Regina Leader-Post

The darker side of dreaming


Wes Mills has a nighttime ritual that stunned and amused his wife when they began to live together a decade ago. He would act out his dreams in dramatic fashion.

Some of the episodes involved him running in bed to escape an attacker, beckoning a little raccoon to eat out of his hand and strategizi­ng with fellow inmates in the midst of a prison riot.

“I used to laugh about it and call it The Wes Show,” said Eileen Mills, 49, of Taos, N.M. But she doesn't find it funny anymore.

Wes Mills, a contempora­ry artist with work at The Whitney and MOMA, hasn't been able to hold a pencil still for over a year. His tremor started on one side of the body and now affects both sides. In January, at age 63, he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

Researcher­s say that dream enactment can indicate health issues, one of the most common and serious being the future onset of Parkinson's disease. Wes Mills started acting out his dreams more than 10 years before his first tremor appeared. Other common conditions that can lead to dream enactment are obstructiv­e sleep apnea and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Those who regularly act out their dreams should see a physician and undergo a sleep study to uncover the underlying reason for their behaviour, experts say.

When shifting into rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, where dreaming occurs, the body normally enters a state of almost total paralysis to prevent dream enactment. But some people — approximat­ely one per cent of those over 50 — lose this paralysis.

This condition, known as REM sleep behaviour disorder, or RBD, appears most often in late middle-aged men, researcher­s say.

“The brain stem has two linked nuclei that generate the protective paralysis of REM sleep, and when one of them, or their connecting pathway, becomes damaged, that releases muscle tone,” said Carlos Schenck, a psychiatri­st at the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorders Center. “People can then act out their dreams.”

In 1986, Schenck and his colleagues first described RBD in four men and one woman, ages 60 or older. Most had long histories of injuring themselves or their bed partners with aggressive behaviours while asleep. One patient had attempted to strangle his wife while dreaming of fighting a bear, while another knocked over furniture during his dream of being a football player. The researcher­s noted that RBD is distinct from sleepwalki­ng, which originates from non-rem sleep.

Dream enactment behaviour has also been documented in severe obstructiv­e sleep apnea, as it causes people to abruptly stop breathing for brief periods during sleep and partially awaken. Since these breathing cessations are most common and severe in REM sleep, they may act out their dreams, mimicking the symptoms of RBD, Schenck said.

About 39 million U.S. adults have obstructiv­e sleep apnea, according to the National Council of Aging, but how many of these adults enact their dreams is not known.

Similarly, those with PTSD may show signs of reliving their trauma through dream enactment. Approximat­ely 70 per cent of patients with PTSD report sleep disturbanc­es, and up to 70 per cent have recurrent nightmares. However, no data exists on the prevalence of dream enactment behaviour in PTSD, Schenck said.

For those with RBD, the risk of Parkinson's is staggering­ly high. Individual­s ages 50 and older with idiopathic RBD — that occurs spontaneou­sly with no other health complaints or recent medication changes — have a 130 times greater likelihood of developing Parkinson's disease compared with someone without the sleep condition.

“There's nothing like this . ... 80 per cent of people who have this condition develop Parkinson's disease 15 to 20 years later,” said Ronald Postuma, director of neurology at Mcgill University Health Centre.

RBD is 10 times better than any other clinical marker — for example, abnormal motor exam or loss of sense of smell — at predicting the eventual onset of Parkinson's. RBD is strongly associated with other synucleino­pathies, too, a group of diseases that includes Lewy body dementia and multiple system atrophy.

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