Regina Leader-Post



Whatever plant you decide to grow, remember that it's been scientific­ally proven that plants can have a calming effect on people

As the rage for filling your home with houseplant­s continues, there are always new and unique plants emerging on the market.

Following is a short list of indoor plants that will hopefully inspire you to take a trip to your local garden centre to see what exciting and unique houseplant­s you may want to bring home.

Succulents, succulents and more succulents — will they never end? I hope not.

`Donkey or Burro Tail' succulent (Sedum morganianu­m) is not new, but it is a gem. This hanging succulent grows long stems (60 cm or more) that are covered in short blue/green leaves. The leaves are fragile and can fall off the stems very easily: once it is hung, it should be handled as little as possible.

`String of Dolphins' succulent (Senecio peregrinus) is another hanging succulent. String of Dolphins plant stems are more numerous but not as long as the Donkey's Tail. This unique succulent's stems and leaves are all dark green in colour, however; the leaves are in the shape of a tiny dolphin.

`Living stones' (Lithops sp.), sometimes called mimicry plants, refer to a wide range of succulents belonging to the Alzoaceae family that is native to southern Africa. Living stones grow as carpets in inhospitab­le areas with little moisture or nutrients. As the common name suggests, the plants look like stones: usually reaching only two centimetre­s in height. `Living stones' are very slow growing plants that prefer bright sunlight and a well-drained cactus media. Plants are dormant from fall to spring and should not be watered during that time. Only intermitte­nt water is recommende­d during their growing season: do not overwater these plants.

The `Lifesaver Plant' (Huernia zebrina) is a bizarre looking member of the cactus family when it is flowering. The `Lifesaver Plant' has creeping green swollen cactus stems: a full-sized plant may only be 15 cm x 15 cm. The flower is what gives this plant its name. The flower corolla consists of zebrastrip­ed red and cream-coloured petals with a raised, glossy, rubber-like burgundy ring in the centre called the annulus. The `Lifesaver Plant' usually flowers from late spring into summer; however, the flower has the odour of rotting flesh, which attracts pollinator­s but is not an attractive feature for humans.

A unique plant to have around for entertainm­ent is the `Sensitive Plant' (Mimosa pudica). The stems are very thin and slightly woody. The plant can be anywhere from 15-30 cm tall and creeps along the ground. The delicate green compound leaves fold inward and droop when touched or shaken: this is a defence mechanism against predators. After several minutes, the leaves unfold and resume their position. It is these `sensitive' leaves that can entertain people of all ages. Mimosas are easy to grow. They prefer bright light, regular watering and will not tolerate shade or over-watering. Older plants produce small (one centimetre diameter), pinky-purplish flowers with many narrow petals that form a globe shape.

For plants with colourful foliage, consider purchasing a `Nerve plant' (Fittonia albivenis) or a Rex Begonia (Begonia rex-cultorum). The Nerve or Mosaic plant has lush green ovate leaves with accented veins of white to deep pink to red. The Rex Begonia, sometimes called painted leaf begonias or fancy-leaf begonias, are known for their brilliant leaf colours. The large leaves have a variety of shades of green, white, pink, purple and silver. Blossoms are small and insignific­ant. Rex begonias prefer indirect light, moist soils and 50 per cent humidity. They can be difficult to grow as they do

Whatever plant you decide to grow, remember that it's been scientific­ally proven that plants can have a calming effect on people. Enjoy some Zen time during this cold pandemic winter.

not like to be too wet or too dry; however, their beauty is worth the effort.

Anthurium (Anthurium sp.), also known as flamingo flower or laceleaf, is a unique flowering plant. As a houseplant, anthuriums are easy to grow, requiring a well-lit location but not direct sunlight. Allow the soil to partially dry out between watering. The flower of the anthurium is what makes this plant unique: the tiny flowers are contained on dense spirals on a spadix which is spike shaped. Beneath the spadix is the spathe, which is a type of bract that is very colourful. Traditiona­lly this spathe has been deep red in colour; however, breeders have produced spathes in many colours. The red spathed anthuriums are the most common.

Whatever plant you decide to grow, remember that it's been scientific­ally proven that plants can have a calming effect on people. Enjoy some Zen time during this cold pandemic winter.

This column is provided courtesy of the Saskatchew­an Perennial Society (SPS; saskperenn­ Check our website (saskperenn­ or Facebook page ( facebook. com/saskperenn­ial). All Saskatchew­an Perennial Society events are on hold until further notice.

 ?? JACKIE BANTLE ?? A new, unnamed anthurium cultivar is seen at Anthura Breeding Greenhouse in The Netherland­s.
JACKIE BANTLE A new, unnamed anthurium cultivar is seen at Anthura Breeding Greenhouse in The Netherland­s.

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