Regina Leader-Post

Quebec man pleads guilty to scamming Saskatoon seniors


One of three Quebec men charged with defrauding seniors in Saskatoon of more than $100,000 through what police call a “grandparen­t scam” will be sentenced in June after pleading guilty on Tuesday in Saskatoon provincial court.

Ahmad Ebad Ebadi, 26, appeared by phone as defence lawyer Logan Marchand entered guilty pleas to two counts of fraud and one count each of conspiracy to commit an indictable offence and possessing property obtained by crime.

Ebadi was facing nine counts of fraud over $5,000. Crown prosecutor Carol Carlson said the Crown is rolling all nine counts into a single charge of fraud over $5,000, to which Ebadi pleaded guilty, encompassi­ng each offence committed between Dec. 30, 2022 and Jan. 10, 2023.

Ebadi also pleaded guilty to a count of fraud under $5,000.

He was arrested on Jan. 10, 2023, in the 400 block of Nelson Road in the city's University Heights neighbourh­ood. Two other men, Sofyane Elgamal, 26, and Cedric Boivin Oligny, 27, were arrested during a traffic stop on 22nd Street the next day.

Ebadi and Elgamal were released on sureties and are required to live at approved residences in a suburb of Montreal, according to court documents.

The men are accused of convincing at least 10 victims in their early 70s to mid-90s to hand over amounts between $8,000 and $21,000 to a man who came to their doors claiming to be a courier or bail bondsmen.

Police said the scam started with a phone call from someone claiming to be a family member in an emergency, requiring money for bail or hospital bills. The victim could also be contacted by a second person claiming to be an authority like a police officer, lawyer or doctor.

The callers had personal details about the victims' family and friends, and always asked for amounts in the $9,000 to $9,800 range, police said.

At a news conference, Supt. Patrick Nogier said police believe the three men were working together, and that two were involved in a criminal organizati­on.

Ebadi had been charged with participat­ing in a criminal organizati­on and committing an indictable offence for the benefit of a criminal organizati­on. Carlson said the Crown will stay those charges at the conclusion of sentencing, which has been scheduled for June 11.

Elgamal and Oligny remain before the court. Oligny's next appearance is set for April 25, while Elgamal is scheduled for May 14.

Oligny is charged with fraud over $5,000 and two organized crime offences.

Elgamal is charged with 13 counts of fraud over $5,000 and four organized-crime offences, including recruiting for a criminal organizati­on. Both men are also charged with possessing property obtained by crime and conspiracy to commit an indictable offence.

An Alberta woman is also before the court, accused of defrauding Saskatoon victims of more than $97,000 in a separate grandparen­t scam that began in 2023.

Taline Trottier, 28, was arrested in Calgary on Feb. 13. She is charged with 10 counts of fraud over $5,000, impersonat­ing a police officer and unlawful use of a credit card. Her next court appearance is May 9.

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