Regina Leader-Post




As lockdown provisions continue across Canada, at least two legal advocacy groups are mulling the possibilit­y of heading to the courts to force provincial government­s to roll back some of the more draconian rules that are in place to fight COVID-19.

In particular, New Brunswick’s travel ban and Alberta’s measures allowing health data to be given to police, in some circumstan­ces, have raised the ire of legal groups.

“We’re considerin­g considerin­g it,” said Joanna Baron, executive director of the Canadian Constituti­on Foundation, the same outfit that tried to tackle New Brunswick’s cross-border beer ban, when reached by the Post on Saturday and asked about the travel ban.

“It is a pretty clear-cut constituti­onal violation.”

New Brunswick — along with other jurisdicti­ons, including Nunavut and Quebec — has a ban on travel in and out of the province. Blaine Higgs, New Brunswick’s premier, and health officials in Nunavut have been explicit in their belief that strict travel provisions have shielded many citizens from the outbreak.

The Canadian Constituti­on Foundation is not moving forward with a challenge of New Brunswick’s ban at the precise moment, Baron clarified. At this point, she’s on more of a fact-finding mission. “Courts aren’t open,” she said.

Elsewhere, in Alberta, the Justice Centre for Constituti­onal Freedoms (JCCF) has taken issue with a government diktat that allows health authoritie­s to hand over COVID-19 health informatio­n if a person intentiona­lly coughs or sneezes on a police officer. The group says it’s considerin­g legal action.

“Individual­s have a reasonable expectatio­n of privacy regarding their personal medical informatio­n, including and especially the results of laboratory tests,” said JCCF lawyer Jay Cameron in a news release. “The existence of a declared public health emergency does not suspend the protection­s of the Charter.”

Cameron could not be reached Saturday for an interview.

Emmett Macfarlane, a University of Waterloo political science professor, said it’s not surprising that groups are beginning to take issue with some of the measures government­s have enacted.

“The longer the emergency situation continues, the more likely restrictio­ns or infringeme­nts on personal liberties are to face challenge,” Macfarlane said.

New Brunswick has had border controls in place with other provinces since March 25. As of May 6, five air travellers had been denied entry to the province, and, over the 10 previous days, an average of 38 vehicles had been turned away each day from entering the province.

“I am discussing our border controls with the allparty cabinet committee, and if we find room to improve, I assure you that we will make changes,” said Higgs.

Baron said there’s a clearcut constituti­onal issue involved: interprovi­ncial travel and trade fall under federal jurisdicti­on, not provincial, she said. And, there’s a potential test case already: On Thursday, Daniel Arefi flew to Moncton from Toronto, planning to live with his parents, his father told CBC.

He was arrested at the airport, with peace officers saying he was a visitor, therefore, a non-essential traveller and in violation of the provincial state of emergency.

A judge issued a $292.50 fine on Friday and had him shipped back to Toronto, CBC reported.

“What is absolutely clear is that provincial authoritie­s don’t have the authority ... to regulate interprovi­ncial travel,” Baron said.

Macfarlane said the two cases above aren’t especially “clear-cut” and “the issue will be whether these restrictio­ns are deemed reasonable, and whether the federal government is willing to put up with provincial action in what is clearly federal jurisdicti­on.

“And in an emergency context government­s are inevitably going to be less sensitive to potential rights infringeme­nts of their policies, so interest group activity like this can be important,” he said.

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