Regina Leader-Post

Neutrality becoming an endangered species

Staying on the fence is an expensive endeavour, writes

- Gwynne Dyer. Gwynne Dyer is an independen­t journalist based in London, England.

With Sweden's admission into the NATO alliance last week, only three neutral countries remain in Europe — Switzerlan­d, Austria and Ireland. (I'm not counting mini-states such as Liechtenst­ein, Andorra and Vatican City.) But I do owe my current state of contentmen­t largely to the former prevalence of that endangered species.

It all started with my sudden need to spend a lot of time in Montreal. I had made a television series on war for the National Film Board of Canada and, in the course of it, I had fallen in love with the woman who directed three of the seven episodes.

I needed to stay in Montreal because exiting her previous relationsh­ip was going to be a long and difficult process. We therefore had to come up with a film project we could work on together in Canada and given our recent focus, it should probably be a military topic.

It was the time of the last big crisis before the end of the Cold War. If it had turned into a hot war, most of the interconti­nental ballistic missiles and bombers would have been flying over Canada.

Enough of those nuclear missiles and bombers would be intercepte­d over Canada to destroy the country even if it weren't targeted directly, so membership in NATO wouldn't save it. And apart from nuclear weapons, nothing hostile could reach Canada at all with the Atlantic Ocean to the east, Arctic Ocean to the north, Pacific

Typically (neutral countries) spend more on defence than allied countries, not less.

Ocean to the west, and U.S. to the south.

We had no strong opinions about Canadian neutrality either way, but it would be an interestin­g topic for a film. We pitched it to the NFB and got the go-ahead to make a movie about neutrality.

We went to Switzerlan­d, which has been neutral since the Congress of Vienna in 1815. Switzerlan­d's mountains are honeycombe­d with secret air force runways and military depots. All healthy Swiss men between age 18 and 34 are obliged to do military service, and all are issued with assault rifles or pistols which they are supposed to keep at home.

We went to Finland, neutral by a treaty imposed by the Soviet Union a few years after the Russians attacked the country and annexed about one-10th of its territory. Eighty per cent of Finnish men do compulsory military service, the exercises usually take place in the forests near the Russian border and the mosquitoes are bigger than anywhere else.

Sweden is much the same, just bigger and richer with more state-of-the-art weapons. It even manufactur­es its own combat aircraft and its 165 fast attack boats are the coolest thing on the Baltic Sea. After 210 years of neutrality, it joined the NATO alliance last week. And the one thing that became clear after that trip around the most prominent neutral countries in Europe was that neutrality is expensive. In the end we called the film Harder Than It Looks, because neutrals have to do everything for themselves. Typically they spend more on defence than allied countries, not less.

The film had its moment, Canada did not go neutral, and we all lived happily ever after. But many years later, when I was passing through some Canadian airport, I was hailed by a man who said he wanted to thank me for putting his children through private school. He said the film had frightened Canada's Department of National Defence so much they had given him a large long-term contract to provide Canadian schools with speakers defending the country's NATO membership. It's an ill wind that blows no one any good.

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