Regina Leader-Post


The records of past NDP and Saskatchew­an Party premiers have loomed large during the 2020 election campaign. But how do those records actually compare?


From the first day on the campaign trail, Ryan Meili and Scott Moe made the 2020 election a contest of party records.

Moe, the Saskatchew­an Party leader, used the word “record” 19 times in his campaign launch speech. He said the NDP had a “dismal record of decline.”

“The last time the NDP were in office, they drove people and jobs and opportunit­ies out of this province,” said Moe. “They had the worst job creation record in Canada. They believed that Saskatchew­an could and would never grow. It can only decline.”

That same day, Meili surveyed the past to back up his warnings about austerity. He said the Saskatchew­an Party comes for cherished Crowns and vital social programs when the fiscal going gets tough.

“They've done it before. They did it in 2017, and they're going to do it again, but only worse, if re-elected,” said Meili, the Saskatchew­an NDP leader. “There's an old saying that people show you who they are, you should believe them,” he added. “Scott Moe has shown us who he is.”

But what do the numbers really say? Which party has the better record on growth, jobs, debt, deficits, cuts and closures?

The Leader-post took a close look at three decades of data to find out.


The economy grew faster in an average year under the previous NDP government than in an average year under the Saskatchew­an Party, but only by the slimmest of margins.

Gross Domestic Product, a measure of economic output, expanded by just under 40 per cent during the 16 years NDP premiers Roy Romanow and Lorne Calvert led the province. It grew by 24 per cent during the first 11 years of Sask. Party rule up to 2018, the last year for which fully comparable data is available.

Broken down year by year, that's 2.15 per cent under the NDP and two per cent under the Sask. Party.

But the background was different. The NDP trailed the rest of Canada, which grew by more than 60 per cent over the same period, or more than three per cent per year. The Sask. Party government beat the national average.

Data for 2019 and 2020 are on the way. Preliminar­y numbers for last year suggest the economy either contracted slightly or was basically flat, while everyone is expecting a deep plunge this year.

That should put a dent in the Sask. Party numbers, as it will for pretty much every governing party on the planet.


Job numbers give the edge to the Sask. Party. The COVID-19 pandemic didn't change that, though it pared back the lead by temporaril­y erasing 12 years of gains.

The Saskatchew­an NDP got off to a slow start. The province lost jobs in its first year, and growth stayed flat until 1994. There were more rocky moments ahead. But employment surged as Saskatchew­an entered a resource boom during the NDP'S final years in office. When it's all added up, net employment increased by 52,300 jobs from Oct. 1991 to Oct. 2007. That's 3,300 jobs in an average year of NDP government.

Until the pandemic, the Sask. Party's job record was almost twice as strong. Employment jumped 77,600 jobs in the 12 years up to October 2019, or 6,500 in an average year. But 2020 was not average. Pandemic restrictio­ns wiped out 73,800 jobs in two months. Saskatchew­an has clawed its way back since, getting closer to its pre-pandemic numbers than any other province.

Still, the losses cut the party's net job growth total back to 55,500 on a seasonally adjusted basis, counting up to September. That works out to about 4,300 per year when annualized. The comparable seasonally adjusted number for the NDP is 3,500 per year.

It's hard to size up those records without looking at the much wider gap on population numbers. The NDP saw modest job gains as the labour market tightened, but population barely budged. There were just 6,381 more Saskatchew­an people after 16 years of NDP government. The Sask. Party racked up far more jobs much more quickly as the population exploded by 171,358 people.

The flip side can be seen in the unemployme­nt rate, which dropped from around eight per cent to four per cent under the NDP. The rate remained pretty steady under the Sask. Party until the oil crash in 2014-15.

Though it's ticked up in recent years, it remains the lowest in Canada.


Saskatchew­an is always at the mercy of the markets, and the resource price roller-coaster has carried the parties from crushing lows to dizzying heights and back again.

But the NDP got the shorter end of the stick, especially early in its term, just as it was stuck dealing with mounting debt and a harsh cut in transfers from Ottawa.

Benchmark West Texas Intermedia­te oil prices were persistent­ly low for about the first dozen years of NDP mandates, hovering between about US$20 and US$50 in inflation adjusted 2020 dollars. They began to shoot up toward the tail end of the Calvert government, brushing up against US$100.

They kept surging as the Sask. Party came to power and stayed high until 2014, before crashing back to earth. But Brad Wall rode the boom for longer than Calvert. The average inflation adjusted price for the NDP was about $46, compared to roughly $84 for the Sask. Party.

Potash was even kinder to the Sask. Party in its early years, peaking at over $800 a tonne in 2009 after years spent slowly creeping up to just over $280 under the NDP.

Needless to say, government­s have little say over those price trends, which are set on internatio­nal commodity markets. The NDP'S rockier ride on the roller-coaster might help explain its disappoint­ing early record on jobs and population, as employment in the key resource and constructi­on sectors followed those price trends pretty closely.

That same bad luck also sheds light on the fiscal picture ahead. In 2020 dollars, the NDP could count on a widely variable average of $1.4 billion in resource revenues, compared to $2.6 billion under an average year of Sask. Party government. That made the NDP'S budgetary nightmares that much harder to tame.


Saskatchew­an was facing the prospect of bankruptcy when Roy Romanow took over as premier in 1991.

The deficit ballooned under

Grant Devine's outgoing Progressiv­e Conservati­ve government, piling up billions in debt. As of March 31, 1992, public debt reached $13 billion. The next year, it would surpass $14.1 billion. That's more than $23 billion in today's dollars.

Interest payments on that debt peaked at $1.34 billion, eating up 22.5 per cent of all government spending — more than education and second only to health.

At the same time the federal government cut transfer payments in a bid to balance its own budgets. Payments dropped from $1.5 billion in 1990-1991 to just over $550 million in 1997-98, cutting a 20-per-cent hole in government revenues.

Romanow ran deficits until 1994-95, followed by seven straight surpluses. By the time the NDP left office, in fiscal year 200708, public debt was paid down to $10.2 billion. Interest charges had plummeted to a manageable $547 million.

The Sask. Party kept the streak of fiscal probity going amid better times, as resources money poured into government coffers. It used a massive resource windfall to pay down $2.7 billion in debt during its first full fiscal year in office.

The debt remained under $10 billion until the oil price collapse in 2014, when it began to climb again quickly. It was at $21.3 billion this March, and is set to crack $33 billion by 2024.

The debt hike comes in part from a string of deficits left by ebbing resource revenues, combined with big capital spending from a government that blamed its predecesso­r for leaving it with crumbling infrastruc­ture.

It's a tricky business counting how many deficits each party has run, since accounting rules have changed at least twice. But under the current system, the NDP is 11 for 16 while the Sask. Party is four for 12.

Still, the mounting debt hasn't taken Saskatchew­an anywhere near where it was when the province flirted with bankruptcy, even if the bare numbers look the same. Interest payments are still affordable, at $675 million, and the province has a solid credit rating.

That's mostly because the economy has also grown, so it's easier to pay that money back. On that basis, Saskatchew­an has one of the most manageable debt loads in the country.


Romanow's budgetary success came at a price, and the Sask. Party is now making sure that NDP Leader Ryan Meili pays for it on the campaign trail.

Under the NDP'S last stint in government, divisions closed 176 schools. Health regions closed 52 rural hospitals. You've likely heard about it in Sask. Party attack ads.

Budgetary pressures weren't the only reason for closures. Enrolment was down due to rural depopulati­on, and 32 more schools have closed under the Sask. Party even as it builds urban schools. But it's impossible to dispute that the NDP'S budgetary vice forced divisions and regions to close far more.

The cuts were steep. Program spending dropped 3.7 per cent in 1992-93 and 3.5 per cent the year after that. Before the NDP came to power, Saskatchew­an was spending well over 20 per cent of its GDP on government programs. By 1998, that was down to 15 per cent, according to calculatio­ns from RBC.

Something had to give, and it was schools, hospitals and staffing.

But program spending recovered in Romanow's later years, and continued to rise under Calvert. It averaged just under 18 per cent over the last five years of NDP government.

That's about where it stayed, on average, under the Sask. Party. Record-setting spending on health, education and other services in budget after budget is the fruit of growth, rather than a sign of starkly different choices.

And those 2017 Sask. Party cuts? At 3.8 per cent of revenue, they were almost exactly as deep as the austerity Romanow imposed a quarter century before.

When you really get down to it, finances and resources rule the day, and the records aren't so different after all.

 ?? PHOTOS: TROY FLEECE ?? Sask. Party Leader Scott Moe, left, says the last NDP government stifled growth in the province, while NDP Leader Ryan Meili suggests cuts are coming if the Sask. Party is re-elected on Monday.
PHOTOS: TROY FLEECE Sask. Party Leader Scott Moe, left, says the last NDP government stifled growth in the province, while NDP Leader Ryan Meili suggests cuts are coming if the Sask. Party is re-elected on Monday.

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