Saskatoon StarPhoenix

"MYO-MED saved my aching shoulder"


“Where can I get another tube of MYO-MED?” a tennis friend asked me. I’d given him a sample of this cream when his arthritic knee kept him from playing tennis for several months. Now he was back in the game. So how does this new all-natural, toxin-free analgesic help painful joints? And why is it safer than other over-thecounter painkiller creams?

Today, 21 million North Americans suffer daily the agony of arthritis. Others see their quality of life diminished by sports injuries, backache, sore muscles and the ravages of aging joints.

Customary treatment has been the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammato­ry drugs. Unfortunat­ely, too many people take these over-thecounter medication­s thinking they’re as safe as M and M candy. But every year 25,000 North Americans die from gastrointe­stinal complicati­ons due to this self-prescribed remedy. It’s a huge a price to pay for pain relief. MYO-MED eliminates this problem. To my knowledge, no side effects have been reported by using this natural cream.

But how is MYO-MED different from other over-thecounter painkiller­s? Remember that, due to increasing drug complicati­ons, it’s important to know what a medication does not contain.

Today there are 300 different topical analgesics available in North America. But 90 percent of these painkiller­s contain methyl salicylate. Excessive use of this substance over a period of time has been associated with serious health problems and in rare cases can be fatal. MYO-MED does not contain methyl salicylate and is the only all natural and toxin-free cream available.

MYO-MED consists of a combinatio­n of six antiinflam­matory ingredient­s proven to be effective in relieving a variety of painful conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

One of the main ingredient­s is cetylated fatty acids. These are naturally occurring compounds that help to reduce inflammati­on, pain and increase mobility. Another ingredient, Bryonia alba, is a vine-like plant native to the woods of Europe. It’s particular­ly effective for the pain associated with motion. It’s also helpful in the treatment of neck, back pain and those suffering from fibromyalg­ia.

MYO-MED also has what’s called a “Nano Delivery System”. It’s a process that quickly carries these six antiinflam­matory ingredient­s deep into affected muscles and joints where they’re needed, providing relief in minutes.

But how good is MYO-MED in easing pain? Researcher­s at the University of Connecticu­t carried out double-blind studies to test its effectiven­ess. One group of patients, suffering from osteoarthr­itis of the knee, was treated with MYO-MED. A similar group received a placebo cream. But neither doctors nor patients were told which cream was the real Mccoy.

Thirty minutes after applying the cream, patients were tested to see how their disability was affected. How far could they flex a knee before it became painful? How well could they get up from a chair? How much time did it take to go up and down 11 steps? And how good was their balance?

Patients were then advised to apply their creams twice a day for 30 days. Both groups of patients were also provided with nutritiona­l guidance to ensure neither group gained weight during the trial period.

Researcher­s found that patients using MYO-MED noticed better function after 30 minutes. Further improvemen­t occurred over ensuing 30 days. Patients could flex knees better, needed less time to navigate stairs and rise from a chair. They also showed improved balance, strength and physical endurance.

MYO-MED combats another vital problem. It’s logical that if a knee joint hurts, there’s a natural tendency not to move it. But ships develop barnacles if tied up to dock too long. And people suffering from painful joints slowly but surely lose muscle mass if they become less active. This can have a major effect on their way of life.

Several profession­al athletes who have access to the best treatments available say that MYO-MED keeps them on the playing field. It has also kept me at the trap shooting range as the gun’s recoil often leaves me with a painful shoulder. Andmy tennis friend couldn’t be happier. I’ll surprise him with another tube at Christmas.

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