Regina Leader-Post



SATURDAY, MARCH 6, 2021 Playground of the Pisces Sun

At this point in the Pisces solar journey, we are getting so used to playing in the ethereal that we no longer identify it as a dream. We accept the spiritual playground and play in a sandbox filled with clouds. The moon seeks to help out as she slips from Sagittariu­s into Capricorn, where ideas become plans, strategies, systems and tactics.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). You cannot make a point with someone who won’t, can’t or just isn’t listening. The growth of your influence depends on picking the right audience, something you have a talent for now.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). They want you to believe, but why? Who benefits from your adherence to the belief system? And if all were to comply, would the outcome be something you could get behind?

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You let people express themselves fully and make efforts to quiet your mind as you listen so that you will not be too quick to overlay your own experience­s onto other people’s stories.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). The moon seems silent, though scientists have suggested it rings like a bell. You definitely know the feeling, as you can be pretty close-lipped about the plans of your soul, though certain people hear the ringing anyway.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). While you enjoy fantasy, glamour, high art and things of great aesthetic value, you appreciate best the intense beauty of unassuming and personally meaningful things that fall right into your unreaching hands.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ve known the sting of longing for what you can’t have. At one point in your life, you even found it romantic. Those days are gone. You currently seek only what’s seeking you, and will be satisfied by today’s union.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). You’re in for a sudden wave of feeling. Though it’s not induced by a person, but rather it’s a new-to-you idea or creation that seems every bit as alive as the breathing things in this world.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Don’t let the mythologie­s around love color your own ideas too literally. For example, “love at first sight” is only one version. It is every bit as exciting to build a friendship into something more electrifyi­ng.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You are devoted to the team and the prize that the team is going for. This you will chase with more fervor than you would any solo goal. What gives the trophy its power is that it’s shared.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Whether a behavior is useful or not will be a matter of debate. The debate itself is a pretty strong clue. When things are working for everyone, the subject of usefulness won’t even come up.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Insight into who you are and why you make certain choices is no small gain. It’s knowledge not usually acquired in school or imparted by experts. Insights into self are the gold of true seekers. You’re to be commended.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your actions are an expression of how you think about yourself. You get that in a big way, and you’ll double-down on those actions that feel utterly fantastic to you these days.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 6). The world will get an emboldened version of you. You’ve seen how repetitive behaviors can limit a person’s experience, and you won’t let it happen to you. Your story bursts open wide as you break patterns and take the plot to thrilling places. A summer change-up will spark new relationsh­ips. Invest in July. Sagittariu­s and Aquarius adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 40, 2, 27 and 14.



1. The asteroid 84-Klio is a large asteroid, named for the Greek muse of history, and is currently in the constellat­ion Auriga.

2. The name “Clio” is derived from a Greek root meaning “to celebrate.” 3. History is an art, not a science. 4. History is typically told by the war-winners, the power-players, the dominant forces on the scene. Therefore, history is never the truth; it’s only a truth.

5. History changes and evolves with humanity.

6. If you don’t take charge of your own history, someone else will. If you care about your story enough to shape it and tell it your way, then it will have a chance of living on in that manner. If not, your story is vulnerable to the whims of whoever tells it.

7. History must be told again and again. No one remembers a story told to them once. Enduring history is told until it forms grooves in our individual and collective consciousn­ess.

8. Some believe that a person dies twice: once when they stop being alive and then again when they stop being remembered.

9. To take up the cause of telling the story of the conquered, overlooked, oppressed and little-known is a noble cause.

10. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” -George Santayana, philosophe­r.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Shaquille O’neal is widely regarded as one of the best basketball centers of all time as well as being a respected sports analyst, spokesman and rapper. The Pisces superstar was born when Mercury and Venus were in Aries, the warrior planet -- an aspect of a competitiv­e spirit. Mars in Taurus represents strength, consistenc­y, stability and luxury. O’neal’s natal Jupiter is in Capricorn, the sign of moguls. Write Holiday Mathis at Holidaymat­

SUNDAY, MARCH 7, 2021 Expectant Moon

Expectatio­ns are often met, which is why we have them in the first place. The Capricorn moon would like to point out that they are also often not met. Watch out for negative expectatio­ns based in fear of hurt or loss. Hidden in the subconscio­us dark, those expectatio­ns are dangerousl­y powerful. Illuminate­d, they might be downright silly.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). There’s a way of saying no without disappoint­ing anyone. Figure out what you’re willing to do and then emphasize that point as you get out of what you’re not willing to do.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You are beloved. Now the question is if you felt that. Can you feel it now? What would it take for you to be able to tap into that flow of being loved at any moment, or better yet, in all of them?

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). To struggle against unwanted thoughts and emotions can sometimes exacerbate them. Other approaches to try include: leaning into them getting to the bottom of them or simply allowing for them.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Instead of offering suggestion­s, be a model. Ideas, advice and semantics can always be debated, but a living, thriving example is a hard thing to argue with.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your success will depend on your choice of partner. Seek a troublesho­oter with a different skillset from your own. Positive results come from anticipati­ng the negative.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You want to show your excitement but a read of the room also makes apparent the need for restraint. You’ll be rewarded for discretion, taste and adherence to protocol.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). To struggle with and overcome adversity is the cornerston­e of self-respect. That victory is a prize you wouldn’t dream of stealing, nor would you want it stolen from you. There’s a fine line between assistance and robbery.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Who you are in any given moment is ever only part of who you are. Celebrate or forgive yourself as necessary, though without giving too much weight to any single expression of you. We are all works in progress.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Money can be a motivator, though it’s not enough on its own to make you pull out all the stops. If you can see the good your efforts are doing for another person, then you’ll give yourself fully over to the work.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It’s said that the tree climbers will get the fruit they deserve, though so will the giraffes who were born to reach it. Maybe don’t worry about who deserves what and instead just work for the result you desire.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Life is not a competitio­n to be won at the expense of others, though many seem to think so. Avoid them. You can wish them well as you move past, seeking interactio­ns more nuanced, inclusive and evolved.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Perhaps you’ve veered from the aims you made at the start of the month, but your goals are still doable. A course correction now will fix it. Have an honest and practical talk with yourself.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 7). Love will nudge its way into your heart and start growing like crazy, expanding you to accept and give abundant joy. Your charm comes so naturally that you’ll have to make a concerted effort to wield it with mercy and strategy. You’ll focus on gaining position within a group, and this will bring you the power and money you need to advance your project. Libra and Capricorn adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 19, 4, 33, 40 and 8.

FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: Ever since Pluto was demoted, Neptune became the last planet of our solar system. Named for the sea king, Neptune and its largest moon, Triton, are commonly depicted as mermen with powers over wind and wave, having special communicat­ion with the creatures of the deep and tempers to match the unpredicta­ble power of the ocean.

This week, planet Neptune holds two significan­t meetings. The first is on Wednesday with the Pisces sun. It’s a check-in with an agenda of revisiting the question, “Who do you think you are?” This matter gets a little confusing for the Pisces sun, who is everyone and no one. Being the amalgamati­on of the preceding 11 signs of the zodiac, Pisces can pick and choose who to be in any given context. The challenge of those with a Pisces sun-sign is to move away from questions like, “Who do you want me to be?” and answer queries more along the line of, “Who do I want and/or need to be to make my life work optimally?”

The second meeting is with Venus and will address the needs of the heart. Like the sun, Venus can easily be swept into the dreamworld that is Neptunian Fantasylan­d. If you are prone to illusions of love, let this Neptunian meeting (which coincides with the new moon) check the health and practicali­ty of your romantic notions.

CELEBRITY PROFILES: Maybe you know her as the darling of “The Office,” but did you also know that Jenna Fischer produced 23 episodes of the mega-hit? The Pisces actress embodies the versatilit­y sensitivit­y Pisces actors are famous for. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in Aquarius speak to a philanthro­pic spirit, which Fisher shines on her avid support of animal rescue missions in which she works and raises money for on the regular. Write Holiday Mathis at Holidaymat­

MONDAY, MARCH 8, 2021 Grit Moon

Creating a remarkable life takes grit because it requires doing quite a lot of what you don’t feel like doing at all. Most of life’s awesome experience­s don’t come with the package of being born. They have to be personally built. “Feeling like it” is a luxury. As the Capricorn moon likes to remind, in word and deed, motion is the bulk of emotion.

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Uncertaint­ies and risks are inevitable parts of life. You’re not one to tempt fate, nor would you run and hide instead of seizing the chance at an experience of the sort of wholesome pleasures that make your heart so vibrantly alive.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Memory is subjective and unreliable. Even people raised in the same house can have vastly different memories of what happened within those walls. Today will bring up the need to account for variances of recollecti­on.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Support can come in many forms. Today, the kind that’s called for is hands-off. You believe in someone and show it by stepping back to allow them to handle things in their own way.

CANCER (June 22-July 22). Many of the challenges you deal with are the same ones we all deal with. Then there’s the one that’s so unique to you that you sometimes feel you’re the only one with it. That’s not necessaril­y true, as you’ll discover today.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You’ll find it hard to get in the swing. Maybe because you feel torn between said swing and the slide, teeter-totter or merry-goround. Well, you know that it has to be the swing. The sooner you get into it, the higher you’ll go.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Everyone has their personal mythology and many are reluctant to revise, even when it is not particular­ly flattering, useful or empowering. Flexible and forwardthi­nking, you see the benefit of story adaptation­s.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). In a typical day, dozens of problems and hundreds of ideas vie for your attention. This doesn’t always stress you because you’re choosey with your focus. Be even choosier. Today’s peace relies on it.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your mind keeps returning to a certain event, not because there is something to untangle there, but because you’re now habituated to the thought process. A deliberate pattern-interrupt is the beginning of the fix.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). The day brings a storm of possibilit­ies and potentials. You’ll know when an idea is good enough to act on because a waiting list will quickly assemble behind it.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). It doesn’t take a fancy vocabulary or deft phrasing to communicat­e skillfully. You’ve the tools to say what’s on your mind in a dozen different ways, but you choose to act it out instead -- brilliant! You’ll earn trust.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You tune in to other people’s preference­s because you find the difference­s in people fascinatin­g. This natural proclivity also just happens to be an excellent strategy for increasing your influence.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Being accountabl­e to certain authoritie­s, your life got easier and better when you learned to see things the way they did. Today you’ll gain insights as you alternate lenses between theirs and your own.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March 8). You’re freer and more emotionall­y independen­t than ever. People feel comfortabl­e around you because they sense that you’re not basing your plan or mood on anything they do. You’ll get followers and fans, clients and customers. You’ll know the right investment when you see it and get handsome dividends in July. Virgo and Scorpio adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 9, 14, 3, 39 and 16.


1. The asteroid 27 Euterpe is part of a family of asteroids (with over four hundred members) in the inner asteroid belt.

2. The mythologic­al Euterpe is often depicted playing a sort of flute and wearing a laurel wreath on her head.

3. Archeologi­sts have found and dated flutes over 40,000 years old.

4. Music activates many parts of the brain at once, including pleasure centers.

5. Victims of speech-diminishin­g brain damage can often sing words as lyrics that they cannot otherwise verbalize.

6. Setting facts to music is a known way to commit them to enduring memory, which is why we learn our ABCS this way.

7. Music is the fastest shortcut to a range of emotions. Tears, chills, fears, triumph, celebratio­n, euphoria and so much more can be evoked with but a few notes.

8. Learning to play music alters the brain. Scientists have found detectible difference­s in the brains of musicians versus non-musicians.

9. In hopes of representi­ng humanity to passing space aliens, a large variety of musical selections have been launched into space including recordings of Bach, bagpipes and Chuck Berry.

10. Your life is your song. Sing out! CELEBRITY PROFILES: From Fifth Harmony to a chart-topping solo career, Camila Cabello is a multiplati­num selling Pisces born when Mercury and Venus were also in this soulful sign of sensitives. The artistic Pisces vibes are offset by a seriously grounded moon and Neptune in the sign of moguls. That Capricorn energy is a dreamy balance, as it adds the grit and determinat­ion needed for artistic stamina. Write Holiday Mathis at Holidaymat­

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