Regina Leader-Post

Witness tells murder trial about chaotic scene, struggle for gun


Prairie Asapace intended to marry Thomas Dustyhorn. They had their wedding party picked out.

He made her realize she had more to live for, Asapace told court Thursday. They were trying to put their past behind them and move forward together.

A shotgun blast on the morning of Nov. 26, 2021, ended all of that.

In the aftermath, Dustyhorn was trying to speak but she couldn't understand him. He'd been shot in the face. Everything was covered in blood.

Asapace heard Eric Charles Favel make a 911 call and say he'd accidental­ly shot someone. It didn't make any sense to her, she testified.

“It seemed like forever,” she said, describing the time it took for paramedics to arrive at the home on the Kawacatoos­e First Nation.

They wouldn't let her into the ambulance with him before it took off for the STARS air ambulance landing sight.

Asapace never saw him alive again, she confirmed for prosecutor Arjun Shankar, her hands held over her face as she considered his question.

Favel, 35, stands accused of second-degree murder in the death of Dustyhorn. He pleaded not guilty when his trial began in Regina's Court of King 's Bench on April 29.

Before her emotional testimony, Asapace stared intensely at the accused man sitting in the prisoner's box.

“I hope you feel good. Thank you for everything,” she directed at Favel.

Shankar tried to get her to focus on his questions, asking her to describe her upbringing and personal history.

“God knows the truth,” she said. “People pay for the things that they do on this Earth here. We all know the truth, you know?”

“Fess up,” she added, staring at Favel.

Court previously heard Favel's police statement. In it, he said that before the incident he was drinking at a home with a group of people that included Prairie and his stepfather, Terry Asapace.

Prairie described Terry as her brother.

Favel told police he was attacked by the group in his room and, while on the ground, he reached for something to defend himself, finding a 12-gauge shotgun. While he acknowledg­ed that the shotgun went off and injured Dustyhorn severely, the accused man maintained to police that he didn't intend to hurt anyone with the gun and said he didn't touch the trigger.

The interviewe­r challenged this account and pressed him about whether, before the fatal shooting, he'd pointed a different firearm at the group.

Favel denied this.

Prairie testified Thursday that she and Dustyhorn had been drinking to celebrate him getting a new job and they ended up in the home with Terry and Favel.

She struggled with recollecti­on, saying she'd been intoxicate­d, but testified she remembered arguing with Favel.

Favel, she said, pushed her off her chair and she's “pretty sure” he fell on top of her with “the gun.” She remembered seeing a firearm magazine on the floor.

“He was trying to put the clip into the gun. He was trying to come after me first.”

Shankar asked her who.


She later said she didn't remember Favel pointing the gun at her.

She said there was a struggle to get the gun from Favel.

After that, she heard yelling, she testified.

“Then the gun went off.”

When she went to investigat­e, Favel and Terry were fighting and Dustyhorn was already on the ground, she said.

Shankar played clips of Favel's 911 call, and the witness reacted emotionall­y.

At one point, she leaned forward putting her head in her hands.

After Favel spoke with the 911 operator, the line was left open and the chaos of the scene could be heard unfolding in the background.

After a portion of the call was played, Prairie told Shankar she heard Favel say, “It's my fault.”

Prairie said Terry was attacking Favel after the shooting. She said she'd “heard” Terry had used a weapon, which she described once as an “iron” and once as a “bar.” However, she said she didn't know what had happened to that item.

Police seized a handle from a hydraulic jack at the scene.

In his statement, Favel described being struck with a jack handle before the shooting.

The defence had not completed its cross-examinatio­n of Prairie before time of publicatio­n. The trial is set to continue Friday.

 ?? KAYLE NEIS ?? Prairie Asapace, former partner of Thomas Dustyhorn, testified it seemed like it took “forever” for help to arrive after he was shot.
KAYLE NEIS Prairie Asapace, former partner of Thomas Dustyhorn, testified it seemed like it took “forever” for help to arrive after he was shot.

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