Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Canada’s auditor general Micheal Ferguson is set to name out-of-line senators.


OTTAWA — A sweeping probe of Senate spending by Canada’s auditor general will name names when Michael Ferguson eventually outlines his findings, and the prospect leaves some members of the upper chamber jumpy.

The last time the auditor general’s office reviewed spending in the upper chamber, when Sheila Fraser held the job, its final report didn’t even identify who was among the small batch of senators were having their expenses reviewed.

This week, Ferguson let senators know that won’t be the case this time around, Postmedia New has learned. Ferguson is studying the expenses of every senator and will report whose expenses are in line and whose are not.

Ferguson explained how he would report findings on every member of the upper chamber during a closeddoor meeting with senators last Tuesday night, minutes after they had adjourned debate for the day on motions to suspend without pay three senators whose questionab­le expenses led the upper chamber to call in the auditor general in the first place.

There are some in the chamber who aren’t concerned about what the final report will say, believing their fiscal house is in order, though they concede it’s possible he will uncover mistakes. But it appears that there is concern from others about being scrutinize­d by Ferguson and his office. Senators appear to have drawn the line on one request from the auditor, balking at a request from Ferguson’s office for informatio­n that may be subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Ferguson has the right to ask for the confidenti­al communicat­ions between senators and their lawyers, but he also must protect this informatio­n from release. However, the auditor general has never before sought such documentat­ion from senators, and they are not ready to waive this confidenti­ality now.

Letters have been sent out to senators’ offices asking them to consent to the request.

“We’re not going to give it to him,” said a senator who was at the meeting Tuesday, and who would only speak on condition of anonymity.

Spending in the upper chamber has been the subject of an ongoing scandal that hit a new level of drama last week as the Senate debated whether to suspend, without pay, senators Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and Patrick Brazeau. All three were found to have run afoul of Senate spending rules, although all three claim to have done nothing wrong. A motion to limit that debate was expected to be introduced Monday; it was possible a final vote on their fates could happen mid-week, though the timelines are fluid.

All three have spoken in the Senate in their defence and argued that they were not alone in making expense claims that could be considered questionab­le, or even in violation of Senate spending rules.

During debate, it was even suggested that Conservati­ve senators had repaid numerous questionab­le expense claims.

“I’ve heard other rumours, not publicly, that other members of (the Conservati­ve) caucus have repaid expenses. I don’t know the truth of that,” said Sen. Elaine McCoy, an independen­t senator who sits as a Progressiv­e Conservati­ve.

Ferguson’s audit is to begin in earnest this month, with the first of what is expected to be three reports from Ferguson’s auditors arriving before the Senate in December. The remaining two reports will outline the findings of probes of senators’ individual spending going back two years.

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 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK/The Canadian Press ?? Auditor General Michael Ferguson’s office will be reviewing
and reporting on the finances of evert serving senator.
SEAN KILPATRICK/The Canadian Press Auditor General Michael Ferguson’s office will be reviewing and reporting on the finances of evert serving senator.

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