Regina Leader-Post


Borat is back and at his best taking on Trump, Pence and coronaviru­s


It's called Borat 2, or Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm. Full title, Borat Subsequent Moviefilm: Delivery of Prodigious Bribe to American Regime for Make Benefit Once Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. Working title, Borat: Gift of Sexy Monkey to Vice Premier Mikhael Pence for Make Benefit Recently Diminished Nation of Kazakhstan.

It may not be the best movie of 2020. But it is clearly the greatest movie for 2020. This year and this film deserve one another. Having seen it, it's almost impossible to imagine one without the other. It's not for the faint of heart, but what about this year is?

Borat Sagdiyev, Kazakhstan's

No. 4 journalist, is played by Sacha Baron Cohen, a man so committed to staying in character he once fell asleep as Ali G, a fictional British lower-class lout, and woke up hours later — still as Ali G.

That kind of dedication to his craft surely served him well in Borat 2, which was shot in the U.S. during the early days of the pandemic. At one point he spends several days in lockdown with two Trump supporters, Jerry and Jim, who tell him the Clintons developed the coronaviru­s, and also that they torture children and drink their blood.

Borat finds this easy to believe. But when he brings out his own theories about women's rights — none — his new friends put up a fight. “They have a brain like we have a brain,” says one. “They can

think and say the same things we can think and say.”

Female inferiorit­y, they tell him, “is a lie. It's a conspiracy theory.” And they should know.

The original Borat movie, now 14 years old — roughly 35 in pandemic years — had great fun with Americans' casual acceptance of many of the worst-isms. The uneducated, anti- Semitic, misogynist­ic Borat (played by the Cambridge-educated, observantl­y Jewish Mr. Isla Fisher) had no trouble finding people willing to go along with his views.

He's back at it here, often pranking shopkeeper­s who take the notion that the customer is always right to some frightenin­g extremes. A party cake with “Jews will not replace us” written in icing? No problem! And when he asks a tanning salon employee what colour is best if you're looking to score points with a racist, the answer comes back quickly: “I would say no darker than a 6 or 7.”

But Borat 2 is more than just a parade of the worst of us. One bright spot is Borat's 15-yearold daughter, Tutar, played by 24-year-old Bulgarian actress Maria Bakalova. Not only does she throw herself into character with the same frightenin­g abandon as her co-star, but that character also undergoes a feminist awakening thanks to a talking-to by Jeanise Jones, a profession­al babysitter who decides early on not to take any crap from Borat.

There are brilliant, brain-twisting moments of comedy, as when Borat is crushed when told the

Holocaust never happened, because in his village they celebrate the part they played in running the camps. Corrected, he is thrilled to finally know the truth, but for all the wrong reasons.

He gatecrashe­s a conference in February, when U.S. Vice-president Mike Pence says there were only 15 cases of coronaviru­s in the country, and that, “as the president said yesterday, we're ready. We're ready for anything.” I almost threw up in my mask.

To reveal more about the movie's wonky japes and hijinks would be unfair to viewers, but there is one jaw-dropping moment near the conclusion that can be hinted at, especially as it's already all over the news. Back in July, Donald Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani was telling reporters that he'd called the police after an interview in a New York hotel turned into a prank.

“I only later realized it must have been Sacha Baron Cohen,” he said at the time. “I thought about all the people he previously fooled and I felt good about myself because he didn't get me.”

Sorry Rudy. He totally got you. Or maybe you got yourself.

 ?? PHOTOS: AMAZON STUDIOS ?? Borat, Kazakhstan's No. 4 journalist, is played by Sacha Baron Cohen, an actor fully committed to staying in character.
PHOTOS: AMAZON STUDIOS Borat, Kazakhstan's No. 4 journalist, is played by Sacha Baron Cohen, an actor fully committed to staying in character.
 ??  ?? Bulgarian actress Maria Bakalova, left, plays the 15-year-old daughter of Sacha Baron Cohen's Borat — and she matches his comedic skill.
Bulgarian actress Maria Bakalova, left, plays the 15-year-old daughter of Sacha Baron Cohen's Borat — and she matches his comedic skill.

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