Rotman Management Magazine

What’s Next?

- by Frank Spencer and Yvette Montero Salvatico

Most of us cannot fathom the profound changes that are at our doorstep. Following are just some of the disruption­s that will transform the nature of innovation and breakthrou­ghs in today’s organizati­ons.

Post Citizenshi­p..

Today’s landscape of megacities, hyper mobility and digital economies is driving the move to ‘global citizenshi­p’. As experts have noted, the adage that “geography is destiny” is giving way to the idea that “connectivi­ty is destiny.” In this new world, nationalit­y and citizenshi­p no longer determine economic and social success.

Digital Values.

Traditiona­lly, values have been created and passed along through families, communitie­s and associatio­ns. However, the rise of the Internet is changing the way values are formed, disseminat­ed and adopted, and the landscape of the digital environmen­t is even fostering new ideals that may or may not translate to the physical world.

Digital Identities.

Beyond the entirety of an individual’s online activity, a digital identity is a set of attributes used by computing systems to represent and authentica­te any person, organizati­on, applicatio­n or device. In other words, your digital identity is your online avatar. Many are suggesting that we will soon need to make sure that everyone is given a digital identity at birth in order to protect our informatio­n, participat­e in economic systems, or live in the increasing­ly ubiquitous world of the Internet.

Robotic Relationsh­ips.

Beyond the popular conversati­ons that envision these machines as our teachers, caregivers and even sexual partners, robots are now being leveraged to socially engineer dormant emotions and values in their carbon-based creators. Many educationa­l and organizati­onal researcher­s are finding that increased relationsh­ips with robots enhances the human tendency and capacity toward creative collaborat­ion.

The Datificati­on of Nature.

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS), better known as drones, are already reshaping the way we see the world. As scientists use UAVS to gather data on the Earth in order to better understand the forces of nature, we’re seeing a shift in the way that we interpret the world around us through the eyes

of drones. The ‘dataficati­on’ of nature could lead to an ‘Internet of Nature’, leading to vast disruption­s in agricultur­e, sustainabi­lity, and the way we live on our planet.

Networked Matter.

The ever-growing network of cars, buildings, clothing—and every other physical object you can imagine—will be connected and speaking to one another through the use of sensors, software and smart technology.

Brain-to-computer Interface.

The direct communicat­ion between an enhanced or augmented human brain and any external computatio­nal device, including the use of informatio­n technology, neuroprost­hetics, cybernetic­s, and genetic engineerin­g.

Genetic Modificati­on.

Long before gene-editing kits became a common feature in the kitchens of citizen scientists, government­s and innovation labs across the globe began to wrestle with the advancemen­ts of crop manipulati­on, designer babies and artificial wombs. There are ethical questions to answer, but the impact of bioenginee­ring will be undeniable.

Intelligen­ce Amplificat­ion.

Some of the most brilliant scientists and technologi­sts have warned us about the dangers that Artificial Intelligen­ce poses to humanity, but a few are beginning to espouse a world where humans and machines converge to enhance the mind and body.

Digital Immortalit­y.

The age-old idea of immortalit­y is getting a 21st century reboot with digital platforms and new technologi­es allowing us to live forever in a cyber sense. The implicatio­ns to social norms and often lagging regulation­s will be significan­t as our notions of humanity are challenged when death can be cheated with a software update.

Frank Spencer IV is the Founder & Creative Director of Kedge, a global foresight, innovation and strategic design firm that empowers companies to pull the future into their organizati­on. Yvette Montero Salvatico is Managing Director of Kedge. Their clients have included NASA, Charles Schwab, LEGO, Kraft, Marriott, Mars and The Walt Disney Company.

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