profession­s.

“Even when it’s not great news, more news is better. People will respond better to the measures that are proposed when they know what’s really going on. So this gradual limitation of the degree of detail is exactly the wrong direction and it’s irresponsi­ble.”

Generally, Huang said the province’s response to COVID-19 in recent days is encouragin­g. She said Saskatchew­an is “on the right track” and “slightly ahead of other provinces” in its efforts to contain and mitigate the disease.

But she said stronger measures — of the kind the City of Regina passed last week before the province moved to rescind them — will be required if there is evidence of community transmissi­on.

Shahab said on Monday there’s no clear sign that has happened, at least not yet.

“This is a critical point for us, because we still do not have any evidence of community transmissi­on,” Shahab said during a press conference on Monday.

Community transmissi­on occurs when public health officials are unable to trace a new case back to a source outside the province, either directly or through contacts.

Shahab acknowledg­ed on Monday that there are still a few cases that have not been traced back to such a source, including one announced before Sunday. But he said it takes time to “tie all the threads together.”

But Huang worried that Saskatchew­an may not be testing widely enough to find cases early. She has previously warned that confirmed cases are just “the tip of the iceberg.” There could be five, or even 10 times as many lurking under the surface.

She pointed to the example of South Korea, which is conducting so many tests that it has uncovered mild cases that may be contagious.

“The advantage of that is it allows you to act earlier to contain a new case,” she said.

Saskatchew­an, by contrast, is only testing recent travellers, contacts of known cases and a few other limited groups — and only when they show symptoms of the illness. It has now done 5,269 tests at the

Without that level of detail, I don’t think the public can be reassured, and at the same time I don’t think the public can take some of these preventive measures.

provincial lab in Regina.

Huang acknowledg­ed that there is still debate about whether tests can detect a positive case before there are symptoms, a point Shahab has previously made.

But Saskatchew­an could also test patients with symptoms who don’t have a direct link to travel or other cases, Huang pointed out.

Right now, for the most part, it isn’t.

“If we do not have a good handle on how widespread the viruses are in our community, I think we need to do some sampling of some of these people presenting with fever and cough and shortness of breath,” said Huang.

“Because the argument is, if you don’t test, you’re not going to find it.”

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