Regina Leader-Post

Lives hinge on vaccinatio­ns


This letter is a plea to everyone in Saskatchew­an who has not been vaccinated against COVID -19 to please get the shot. Let's end this pandemic and get back to some type of normal. I understand that a small percentage of you cannot get vaccinated, such as for a medical reason. This letter is for everyone else.

Our province is in serious trouble. We're hitting the kind of COVID -19 records we don't want. Please get vaccinated to protect yourself and your family. Even if you survived the virus, you could end up suffering from “Long COVID” symptoms.

It's increasing­ly troubling to hear about COVID-19 tragedies that are preventabl­e: People fighting for their lives in hospital, apologizin­g to their families for putting off vaccinatio­n; frightened patients who realize they're actually going to die of and leave family members to cope without them; unvaccinat­ed parents who wind up hospitaliz­ed along with their children; young adults dying in the prime of life, unvaccinat­ed.

Nineteen months into this tragedy, the fact that there are still so many unvaccinat­ed people in our province is causing unnecessar­y suffering and death. In the end, don't we all want the same thing? Fewer people getting sick or dying? A return to normal, less stressful times? The pandemic no longer dominating our lives?

Vaccinatio­n is your opportunit­y to help us get there sooner. Your life — and the lives of the people you love — may well depend on it. Therese Jelinski, Saskatoon

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