Regina Leader-Post

A budget built on some risky assumption­s

- TY THIESSEN Ty Thiessen is a University of Saskatchew­an student researchin­g methods of government finance and debt reduction.

It's a fair question to ask, whether or not the Saskatchew­an Party government is capable of balancing the books anymore.

Since 2015, Saskatchew­an's budget has only been in balance once, when revenues unexpected­ly improved to the tune of $2 billion, the result of higher commodity prices from Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

But the surplus of 2022 is long gone, with provincial finances deteriorat­ing by

$1.5 billion from budget in 2023, propped up ironically by provincial carbon pricing revenues from Output Based Performanc­e Standards on electricit­y.

This year will see a deficit of $273 million, but this is based on the budget's assumption­s that an aging demographi­c will not increase labour shortages, that no major global economies will enter into recessions, and, most importantl­y, that Saskatchew­an will not have a drought.

All of these assumption­s are unlikely to pan out.

The Saskatchew­an Water Security Agency released a report last month suggesting that “without above-normal run-off, drought conditions are expected to persist or even worsen this spring across most of the province.”

In 2023, Saskatchew­an's budget saw a $1.1-billion increase in agricultur­e expenses due to drought. That already makes the deficit in 2024 a $1.3-billion disaster-in-waiting.

To make matters worse, PST revenues are projected to increase by a whopping 10.4 per cent, which is unlikely to come true unless the government's risky assumption­s pull off a miracle.

The budget does include much-needed funding for health care and education, but given the track record of the Saskatchew­an Party in election years, one must question whether this funding is here to stay, and the Saskatchew­an Teachers' Federation has already suggested that this budget will see per-student funding in Saskatchew­an plummet to dead last in the country.

Total provincial debt has tripled since 2015, and nearly doubled under the tenure of Premier Scott Moe. This, despite a health-care system in shambles, education continuous­ly underfunde­d and taxes hiked and expanded.

It seems there isn't much the government can get right, and the people of Saskatchew­an have to be asking where the money has gone.

In 2016, the Saskatchew­an Party repealed its balanced budget law, the Growth and Financial Security Act. The act, perhaps most importantl­y, included a requiremen­t for the Treasury Board to conduct an annual review of expenditur­es as to economy, efficiency and effectiven­ess.

Ministries may still review expenditur­es today, but it is clear, given just how much Saskatchew­an spends on subsidies and incentives without much to show for it in the way of growth, that these reviews have been unable to assess the economic return on spent dollars.

By no means was Saskatchew­an's balanced budget law perfect, but for years it encouraged a more responsibl­e approach to finances in the province.

If a similar version were introduced today that accommodat­ed the business cycle, that specifical­ly mandated an assessment on the economic returns of public dollars, and that required the public release of the findings of these reviews, Saskatchew­an would be able to see significan­t savings, spur economic growth and balance the books sustainabl­y.

If surpluses were deposited in the act's fiscal sustainabi­lity fund instead of in the general revenue fund, the province could further reduce net debt and provide a stable source of wealth to draw upon.

It's time Saskatchew­an had a government that was serious about fixing public finances, because on all fronts, from taxes to spending to debt, this government gets a failing grade.

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