Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Harper says he won’t relax prohibited weapons


OTTAWA — Prime Minister Stephen Harper has issued an unexpected rebuke to his government’s own firearms advisory committee, rejecting its recommenda­tions and suggesting the group’s membership may need revisiting.

Documents obtained by the Coalition for Gun Control reveal the committee advising Public Safety Minister Vic Toews wants some prohibited weapons, including hand guns and assault rifles, reclassifi­ed to make them more easily available.

The 14-member group is also pushing to make firearm licences good for at least 10 years, rather than the current five — a measure opposed by police who say the five-year renewals are a chance to weed out unstable gun owners.

Coming on the anniversar­y of Montreal’s Ecole Polytechni­que massacre — in which 14 young women died at the hands of a deranged gunman — the documents provided opposition MPs with new ammunition to fire at a government that earlier this year repealed and destroyed the



federal long-gun registry.

But even as gun enthusiast­s cheered the proposed reforms by the federal advisory committee Thursday on online message boards, Harper was pouring cold water on the committee in the House of Commons.

“Let me be as clear as I can be,” the prime minister said in response to a question from NDP Leader Tom Mulcair.

“Prohibited weapons exist as a category under the law for essential reasons of public security. The government has absolutely no intention of weakening that category of protection­s.”

Harper stressed repeatedly that the recommenda­tions contained in a March 2012 “memorandum for the minister” are not government policy.

And when interim Liberal Leader Bob Rae suggested the government’s advisory committee — which is dominated by sport shooting en- thusiasts and those opposed to gun control — needed wider representa­tion, including from police chiefs, those fighting domestic violence and groups dealing with suicide prevention, Harper all but agreed.

“I will take the advice of the leader of the Liberal party under considerat­ion,” Harper responded.

“I’m obviously very concerned with some of the recommenda­tions made in that report, and I think the com- mittee does need some reexaminat­ion in that light.”

The prime minister’s comments will certainly be a comedown for gun enthusiast­s who were cheering a Toronto Star report of the committee recommenda­tions earlier Thursday.

“A shocking outbreak of common sense? What are they drinking in Ottawa these days?” said one poster on Outdoorsme­

“This is great! I am so glad we have a government that has some common sense ... at least for now,” wrote another.

Conservati­ves used the Liberal long-gun registry as a prime fundraisin­g tool and rural electoral wedge issue for more than a decade. But now that the registry is gone, the government appears to be playing down further changes — at least for broad public consumptio­n.

Two important developmen­ts this fall, the final destructio­n of all gun registry data outside Quebec and the further postponeme­nt of gun-marking regulation­s, were proactivel­y announced by the government to the gun lobby but not to a national audience via the news media.

Rae emerged from the Commons to suggest the prime minister “has learned something from this experience.”

“This is an area where frankly the public does not share the ideologica­l enthusiasm of the Conservati­ve backbench,” Rae said.

“People are just not interested in increasing access to weapons. They’re interested very much in reducing access to dangerous firearms.”

Toews’ firearms advisory committee is co-chaired by Steve Torino, the president of the Canadian Shooting Sports Associatio­n. It includes prominent anti-registry advocates including Tony Bernardo, a self-described gun-rights champion with Torino’s CSSA and Greg Farrant of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.

 ?? The Canadian Press ?? A man in Montreal reflects Thursday on the 23rd anniversar­y of the Montreal Massacre,
in which 14 female students were killed by a lone gunman at Ecole Polytechni­que.
The Canadian Press A man in Montreal reflects Thursday on the 23rd anniversar­y of the Montreal Massacre, in which 14 female students were killed by a lone gunman at Ecole Polytechni­que.

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