Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Consumers pound wise, penny foolish

Irregular costs blow budgets

- GREGORY KARP Gregory Karp, the author of Living Rich by Spending Smart, writes for the Chicago Tribune. Readers may send him email at

Consumers are typically quite good at estimating the normal expenses in life, such as groceries and utilities. But they’re so bad at estimating unexpected costs that crop up that they regularly overspend, under-save and blow their household budgets.

That’s the conclusion of recent research in the field of consumer behaviour, which tries to explain why we make the sometimes illogical spending choices we do.

In one study, the authors, Abigail Sussman of Princeton University and Adam Alter of New York University, ask you to imagine that one of your favourite bands is performing nearby. The ticket costs more than you would ordinarily spend, but you have never seen this band live and decide the experience is worth the cost.

The next week, your television breaks and you buy a pricey replacemen­t because you only buy a new TV once every few years. A week later, you are celebratin­g your 10th wedding anniversar­y. Since this is a once-ina-lifetime event, you decide that the occasion warrants a splurge.

“In each instance, it seems reasonable to make a budgeting exception given the special nature of the spending and the low likelihood that a similar situation will recur any time soon,” the study in the Journal of Consumer Research says. “Independen­tly, each of the events described puts a temporary dent in a budget. Together, they can have substantia­l consequenc­es for long-term financial planning.”

The study touches on a recurring theme in consumer behaviour: Mental accounting, which refers to the mental buckets we have for money depending on what we intend to buy with it. Grouping expenses into mental accounts, sometimes illogicall­y, has been shown to influence spending.

In this case, consumers have too narrow a definition of an exceptiona­l expense because they have trouble categorizi­ng it. For example, how should you categorize buying a new suit for a family wedding? Is it part of regular clothing expenses, part of a special occasion budget category or is it so unusual it is an exceptiona­l expense that has no bearing on an ongoing budget?

Such confusion results in overspendi­ng across what consumers view as isolated purchases that have no budget constraint. The study suggests that consumers might overspend by about 20 per cent when they view a purchase as an exception rather than part of normal spending.

The solution? Recognize that most exceptiona­l expenses aren’t all that exceptiona­l — a Halloween costume can easily be classified as clothing.

“People will actually spend less on an exceptiona­l item if they take a moment to consider how their current purchase is similar to other purchases they have made,” Sussman said in an interview.

To be more mindful, track unusual and infrequent pur- chases as a single category, even if the items don’t seem similar, Sussman said.

“There’s no better reminder that exceptions are common than having all your exceptiona­l expenses from the past few months listed in one place,” she said. Tracking will improve budgeting for exceptiona­l expenses and reduce splurging, she said.

“Exceptiona­l events of all kinds happen more frequently than people might think — it’s worth keeping that in mind when you think that you’re likely to make an exception ‘just this once,’” Sussman said.

Other findings from the Journal of Consumer Research:

Retail therapy: Consumers often shop to cope with stressful situations, but they shop differentl­y depending on whether the situation lies in the past or the future, according to researcher­s Soo Kim and Derek Rucker, both of the Kellogg School of Management at Northweste­rn University. They will increase consumptio­n in a general way after a stressful episode to distract themselves and forget about it.

But if consumers are anticipati­ng a stressful challenge, they’re more purposeful in their buying. They select only products specific to a potentiall­y negative situation. Someone may splurge on expensive jewelry before attending a high school reunion to guard against the perception they haven’t been successful. Someone may buy a designer suit before presenting at an important meeting where their business savvy may be scrutinize­d.

Emotional oracles: If you trust your feelings, you are better able to predict the future — from the weather to the stock market to the winner of American Idol, researcher­s Michel Tuan Pham and Leonard Lee of Columbia University and Andrew Stephen of the University of Pittsburgh write. The authors hypothesiz­e the “emotional oracle effect” found in their experiment­s arises because trusting your feelings opens access to a “privileged window” into the vast amount of predictive informatio­n people learn, mostly unconsciou­sly, about their environmen­ts.

“Relying on feelings allows people to tap into all they tacitly know, compared to relying on logical input which only captures partial perspectiv­es of the events,” the authors wrote. Two conditions, though: The predictive power applies only to people who have sufficient background knowledge about the topic, and the effect dissipates when the topic becomes inherently unpredicta­ble or unknowable.

Just trust: People who believe the world is a just place trust salespeopl­e more than consumers who don’t, according to Andrew Wilson of Saint Mary’s College of California and Peter Darke of York University. The upside is that people who showed “optimistic trust” ended up more satisfied with their purchase decisions. The downside is they might be more vulnerable to sales- people who have ulterior motives, the authors say.

Sissy veggies; manly meat? Male consumers are reluctant to try vegetarian products because of a strong associatio­n of meat — especially muscle meat, such as steak — with masculinit­y, according to Paul Rozin of the University of Pennsylvan­ia, Julia Hormes of Louisiana State University, Myles Faith of the University of North Carolina and Brian Wansink of Cornell University.

The authors also analyzed 23 languages that use gendered pronouns. Across most languages, meat was related to the male gender. Possible takeaway? Because meat is typically more expensive than vegetables, men who can get past the manly meat notion might improve their waistlines and their bank accounts.

 ?? GORD WALDNER/THE Starphoeni­x ?? Kings of Leon lead singer Caleb Followill plays a concert at Credit Union Centre in October 2011. Research shows most people are good at budgeting regular monthly costs, but unexpected expenses, like paying extra to see a concert or fix an appliance,...
GORD WALDNER/THE Starphoeni­x Kings of Leon lead singer Caleb Followill plays a concert at Credit Union Centre in October 2011. Research shows most people are good at budgeting regular monthly costs, but unexpected expenses, like paying extra to see a concert or fix an appliance,...

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