Saskatoon StarPhoenix

End-of-life debate at forefront

Is euthanasia already being performed?


The incoming president of the Canadian Medical Associatio­n says the time may have come for the powerful doctors’ group to revisit its stance on euthanasia.

Dr. Louis Hugo Francescut­ti says more doctors appear ready to have the same frank conversati­on many Canadians are being forced to have, as baby boomers watch their parents’ end-of-life struggles, and consider their own future.

The organizati­on officially opposes euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide in a policy that has not been updated since 2007.

But every policy is a snapshot of the thinking of the time, says Francescut­ti, the Edmonton emergency physician who assumes the helm of the CMA next week at the group’s annual general council meeting in Calgary.

“What I’m sensing is that the thinking is evolving quite rapidly around this issue right now, and it may change,” he said.

Some surveys suggest that euthanasia is already being practised. For example, morphine can be administer­ed in ever-increasing amounts to control terminal pain. Morphine depresses breathing at high doses. “More (doctors) want to have the discussion,” Francescut­ti told Postmedia News. “And as more people start having the discussion, they start comparing what’s happening right now, either in their own practice or within their institutio­ns.

“They’re starting to find that a lot of what people are discussing may be going on officially or unofficial­ly, and they’re getting this sense of relief that finally things are out in the open and we can talk about them in a way that we can learn from each other and see what other countries have done as well.”

Euthanasia and doctorassi­sted dying are among the most emotionall­y charged and polarizing issues today. But the issue is taking on new urgency as boomers confront their own mortality, Francescut­ti said. His own mother died only weeks ago at the age of 84. She died at the West Island Palliative Care Residence in Kirkland, Que., a palliative care centre “of the highest calibre I have ever seen,” Francescut­ti said.

“If I’m going to pass away, that’s the way, other than dying in my sleep of a heart attack, that’s the way that I would like to go — being surrounded by compassion­ate people who understand the issues, and who really care for each individual that comes through the system.”

But, “Having gone through this, all of a sudden it’s not just the discussion, but it’s the reality of most of us that have aging parents. And as we age ourselves, we’re starting to realize half our life is over, ” he said.

“It’s the full spectrum of end-of-life care — it’s not just physician-assisted euthanasia,” he stressed. He said the more urgent issue is to improve the health of all Canadians “so that we can die healthier.” But, “I think what we’re seeing is that society is saying, ‘Enough of us are going through this and we want to have a frank discussion.’ The Canadian Medical Associatio­n is not shying away from this issue,” he said. “But at the end of the day, society is going to lead the way. It’s not going to be physicians.”

The doctors’ annual meeting, which has been dubbed the “parliament of Canadian medicine,” will hear from an expert panel Monday that was struck to explore a full spectrum of end-of-life issues, including palliative care and “advance directives” or living wills, as well as euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Any resolution­s passed by the general council will be referred to the board of directors. “Maybe we need a one or two day think tank,” Francescut­ti said. “Maybe we need a cross-country town hall meeting on end-of-life issues, which I suspect would be very well received by the public.

“And then after an enormous amount of discussion we can come up with a new consensus document that may be the same, maybe it will change. But I think the driver is that boomers are reaching the stage where their parents are ill and dying. They’re questionin­g a lot of what they see and they’re not quite satisfied with it.”

Some observers say that the group is likely to be strongly divided, and that the CMA rarely takes a leadership role on issues as controvers­ial as doctor-hastened death.

The issue is as divisive as abortion was decades ago, said Dr. Derryck Smith, a Vancouver psychiatri­st and past president of the BC Medical Associatio­n.

“If you look at the debate around abortion, the medical organizati­ons were the last people to come on board and come out with policies on this,” said Smith, clinical professor emeritus in the University of British Columbia’s department of psychiatry.

 ?? BRUCE Edwards/postmedia News ?? Dr. Louis Hugo Francescut­ti says many doctors are ready to
openly talk about euthanasia.
BRUCE Edwards/postmedia News Dr. Louis Hugo Francescut­ti says many doctors are ready to openly talk about euthanasia.

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