Saskatoon StarPhoenix

While Mulcair does the work, Trudeau will reap the rewards


As Canadians gape in dismay or disgust at the spectacle in Ottawa or, more likely, tune out, it’s worth asking this question: Who wins? Does anyone? Broadly, the answer is no. We all lose. But politicall­y, there is a winner. Justin Trudeau probably takes this round, though he barely appeared to set foot in the ring, simply because of what he represents, and doesn’t, and where he was, and wasn’t, when Sen. Mike Duffy’s latest cluster bomb went off.

To give credit where due: NDP leader Tom Mulcair has lived up to his nickname, “The Grizzly,” conferred on him during his former political life in Quebec City. Mulcair was good last spring, when the Senate mess first erupted. In recent days he’s been great. He laughs, even as he cuts the Conservati­ves’ shifting storylines to ribbons. This is a rhetoricia­n at the top of his game — better than Prime Minister Stephen Harper, better than Trudeau, and possibly better than Bob Rae, who was among the best in modern times.

Likewise, Mulcair has avoided the leghold traps set for him thus far with respect to free trade with Europe. Tory talking points portraying the NDP as “against” CETA and thus “against trade,” are, simply, lies. There are tonal difference­s between the NDP stance and the Liberal one, for example — unlike Trudeau, Mulcair did not pop figurative champagne corks or congratula­te the government — but not material ones. Openness to CETA, of course, helps the New Democrats shore up their credential­s as economical­ly competent.

What will be bad news for Mulcair, and for Harper, as they trade hammer blows like Gaulish chieftains, is that there’s a third player in the wings, keeping slightly back from the carnage, and burnishing his image as an earnest reformer, dismayed by all this muck and sleaze. While Ottawa melted down last week over Duffy, Trudeau was in Washington, stumping for the Keystone XL pipeline — and pointedly declining to criticize Harper from abroad, on grounds it wasn’t good form. That was interestin­g.

There’s a long tradition in politics, and in political literature, of the plain-spoken naif who catapults himself into the snake pit, there to do battle with the forces of darkness on behalf of truth and democracy. Abraham Lincoln is the real-life prototype; Jimmy Stewart, starring in Frank Capra’s 1939 masterpiec­e, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, the fictional one. There are hints of this allegory everywhere in modern pop culture. Trudeau is playing echoes of it like a violin and has been doing so for months.

He laid the ground work during his leadership campaign, with his insistence on avoiding personal attacks. He began building the frame last June 5 (coincident­ally, the same day Harper told the House of Commons that Nigel Wright was acting alone) when he made himself champion of MP accountabi­lity, with a plan to post Liberal MPs’ expenses online, to the same standard that has applied to cabinet ministers and their staffs since 2004. The House of Commons board of internal economy is now following suit, with new rules going into effect in April.

Taken together, this may shed light on why, Saturday, invited by CBC host Evan Solomon to take the prime minister apart hammer and tong, Trudeau demurred. He said he preferred not to get into “he said, she said,” but simply expects Harper to take responsibi­lity, do the right thing, be upfront, and more in that vein. Swing voters who shifted en masse from Grit to Conservati­ve in 2011, people who are economic conservati­ves and not Harper haters per se, could be expected to want something similar, expressed in a similar way.

Trudeau knows the Conservati­ve core base is off limits to him; he knows, likewise, that he can count on baby boomers who voted for his father, and a share of the youth vote. But for victory he needs large numbers of voters best represente­d, in the current Senate fight, by dissident Red Tory Sen. Hugh Segal, or Conservati­ve conscienti­ous objector Sen. Don Plett, or backbench rebel MP Peter Goldring. Trudeau only has to make it acceptable for wobbly 2011 Conservati­ves to come over to him on a trial basis. He doesn’t have to make them love it. The Liberal leader’s Keystone XL push in Washington, therefore, is no coincidenc­e. Nor was its timing, just after the throne speech.

That the New Democrats still do not perceive what their arch-nemesis is up to, could be seen in NDP members’ tut-tutting over the weekend about Trudeau’s support for Big Oil — in effect, doing his work for him. The NDP’s opposition to the pipeline is now Trudeau’s best friend; his strong support of it, among his greatest assets.

It allows him to gather up Conservati­ve refugees disgusted by the Senate imbroglio, but for whom openness to trade with Europe isn’t enough to constitute economic savvy, and who will never vote New Democrat, no matter how good Mulcair is in the House, because of his party’s DNA-deep hostility to the oilpatch. So, Mulcair has tilled the soil, here. Trudeau will harvest the crop.

 ?? SUSAN WALSH/The Associated Press ?? Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s image as a morally upstanding newcomer to the political
snakepit will serve him well as the Senate scandal unfolds.
SUSAN WALSH/The Associated Press Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau’s image as a morally upstanding newcomer to the political snakepit will serve him well as the Senate scandal unfolds.
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