Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Prairie band gets stolen gear back


A rock band with members from Saskatoon, Regina and Prince Albert has got back thousands of dollars in stolen equipment.

Chronobot’s gear was taken after their van broke down following a late October show in Saskatoon.

The band left the van in a parking lot but when they came back in the morning the contents were gone.

Guitarist David Landry says they’ve been relying on backup gear and borrowing other people’s equipment since that time.

A band member spotted someone trying to sell the stolen goods on Kijiji. Landry says Saskatoon police have arrested two people.

Landry says the ads were badly written, the price was too low for the quality of the gear and the seller left a fake name.

Then, he found out someone actually tried to buy the gear.

“All of a sudden we got a random message on Facebook,” he said.

It was from a man who had gone to buy an amp, but got suspicious when dealing with the seller.

“This guy went to go buy this guitar amp, he was given a bass amp, a bag full of pedals, basically almost $2,000 worth of equipment for whatever measly price he paid for this guitar amp.”

The guy who bought the gear realized it was stolen and contacted Chronobot to return everything he bought.

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