Regina Leader-Post

Catering to climate change deniers


Crown Investment Corporatio­n Minister Dustin Duncan is taking one for the carbon tax denial team — crass politics, clear and simple.

We could be creating new jobs, helping to rid the planet of carbon pollution and making this province more sustainabl­e.

That should be everyone's goal, not attempting to divert our eyes from the long list of problems in this province.

And the response of the NDP Opposition when a modicum of comfort is taken away from us through the carbon pollution tax (for which we receive a rebate) engenders tacit support from that side of the aisle.

If we want to reduce our carbon footprint while helping those in financial need, the actions to provide a grant to help those most in need to get off the fossil treadmill, it should not be seen as a political football.

It should be seen as a willingnes­s to help those in need.

It also shouldn't be an opportunit­y to stoke the `why not me's' of the world of our premiers.

The sooner they can deal with real issues like getting people into homes, protecting the planet and providing support for those who are dealing with trauma and health issues, the better this province will be.

Knowing that this government is creating a poorer quality of life for at least seven generation­s to come with forest fires, more storms and more unpredicta­bility in our weather, we should be putting our focus on reducing this priority one threat.

We are on that road to solving problems. Let's not continue to create more potholes and cracks.

Jim Elliott, Regina

Elliott is a member of the Regina chapter,

Council of Canadians.

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